Kelsey Shearer Overall today was a good day, worked & got to babysit my nieces, ha they make me smile:)
Will Crane It only took me half an hour to decide on a title so this 2000 word essay shouldn't take too long...
Shannon Harrell Good evening fb friends and fam, just thanking God for another day he has truely bless me and my kids Keonna and Ke'Darius mommy loves ya very much. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to everybody.
John Stephen Rhodes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! cold in florida tonight !!! hey joey!!!!!!!! send us a heat wave will ya ?
Cooper Rock Wow! Well, ......Im sure all of you know that I love to do the giveaways! You guys are all always so much fun! Its always a blast on Friday (um Saturday) nights!!! It started as a fan appreciation thing and has been too muh fun to stop, lol........since there seems to be many ties tonite Im just going to draw a number and put the winners names at the bottom.....hope y'all dont mind ;) Thanks for playing everyone!!! <3
Galen DeShawn Douglas I'm deleting my facebook because . ---->>
ITS PRETTY FUNNY THAT YOU OPENED THIS BECAUSE ... in the next seven days you will:
1. Have someone fall in love with you
2. Find a $20.00 bill on the ground
3. Go out with the person you like :3 ... But first! You gotta repost this and see how many people you can scare ( ;
Samantha Urdak About to eat some ramen, and imagine that it's some amazing tacobell ^_^ Life of a broke college student.
Amber Hamel pretty sure one of mans most hideous creations is "skinny jeans" no man shall wear jeans skinnier than a womans!!!!
Ranita Donaby LIKE* Fa a messeage, love on yo wall, & like yo best pic! :)
Ronaldhino J. Adrian Whtts A Good Name For A Dog . . . ? ' *Comment*
Beth Wensel Is enjoying a little Boone's quality sangria before Mel's.
Dennis Kurtz "Dude! I just broke a tooth." -Andrew
"Let me see... yea ur fine. It will grow back." -Cooter
Gerome Lee Mi corazon no Puede mas
me mentiste y traicionaste
estoy muriendo en el
sangrando aqui por ti
no puedo creer
no puedo comprender
pudiste dejarme solo aqui?!
sigo amando esa es la verdad
te extraño tanto quisiera olvidar
pero esta vez
ya no volvere a caer
Andrew Magallanes Love to wake up to the smell of a christmas tree.
Eric N Goddard Mind Control
Mind control - a two-page summary of three landmark books on government mind control projects. This well documented information is based on 18,000 pages of declassified CIA documents.
Nathaniel Wells This next election. Im voting for a sack of hammers. That way, if someone throws it somewhere. At least we would know where it lands...
Kalie Thompson So I'm on Youtube and I see Justin Bieber in the background. And his hair is all poofed up like Edward Cullen. Is this a sign that he loves Twilight?xD
Karen Hutton Anyone who was BORN in the 50"s 60's- 70's... We are the last generations who earned to play in the street. We are the 1st who played video games and the ast to record songs off the radio on a cassette tape. We Learned how to program the VCR before anyone else, play from the Atari, to super Nintendo. We are the generation of Tom and Jerry& Captain Kangaroo. We traveled in cars without seat belts or air-bags and lived without cell phones. We did not have flat screens, surround sound, iPods Facebook, Twitter, computers & the Internet... But nevertheless we had a GREAT time... Re-post if you're a 50's, 60's or 70's baby.
Paulina Branda kiero unas vacasiones a cancun!!!! kisas para este proximo ano!!!!! por lo q se ve es bello
Robin D. Owens Good Lines, For your amusement: I often talk to myself (or the cats, which is almost the same), and speaking of a nightmare I had aloud, I realized I'd come upon one of those good lines that occasionally happen, maybe even something that could be the hook in a book: "I'm sure I had that dream before, I remember the castle and the fish."
Jacqueline Erney
When something bad happens you have three choices.
You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.
Sodiq Ayinde yesterday is a hurt day 4 real hala madrid
Margarita Caban-Bender At Hispanic Society Banquet with Co-workers having a blast and I'm sexy as hell... Lol. And Nicole is the best date ever !;;;!
Destiny Tha Biz Mckinley Just wonderin why me with this situation wantin a person bad then ever but not for the reasons thats person thinks my feelins arent to be messed with by any means
Splesh Makhooane Ke kopa motho a yang kerekeng le nna,
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