Monday, December 5, 2011

CHORA PORCADA E CORINTHIANS PORRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA gag tyoh krjo nkug ijenan eparah2kbeh e prei WHAT: no limit texas hold’em 3 DAY PLAYIN tournament FOR SUNDAYS FINAL TABLE when: December 15

Agnaldo Martins
Tata Delta Mania
Tata Delta Mania gag tyoh, krjo nkug ijenan e,,..parah2...kbeh e prei..
Shauntel Hurd
Shauntel Hurd WHAT: no limit texas hold’em 3 DAY PLAY-IN- tournament FOR SUNDAYS FINAL TABLE ! when: December 15, 7PM, DECEMBER 16, 7PM, DECEMBER 17, 11AM & 5PM, December 18, 2011- 3pm final table Why: raise funds for the 2012 youth SPORTS & academic programs Where: 3583 e. Livingston ave 1 BUILDING OVER FROM THE FAMILY DOLLAR INSIDE THE Multi –Purpose center Entry fee: Thursday & Friday $35.00 Saturday $45.00 Prizes: TOP 2 PLAYERS FROM THURSDAy, TOP 2 PLAYERS FROM Friday, and TOP 3 PLAYERS FROM EACH OF Saturday’s session will qualify for SUNDAYS FINAL TABLE. PLAYERS IN THE top 10% from each session will receive prize payout OR QUALIFY FOR SUNDAY’S final table .the prize PAYOUT will be based on the number of participates Registration: in person 1 hour prior to session through 1 hour after session has started or early registration online. EARLY REGISTRATION IS ENCOURAGED SESSIONS ARE LIMITED TO 100 PLAYERS PER SESSION FREE SNACKS, HOT DOGS, AND POP TO REGISTERED PLAYERS FOR Additional TOURNAMENT information, early registration AND OR ONLINE PAYMENT GO TO click on no limit hold tournament


Shauntel Hurd
Manpreet Singh
Manpreet Singh ਬੁਹਤੇ ਦਿਮਾਗ ਵਾਲੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਣ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਲ ਕਦੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਦਿਲ ਦਾ, ਝੱਲੇ ਦਿਲ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝਣ ਲਈ ਤਾਂ ਝੱਲੇ ਹੋਣਾ ਪੈਂਦਾ ਏ....
Letha SoWavy Gibson
Letha SoWavy Gibson - S[H][E] P[R]EGN[A][N]T -Like if you get it. *


Pete No Cuffin RockDevocio Ballislife ButlerMalik Chucklesdaevilpiggy HurdleBeloved Bonafye Smith
Lucas Natal
Lucas Natal Vendo 02 par de bicho papao 800WRMS + 01 Modulo Pyramid 1200w Super Pro + 02 corneta booster e 02 tweeters roadstar 60wrms + 01 sub pionner 10 450wrms ( na caixa dutada). Preços a negociar , TODO OU PARTES. 8824-7985 / 3206--5528
Hafizuddin W. Yussof
Hafizuddin W. Yussof E&IT Replacement class on topics C+L+RL at WDKU1 for all 3 sections.. Time 8.30pm-10.30pm..
Khalid Hasan
Khalid Hasan ajke je kokhon morning holo ter-e pelam na.


Shuvo Biswas
Adrian Gomez
Adrian Gomez talento mexicano siempre ha habido solo que ya saben si no hay lana ni palancas pues....... e aqui una muestra de grupos cantantes y demas que han estado en youtube desde hace tiempo y que REALMENTE estan tocando en VIVO, video del 2008 y como ese grupo hay muchos mas pero que no tienen la lana y palancas necesarios para darse a conocer.
Banda de Izcalli, Edo. de Mex. tocando Zombie de los Cranberries.
Stephanie Hoffman
Stephanie Hoffman ABC'S A- available: No, happily married B- birthday: June 4th C- crushing on: my hubby D- drink last had: peach flavored sugar free tea. yummm E- easiest person to talk to: alyssa ortega F- favorite song: burn it down to the ground G- grossest memory: brittney coming to my house drunk, n pooping all over my bathroom H- hometown: Richland I- in love: yep, with my hubby J- jealous of: idk K- killed someone: heck no L- longest friendship: 28yrs with my hubby M- middle name: Michelle N- number of siblings: 2 sisters and 2 brothers O- one wish: move into a bigger house with a huge kitchen P- person who called you last: don't remember Q- question you're always asked: can i get a ride R- reason to smile: my grandson gabriel S- song you last sang: idk T- time you woke up: around 8a.m. U- underwear color: oh, wow. i choose not to answer V- violent moment: can't remember one, i guess thats a good thing W- worst habit: not finishing things that i have started X- X-rays: many to keep track of Y- your last kiss: today Z- zodiac sign: Gemini
Rafael Azevedo
Rafael Azevedo 6 titulos de campeonato Brasileiro nao e pra qualquer um, parabens Corinthians pelas 6 tacas, 5 serie a e 1 SERIE B!
Ace Boon Coon
Brandon Wisting
Brandon Wisting The United States Marine Corps, with its fiercely proud tradition of excellence in combat, its hallowed rituals, and its unbending code of honor, is part of the fabric of American myth. Thomas E. Ricks; Making the Corps, 1997
Nilda Guzman
Nilda Guzman Es de refleccionar este video mirenlo
comenten y suscribanse.
Conrado Gabriel
Conrado Gabriel CARALHO ! tive que formatar o pc e perdi : 8 temporadas de house; 5 de Dexter;4 de Castle;7 de Bones;5 de The Big Bang Theory;4 de The Mentalist e 7 de Two and a Half Man... Mas eu choro mesmo é pelas Playboys !! uhauhauh
Anastasia Miller
Anastasia Miller Five minutes and 18 seconds well spent. This short debuted with Pixar's Wall-E and is brilliantly animated and really, really funny. Run, don't walk.
Iracy Possmozer
Iracy Possmozer Feliz demais,Jesus e tudo pra mim.


Pricylla Fontes
Richard Sowers
Richard Sowers Corey Glover about to hit the stag!!e
Gabriela Ramoos
Gabriela Ramoos to ouvindo uns hinos aqui, to muito afim de entrar pra igreja por um tempo pra melhorar o meu espirito, meu psicologico mais forte e tal . to carente e no momento eu so quero Deus na minha vida .
Vitor Hugo Torugo
Vitor Hugo Torugo Ah...não podemos deixar de elogiar os Vasxxxcão pela força de vontade e determinação pela distputa de todos os campeonatos que estava participando. Isso demonstra a gradenza de um time...gana, vontade de ganar!!! PARABÉNS VASCO...
王振平 薪貧族 優先考慮定期壽險 2011/12/04-聯合報 【聯合報╱記者孫中英/專題報導】 愈來愈多人被迫放無薪假,因此成了「薪貧族」,金管會保險局官員建議,民眾可考慮購買「最便宜」的定期壽險保單,一方面減少支出、一方面維持保險保障。 另外,有些民眾工作不穩定,手頭缺乏資金,會考慮將保單解約,省去保費支出。第一金人壽總經理林元輝建議,若保費負擔過重,可考慮「降低保額、保費墊繳、減額繳清、展期定期」等方式,不要貿然解約。 金管會保險局主任祕書張玉暉表示,定期壽險商品架構簡單,保費相對便宜,適合經濟不寬裕,但卻有保障需求者購買。 目前景氣前景不明,最好優先考量定期壽險,等景氣明朗或所得增加,再購買儲蓄型保單或終身壽險等險種。 張玉暉說,到今年9月底,國人個人壽險平均保額約135.48萬元,比去年平均保額131.54萬元,增加3.94萬元;至於各壽險公司的新契約保費收入,例如定期壽險這種純死亡保障險種的保費收入占率,卻只有1.58%左右。可見多數國人不愛買純保障商品。 繳不出保費 4招度難關 林元輝指出,休無薪假或被減薪的民眾,可考慮4種方式降低保費或豁免保費支出。首先是「降低保額」,例如將保額從500萬元降低為200萬元,馬上可減少保險費支出。 其次則為「保費墊繳」。林元輝解釋,保戶購買壽險保單後一段時間,會累積一定的「保單價值準備金」,如果「薪貧族」沒有多餘的錢繳保費,可考慮「保費墊繳」;用累積的保單價值準備金墊繳保費,也不會影響保額。 但保戶要注意,保單價值準備金夠不夠扣繳,如果不夠扣,保單可能停效。 第三種方式為「減額繳清」,即是用保單已累積的價值準備金,扣除相關費用後的餘額為準,換算還能買到多少保額。林元輝說,選擇「減額繳清」後,保戶不用再繳保費,保障期間也不變,但保額會縮減。 最後則是「展期定期」。林元輝說,這是以保單累積的保單價值準備金,扣除相關費用後的餘額為準,保戶不用再繳交保費,但原保障展延到變更後的年限即停止。例如原本「終身」擁有300萬元壽險保障,申請「展期定期」後,縮短到「20年內」有效,不再保障終身。 林元輝也提醒民眾,一旦申請減額繳清及展期定期就無法恢復,申請前最好考慮清楚。
Arnould Andrade
Arnould Andrade não adianta fugir, sua atitude hoje é o resultado de quem é você amanha.
Valery Openhearted
Valery Openhearted 5 likes && ill do my ABC's A-Available: B-Birthday: C-Crushing On: D-Drink you last had: E-Easiest person to talk too: F-Favorite song: G-Grossest memory: H-Hometown: I-In love with: J-Jealous of: K-Kissed Who Last ?: L-Longest friendship: M-Milkshake flavor: N-Number of siblings: O-One wish: P-Person who called you last: Q-Question you're always asked: R-Reason to smile: S-Song you last sang: T-Time you woke up: U-Underwear color: V-Virgin ?: W-Worst habit: X-X-rays you had: Y-Your last time you cried: Z-Zodiac sign:
Bruno Salgueiro
Bruno Salgueiro Brutal olhar para as imagens e ouvir este som :)
Rosie Rebel
Rosie Rebel P-S-C-H-E-D-E-L-I-C CIRCUS !!!! TUESDAY!!

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