Chris Montana LMS I'm not gonna lie , promise ♥ `
[] i liked you once.
[] i like you.
[] i kissed you before.
[] i think you're cute.
Joe Canlas
Jose Reyna i need sum new competion
Christi Jones I love my hubby! He makes me laugh.
Miguel Tarzia back from karate show with Fabián Colón
back from playing and singing for half a "town" i guess with Nahomi Zae
Back from hanging out with Joel Mejias Anthony Santiago Wanda Liz Ortiz and jose esteban which i dun has on my facebook :<
Rosanna Jackson I think my voice is almost gone from that last match. It was one of his longest matches ever. So when I post the videos u will need to turn ur speakers down. Haha!! It was intense N I never seen Brandon so tired. His opponent is a 2nd place OR State wrestler. I was trying to b louder than all of Culver. Haha!!
Alisha Mae Marguerite Pond I dominate a beer pong!
Annett Yvonne Kelley Jesus, jesus, jesus forgive them, Yes, how dare them, how dare them, how dare them and how dare you make fun, thats not nice, but i still love you. Even if its your to serve a notice. What sort heart verbally tells another to get out two days after a notice given. What sort of heart would do so just before christmas, i know. Hey listen dont feel bad, i appreciate you allowing me to stay as long as you have. I never intended all, but we lean not on our own understanding. Jesus he is with you, me,us. Maybe i not at my best. One thing our father is closer than a brother. i know that i know, that i know we have the favor of . Jesus no matter what report says. Father we thank you for love compasion, mercy in this present time of favor for all of us united as one in . Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you jesus and you all at the courts for having us this long, i love you. I dont understand how other get gratification seeing suffering. Father forgive them, that dont know, forgive, forgive them. Jesus name amen! I love you. Therefore take up the whole armor of god, we stand with our waist with truth, and our feet shod with the preparation of gospel of peace. Ephesians 6.12,13,14
Craig Evans Damn i dont feel good at all.....
NeeNee Ricketts Lol Bxtches Got Shxt Fuck.d Up If Yu Got A Problem Wit ( Pebbles Thomas ) Yu Have A Fuck Problem Wit Me Nd If Yo Lil Gay Look.n Friend Friend Have Some Smart Shxt To Say To He Again I Wuld Have Somebody Dog Walk His Ass While Pebbles Beat.n Yo Ass So Yall Betta Sit Dhat Ass DWN B4 Dhat Ass Get WHOOPED DeadAss
Kelss' Honeyy I Like The Way Yu Work It , NO Diggidy ..
I Got To Bag It Up !
Blessie May Cambay i<3 u!
Racheal Washington I'm resting I'm soo tried from the dance I did last night btw T-VIEW girls basketball rules!
Ken Johnson This has been on my todo list, now I get to see how it looks
How to make a SR Gingerbread Geodesic Dome. Build your own gingerbread geodesic house with our dome template and easy to follow instructions including recipes for gingerbread and icing. It's fun. It's festive. Available at Created...
Barry Constable When I made a statement about being in love at the wrong age, there was a reason for the statement!!! I'll let all you readers figure it out for yourself ? No I'm not going to do anything about it but it does HURT!!!!!
Tyga Maclin What a great weekend of wins! First and foremost, I want to congratulate my NYCS brothers, Larry Perna (gold), Anthony Pipola (gold), Rafal Niewiarowski (double silver), Phoenix (Bronze) and Andy going 1-1 in his first comp. at the Good Fight! Congratulations to all teammates at MGA who went out there and did there thing at Grappler's Quest including Umphantom Bjj with a flying triangle win!! Also congrats to Ozzy Dugulubgov on his win in CFFC!
Tim James I lov my team Wesley Washington n fanny they always been real
Candicee Aldaz I Love You Roqer J. Montoyaa<3(:
Diego Barrantes bored bored bored so i put new pics up :DDD
Thia Singh Some guy waved to me and then walked up and said, “Sorry, I thought you were someone else.” I said, “I am.”
Cherry Bedoy Bayaca Hay. . Mistaken identity again. .... I am not d mother of the kid. ..
Sarah Mitchell Q ; what am i to you ?
A ; half of my heart & something i would die without <3
April Maggard Not a really good day. It will get better, I hope
Aaron Steele Weed is not a drug, it is a plant that just grows naturaly and if you so happen to set it on fire....there are some affects. Drugs you gotta do shit chemicaly to...and baking soda, water, stir it up I don't the recipe I'm just saying.
Jaqui Martinez Sitting in the boyfriends car...why you ask? Cause I can! :)
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