Michael L Cox She's a yellow pair of running shoes A holey pair of jeans She looks great in cheap sunglasses She looks great in anything She's I want a piece of chocolate Take me to a movie She's I can't find a thing to wear Now and then she's moody
She's a Saturn with a sunroof With her brown hair a-blowing She's a softplace to land And a good feeling knowing She's a warm conversation That I wouldn't miss for nothing She's a fighter when she's mad And she's a lover when she's loving
[Chorus] And she's everything I ever wanted And everything I need I talk about her, I go on and on and on 'Cause she's everything to me
She's a Saturday out on the town And a church girl on Sunday She's a cross around her neck And a cuss word 'cause its Monday She's a bubble bath and candles Baby come and kiss me She's a one glass of wine And she's feeling kinda tipsy
She's the giver I wish I couldbe And the stealer of the covers She's a picture in my wallet and my unborn children's mother She's the hand that I'm holding When I'm on my knees and praying She's the answer to my prayer And she's the song that I'm playing
[Repeat chorus]
She's the voice I love to hear Someday when I'm ninety She's that wooden rocking chair I want rocking right beside me Everyday that passes I only love her more Yeah, she's the one That I'd lay down my own lifefor
And she's everything I ever wanted And everything I need She's everything to me Yeah she's everything to me
Everything I ever wanted And everything I need She's everything to me
Reba Thomas Snow Does anybody have a daughter,grandaughter, niece or a girl that likes High School Muscial?
Claire Jenkins We know the truth baby, and you can be free now. Anyman who can sleep with them a girl one night and be coming on to another the following morning, Slagging her off and making himself sound like he's hs perfect. Is a sleazebag in my eyes.
Steven Neville Tryin to make a clear choice between the right and wrong...
Missy Allard Alvarado I love Wallie World. A Team status. Lmfao
Taylor Katherine Jackson My friend thinks iam a drugie
Nikisha Nestor shit.....i got a check dats feeling horny rite now n wants a real man to lay it out in her****who dat 1???
Damien Mulholland sitting back relaxing having a couple of scotches watchen the box :-)
Dawn Briggs omg i put a sticker on my moms forehead and then i get told to call the dog and the dog comes in the room with the same sticker on his forehead!!! lmao. wow mom just wow... poor dog
Hit ''LIKE'' n plz "Share" Button if you Are against abortion..
What a proud Society we are : Killing our most defense less citizens in the name of our right to choose and compulsion :(
Andre Gomez Sometimes just a little compliment can make someone's entire day.
Joshua Da'Boss O'scino U can't play a nigga that's a pro
Kristy Purton hanging for a feed.
Rob Kings Will try and post some pics tomorrow. Dint know what happened but ms reared it's ugly head. Been hurting and sleeping 15-18 hrs a day. Been back with cane and wheelchair. Hope to shake it soon. Have a good night everyone
Ellen Grove smfh aint that a bitch no matter of fact thats not a bitch it a damn shame
Jay Da Champ Johnson michelle bachman has a huge head can't trust her lol
Jadeja Yuvrajsinh good morning friends
jay mataji bhaiyo
have a good verry good day
Kathryn Akrivos Repost this if you love your mum, or she will die a 10:00. Im not taking any chances
This is probably the most touching video you'll see in a long time. Nine beagles that spent their entire lives in a lab were rescued, and this is the video of them experiencing it for the first time. A must see.
博亚 Discliamer: This post is not "those post that you could like it or post a lol as a comment without using your precious brain that you have to think" oh and I'm not pointing fingers to anyone. I am excercising my right to freely state my opinion to an issue that people who "really have brains" will understand. I also would appreciate that we meet in person before becomming friends in facebook. I had been kind enough in the past but the last straw did break the camel's back. This is my profile so the one who have the last say in the matter is me.
Facebook can sometimes be a pain in the butt such as encourage you to be a "disgrace of your family" to throw away all off manners that you parents tried to teach you to stalk your friend's friend profile from every picture to every post. If you are one of those people who just did that before trying to add me to stupidly increase your friend's number or to not have any conversation at all then the most polite word that you would hear from me is f**k-off. Oh by the way I will not accept any dramatic responds. I think we are clear.
Charlotte Majors "When God gives us a word, let’s believe Him for it." - Beth Moore
Christine Taylor Received this from a postal friend of mine, no, not mental, he really works for the USPS!
I know we've been slacking on the updates.. been busy since Thanksgiving, I hope to get back into the routine.. it's not easy sitting here looking at cute photos all day. Hope everyone is having a great holiday season.. ship those gifts out soon!
Jason Errington Just got back from the invitational. Got 4th place out of 5. Did better than we were anticipating. But this was a practice event, real one is in march, a lot to work on, but we learned more in 8 hours of competition than 4 weeks of practice!
Jack Ronan 60 minutes in a basketball game. played thirty seconds with no explanation. BALLLLLEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chad Hall A night can change in an instant
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