Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Its lovely weather to take a sleigh ride together with you 3 Anyone looking to buy a live Christmas tree my brother Wallace Stanley and his son Aaron has the

Gwen Knowles
Gwen Knowles Its lovely weather, to take a sleigh ride together with you <3


Trinity JanAlyson Goodwin
Linda Stanley Bates
Linda Stanley Bates Anyone looking to buy a live Christmas tree, my brother Wallace Stanley and his son Aaron has the nicest ones around. They are setup in front of Sargent's tires off US 23, as you turn toward Westwood. Buy the best, from the best! Love my Brother and the whole family!!!


Stacy Rene' CastleKieth RoseTawnya Baldridge-StanleyBobbi Ross Harris
Telka Thomas
Telka Thomas Random Thought: I have never known a grandmother that will go and buy all of their grandkids sumthing for X-mas. But my mother Leisha R Thomas is going to buy all 12 of her grandkids not one but two things for x-mas....I just wanted to tell her that I really appreciate all that she has done for me and my two...Peanut, Lia, and I LOVE U girl......#lovinmymom


Teresa Williams JacksonJonathan D HarrisIesha ThomasLakeetha Thomas- Kemp
Will Swisher
Will Swisher Change is like a rivers flow. Constant, with placid stretches, but sometimes the current of is fast, and when you're already wet... sink or swim!
Iam Serenity
Iam Serenity Man if i could learn how to use protools and what not....I'd be a happy camper
Keith Lewis
Keith Lewis A mind is a terrible thing to waist


Jacqueline Thornberry- BrownNicole TooCute CoyleNyesha GillsKeith Lewis
Les Pedler
Les Pedler The Green Thing Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the older woman that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days." The clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations." She was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn't have the green thing back in our day. We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day. Back then, we washed the baby's diapers because we didn't have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right. We didn't have the green thing back in our day. Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana . In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she's right. We didn't have the green thing back then. We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn't have the green thing back then. Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus, and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint. But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then? Remember: Don't make old people mad. We don't like being old in the first place, so it doesn't take much to piss us off.
Vinay Kumar
Vinay Kumar 1995.Ans al Qstn 2000.Answer any 5 Qstn 2005.Select d crt ans(A,B or C). 2010 :Write either a or b. 2015.Plz oly read d Qp Year 2020.Thx fr Cmin Have a nice day . -@-....V.K....-@-
Josefina Baloun
Caressia LaLa Reid
Caressia LaLa Reid Dear Briauna . I would love For my Default to Havee Your BEAUTIFUL face In It. Soo this is just a reminder much love -.- ♥


Briauna Trudy
Susan White-Shufflin
Video Clip
Carlos Reyes Bravo
Carlos Reyes Bravo A la spera d q se conecte la persona q mas kerooooo :Ñ
Alfatah Nesab
Sea Scout Ship 246 Welcome To Sea Scouts! Sea Scouting is adventure on sea and land -- for you. Sea Scouting is a co-education program offered to young adults between the ages of 14 and 21. It's a chance to learn and have fun at the same time. Purpose of Sea Scouting Sea Scouting is organized to promote better citizenship and to improve members' boating skills and knowledge through instruction and practice in water safety, boating skills, outdoor, social, and service experiences, and knowledge of our maritime heritage. What’s In It for You? You can learn to sail, to row, and to keep a boat in shape; you can cruise local waters or go sailing on long cruises far from home. You can learn to Scuba dive and take care of boats. You'll be active in camping, social events, tours, regattas, excursions, and seamanship contests. You'll also have a chance to develop maritime skills that can lead to careers later on.
Jon Iglesias
Jon Iglesias Bathrraga is officially a word lmao


Carlos SantiagoZane Grunewald
Clara Caprood
Payton Stricklin
Payton Stricklin Single around Christmas. Put this as your status, and whoever messages or text messages you a ♥ they want to change that
Evelyn Tredway
Evelyn Tredway Some Christmas gift suggestions: .... to your enemy ❤ a friend ❤ your everyone ❤ every child ❤ a good example and to yourself ❤ RESPECT and INTEGRITY!


Jo Jo B
Paulo WaLo Castro
Paulo WaLo Castro Ya maníama a stgo y luego a villa prát


Paz Rivera Montecinos
Narasimhan Ramachandran
Narasimhan Ramachandran Hi friends, Today (Dec/06/2011), Dilip and Shilpa complete HALF YEAR of their marriage. Hi Dil and Shil, Weather is chill Make your kill Have a will Climb up the hill Dont worry on bill Have ur heart's fill Let time stand still Let ur troubles be nil. Congratulations. (Let me search my Mediclaim card; friends are going to thrash me.)


Sreenivasakumar Sivasubramanian
Melinda Webb
Melinda Webb thinking of all our soldiers...this christmas in Kuwait & Afghanistan.
Singer / Songwriter and Activist Danny Rongo asks you to PLEASE REMEMBER OUR TROOPS this holiday season. Please forward this video to one and all so we conti...


Corey LittleTammy Aulds
Pat Bradtke
Pat Bradtke Since this seems to work for my friends I am going to give it a try. I am passing this on because it worked for me today... Dr. Oz on TV said that to reach inner peace we should always finish things we start and we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked around my house to find things I'd started and hadn't finished, so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun scriptins, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum.


Regina BrustAllie KaffenbargerMary MiltonCarol Wilson
Seeker Ministies
"I John,who also am your brother,and companion in tribulation,and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ,was in the isle that is called Patmos,for the word of God,and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day,and heard behind me a great voice,as of a trumpet,Saying,'I am Alpha and Omega,the first and the last: and,What thou seest, write in a book,and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus,and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos,and unto Thyatira,and unto Sardis,and unto Philadelphia,and unto Laodicea' .And I turned to see the voice that spake with me.And being turned,I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man,clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.His head and his hairs were white like wool,as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass,as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters." Revelation 1;9-15
Joey Sock Chew Loh
一個努力奮鬥-台灣好女孩.. 給年輕的未來-新生代ㄧ各參考的(故事)... 也許平凡.但是這就是(意志力)-堅持.. 現今社會.很多倍(五光十色)的環境下影響.. 很多年輕人被迷惘了...看看這位我看她成長的(好女孩)... 希望大家收下(心)...好好面對自己未來的人生...共勉之 年輕的生命不怕吃苦,但絕不要做任何一件讓自己後悔的事⋯⋯ 長得甜美可人的台灣偶像劇主角林依晨,入行以來克勤克儉,毫無驕氣;年紀輕輕,就獨力幫父母還清大筆債務,半年前在台灣奪下金鐘影后頭銜,演技終獲肯定。 她坦言,看到明星好友許瑋倫垂危的那一幕,讓她了悟一個道理:就是「活在當下」。 「那一天,我趁接戲的空檔跑到台中度假,接到惡耗,整個人都傻了。趕到加護病房時,只見周遭的人全都束手無策,瑋倫就靜靜地躺在那兒,臉上戴着呼吸器,一頭秀髮全被剪光,嘴唇和眼皮都腫了起來,空氣中瀰漫着一陣陣濃厚的血腥味,我彷彿感覺到她的三魂七魄就站在我身旁……」 當時的林依晨,陷入一種不知該如何是好的矛盾情緒裏。她說,她沒喊、沒哭,只是一直默唸:「瑋倫,你不要猶豫,不管是死、是活,都要勇敢往前走。」 林依晨說,許瑋倫的死,深深撼動了她的心,當時她倆同樣是台灣偶像劇裏的女主角,在戲裏,彼此頭角崢嶸;在戲外,卻是無話不談的好朋友,經常打手機、互傳簡訊打氣加油。 「許瑋倫的家境優渥,卻像『天使』一樣善良,知道我的家境不好,每次相約吃飯,總會送我一些貼心的小禮物,而且是敞開心胸,無所畏懼地聊工作、聊感情。」 思及那天許瑋倫垂死的光景,林依晨哽咽了。好友生前的種種美好,令她對自己的人生一度感慨萬千。林依晨說:「出道後,我很少跟外界談到自己單親家庭的背景。五歲那年,父親就離開了家,母親怕我們難過,總是騙我們說,爸爸到外地出差,所以一年才看得到幾面。」 為了養活林依晨和弟弟,她母親擔任一名小會計,所賺的錢不夠付房租、孩子的學費和日常開銷,於是前後辦了十張現金卡,以債養債,十幾年下來負債滾到三百多萬元(新台幣,下同)。 當時,就讀政治大學韓文系二年級的林依晨渾然不知,主演偶像劇《十八歲的約定》一炮而紅,酬勞大筆進帳,母親告訴她負債的慘況時,她倒抽了一口氣。 「我平靜下來後,接受了母親為這個家負債的事實,所以我決定扛起責任來......承擔力,讓母親鬆一口氣。」 於是,林依晨成了演藝圈最「摳」的省錢專家,拍戲賺的錢嚴格分成十份,九份給母親,剩下的一份再以「二比二比六」的方式,分成三個儲蓄簿保管:「六」是存了不能提領的錢;「二」是存進去非到必要才能提領的錢;另個「二」才是自己的生活費。......管理/節制/務實 從每集幾千元到數萬元的身價,林依晨始終只用最「低」的生活水準來對待自己。有的偶像團體請了三個助理,她一個人扛着大包、小包的戲服,完全不管別人異樣的眼光,戴上口罩坐公車、搭捷運、看二輪電影。.......平實, 正確看待自己, 沒有人紅就忘了自己是誰 龐大的債務一還就是三年,當她拿剪刀一張又一張地「剪」掉母親的現金卡時,新的債務又來了。「我一直瞞着母親和父親保持連絡,希望修復一家人的關係.......看重家庭價值。沒想到,父親作了十幾年的汽車銷售員,隨着景氣越來越差,最後只剩下底薪一萬元,根本不夠租房子、吃飯,加上過去投資生意失敗的一百多萬元債務,成了生活上的大包袱。」 為了一圓家人團聚的美夢,林依晨咬牙又再度撐了三年。三年來,她嚴格要求自己把賺來的錢分成「一比六比三」:十分之一是自用,另十分之六付房貸,餘下的作為家用,二○○八年終於買下東區一棟價值兩千萬元的老屋,還偷偷從自己存款裏擠出一百多萬元,還清了父親的債務。 也許是一家人的生計激勵了林依晨的鬥志,這些年,林依晨的臉龐﹁嬰兒肥﹂依舊,卻明顯少了幾許稚氣,多了一絲堅毅。 談起拍戲七年來的甘苦,林依晨坦率地說,回首來時路,她覺得人生苦中有甘,甘中有苦。許瑋倫的美好和死亡,讓她更堅定要小心翼翼、勤勞不懈地活下去......有多少成年人做得到.,她說:「人,要活在當下,只要活着,再困難的處境都有克服的機會。」 所以,當她的母親兩年前中風住院時,她就堅持要母親辭去工作,生活費由她負責就好。父親老了,需要一份安定的生活保障,她考慮了半年,決定請父親擔任自己的司機,由她每月支付三萬元的薪資。 「現在,我有兩個超完美的助理,一個是我的母親,她每天打生機飲食給我補充營養;一個是我的父親,讓他作我的司機,既安全又足以百分之百信任。」 買了足以棲身的「家」,林依晨對自己不但沒放鬆,反而更嚴厲了。她說,不管拍戲再晚,每天早上八點一定起床看書,大量閱讀書籍和看電影......這也是有信念的人才做得到的事,增加自己的演技厚度,對她而言,「金鐘影后」只是從事演藝工作的一小步,她期許未來自己作一名表演藝術家。 她始終相信,名氣和財富僅是努力工作伴隨而來的禮物,她憑着努力與一家人幸福團聚,才是她「活在當下」的快樂人生。 「常聽您感嘆學生一年不如一年,但我一直很想告訴您,其實單純、可愛、熱情、認真的人還是很多的,只是沒讓您碰上罷了(如果您要將我歸納於其中的話,我很榮幸!)」   這是偶像劇一姐林依晨在高中畢業後第一年回母校明倫高中時,親手寫給體育老師張炳躍的小字條。   對於演藝圈來說,「林依晨」這個名字,代表的是質感路線,不脫、沒緋聞、話也不多,是新生代演員中的一股清流。但,看在教過她2年體育、情如父女的張炳躍眼裡,她則是個「不管多麼忙,年年都會回學校問候老師」的「好禮學生」。 7年來,不是人到就是電話到   「從2001年到2007年,始終如一。只有一年在大陸拍戲,人沒到,但電話卻到了。她總是利用教師節前一週的星期五下午3、4點,喬裝入校。」站在明倫高中操場旁的大樹下,張炳躍回憶起這個曾有過2年師生情誼的學生,生動地描述著林依晨學生時代的模樣與糗事,彷若當年同樣在大樹下師生聊學業、近況的耳濡情景,就在眼前。   在張炳躍記憶中,這個高二時就因「捷運美少女」被發掘拍廣告,同時還是全校模範生的林依晨,是個愛游泳的女生。不像一般女生不喜歡下水,林依晨上課鐘一響就跑到游泳池,態度很專注,還帶動班上的游泳風氣。   「有著鄰家女孩彬彬有禮態度」的形容詞,不只出現於張炳躍口中,就連英文補習班老師徐薇、才教過林依晨半年的明倫高中教務主任王文珠、政治大學韓國語文學系教授郭秋雯等人,亦不約而同稱許她。   「從出名到現在,都沒改變。客客氣氣的,跟學生時代沒什麼不一樣,」帶 著慣有爽朗語調的英文補習班名師徐薇如此形容林依晨。對於每年總要「送往迎來」數百名高中畢業生的徐薇來說,第1年、第2年回來看老師所在多有,但要持續到第7年,那可就少之又少了。   其中有一年教師節,徐薇差點以為林依晨大概自此不會來探訪了,但就在晚上接近12點時,徐薇的手機意外響起。電話中傳來的是焦急的致歉聲,林依晨因為在外地拍戲無法趕回台北,還好下戲時趕上午夜結束前的10分鐘,趕緊以電話補上她的教師節祝福。   由於徐薇也是出身經濟不寬裕的家庭,她觀察林依晨的待人處世將來對她一定很有幫助,「這小女生將來一定會成功!」徐薇如此注解。   另一位高中老師王文珠,則用很感性的台語形容林依晨:「就感心」。有一回,林依晨回校時,一看見曾帶過她的導師林素娥,迎面來個相擁而抱,忘記「低調」兩字的結果,當然引來學弟學妹的圍觀與歡呼聲。   張炳躍感嘆地說,當紅年輕偶像的時間少得可憐,一個下午的時間,用來拍個廣告或接通告,可能就是數百萬的進帳。但,林依晨沒有這樣做,反倒用可貴的時間,選擇關心生命中對她付出過的人。 媽媽的溫柔提醒   林依晨為什麼要這麼「好禮」呢?從清晨4、5點忙到傍晚5點多,剛下戲的林依晨,趕緊趁空檔抓了一個麵包填肚子,面對記者提問,她反倒疑惑的說:「我不想要手機中幾百通的電話化為無形,或只是一組組的號碼,只有聯絡了,號碼才有感情的連結啊!」   疲累的聲音有著不同的表情,也道盡林依晨有禮貌的背後,源自於一種人情世故的基本態度。「我也不喜歡使用電子郵件。看到電子郵件的人,接收到的是冷冰冰的數位字元,只有通過卡片上的字,人與人的情感線才會被傳遞。久不聯絡,或許認識的朋友離開了原有場域,緣分斷了,找不到人,就是最大的遺憾了。」也因此,好禮問候已成林依晨生命旅程中的態度。然而,究竟是什麼樣的養分,滋養了她「堅持念舊」的心念?   胡適曾表示,他的脾氣、待人接物的和氣與寬恕體諒的個性,全歸功於他的母親,這也適用在林依晨身上。她表示,媽媽看起來好像很民主自由,讓她們選擇自己的路,但在行為舉止上,媽媽卻是個內心傳統的女性,在長幼尊卑禮儀上的要求很嚴格。例如說,上樓梯時,要讓長輩先走,晚輩要在後面保護著;下樓梯時,則要讓長輩走在後面,晚輩要在前面頂著,以防長輩跌了下來。這些都是從小到大媽媽對於林依晨的諄諄教誨。   即使出社會,幼時耳提面命仍舊在旁。林依晨有時一忙起來,為了跑場趕通告,難免會忘了前後順序,但只要媽媽有看到,總會溫柔地提醒她:「不管事業做得多成功、賺多少錢,都不可以忘了禮貌。這是做人最基本的。」     有鑑於此,林依晨還利用拍戲空檔去「學學文創」報名品酒等相關禮儀課。她說:「學禮儀不是為自己服務,而是讓別人感覺到尊重。隨著認識的人愈來愈多,視野愈來愈寬,了解世界各國的禮儀也是必須的。」 正面能量,源自內心的真誠   古諺「誠於中,形於外」是用來形容一個人的行為會反映出他的價值觀與心理狀態。在許多導演眼中,林依晨待人的態度,也正好投射在個人氣質上。   在MV導演馬宜中的「私鏡頭」裡,林依晨其實沒有模特兒的漂亮,甚至有點嬰兒肥。2001年時剛出道的林依晨拍攝五月天的MV《相信》,需要的女主角是可以在一種傷心的狀態下,仍然給出希望和正面的能量,「林依晨有那個特質,她很真實,」馬宜中如此形容。這種正面角色在她後來主演的多齣戲劇中也都可以看到。   內心真誠,讓林依晨即使在面對複雜的演藝圈時,也不需技巧拙劣地去討好別人。馬宜中觀察,一般女孩看見火紅的天團五月天,總免不了拍照或要簽名,但林依晨就是在一旁靜靜的,做她自己的事情、成熟而穩重。「她很鎮定,不多話也不笑,不刻意去取悅導演,是很少見、非常大器的那種女孩。」當時馬宜中甚至對著五月天幾位團員預言,「要小心」林依晨未來的潛力。   與林依晨合作過創台灣偶像劇收視新高的《惡作劇之吻》、《惡作劇2吻》的導演瞿友寧這樣形容林依晨:「她很特別,一上戲演的是帶點傻勁的湘琴,下了戲就是不發一語地,背台詞,等著下一個鏡頭開拍。她有一種年輕人少有的內斂又敬業的樣子。」   冷靜是對抗繁瑣與複雜環境的武裝,但面對片場工作人員或助理,只要迎面,眼神有交集到,林依晨總會露出笑容,親切地叫出對方的名字,使得出道至今,林依晨有別於一般年輕偶像,鮮少傳過負面新聞或留給人愛炒新聞的話柄。 將現實場景跳回故事啟頁的那張小字條。「希望將來不論您仍是當個體育『老』老師也好,或是我出了社會,走了那條路,我們都應當對自己的人生充滿熱情,愈挫愈勇,甚至屢敗屢戰,畢竟人不曉得自己那天會意外地就走了,對不?所以每一天都一定要過得『精采』!!!讓我們一起努力吧!」   淺白字裡行間,有著青春的印記,更透顯出林依晨的初衷。 全文摘自:快樂工作人雜誌
Peter Morales
Peter Morales You think I need a hair cut


Rob Obrien
Alwin Tan
Alwin Tan Just A Thought God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" - William A. Ward

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