Rick Zepiora Finally a good night bowling 728
Ehrich Schmidt Know your history: Revolutions are messy! But they always end up creating a better world for the people... ♥
Every generation needs a new revolution.
- @[107977809230256:274:Thomas Jefferson]
Jibrael Saifullah "When you offer dua it is a sign that Allaah loves you & has intended good for you."
~Ibn al-Qayyim Rahimahullah
Peyton Hawk Today was a bad day.
Worngachan Wantsyourheart Andidon'tbite Wtf i tag 10peoply in a phto but nly 5 nme are displyd wtf fck facebuk.
Rapha Mohamed Pataxó caraaaaaaaaaaaaalho... q insaaaaaano. . . . =/ Frank Mir acertou a Kimura. . .acabou . Oo . . . porraaaaaa
I Saw Her Face by A Vain Attempt with lyrics
Michelle Clark i want a snack.... Bourbon Bread Pudding with ice cream.....from THE PUB
Anup Kumawat Gud mrng frnds, hv a nice day $unday
Misses M Jefferson Maurice keeps me on a very high pedastool n i love it! But jus bcuz he thinks im above certain ppl doesnt mean i do..
Shirley Robb-Carpenter Just got a call from Mississippi. Our cousin Thelma Jean is back in the hospital in intensive care , she is not doing well . So please send up some prayers for her !!!
Jesus Franco I love how, in scary movies, the person yells out, "Hello?" As if the bad guy is gonna be like, "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?
BAT FOR LASHES - What's a girl to do music video.. simply beautiful ! www.myspace.com/heatmakerbeats
Tom Waggoner Repost if your Mom is in heaven for Christmas.
If roses grow in heaven Lord, then pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Mom's arms and tell her they're from me.
Tell her that I love and miss her, and when she turns to smile;
place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for a while.
I love you Mom, miss you so much!!! Merry Christmas !!
Nancy Allen I felt really good today better than I have for weeks, now I have a bad headache and sick at my stomach, going to go get my shower and hope that I don't vomit while I am in it.
Jim Rader Good evening to all, In case anyone is bored tomorrow, I will be having a PLUS dance from 2:00 to 4:30 pm. It will be at St. Paul United Church of Christ in Pekin , 101 8th. st. in the basement , ( across from old west campus) parking in the back. Come one come all we will be having a great time. Nite Nite pass my bed time.
Jonathan De La Cruz Like ♥ ]
Turn On ? (; []Your Boobs ( . Y . ) [] Your Swag <$$ []Your Butt (____!_______) [] Your bodddy (; [] Your Eyes O.O [] Your Lipsss ;DD [] Your Voice ^.^ [] Your Profile Picture (: [] Your Hairr [: [] Your Personality c: [] Your Smile :D [] Just you ♥ (:
Feelings For You ♥ ? [] I Like You More Than A Friend ♥ (; [] I Love You ♥ [] We Needa Chill.(: [] Friendsss :D [] Something Special ;D <333 [] Bestfriends :D <333 [] Stranger -.-
Would I Date You <333 ? [] Hell Yeah ! (; [] Already Did 3 [] Yes ♥ [] No (x [] Maybe
Would I Kiss You ? (; [] No /x [] Yes ♥ [] Already Did ! D; [] Maybe (; [] On The Cheek ♥ [] Just Friends
Corlette Sutton-Dickerson I'm stressing I need a glass of wine maybe even a bottle ;-)..
Austin Newman facebook has been saving me money on birthday cards for a few years now...
Ujjal Bora Hey frnzz...gud mrng have a thandi thandi day.
Armando Beauchamp Chillin out with both of my kids i feel like a kid myself they wear u out but i love them .
Sheena Eickholt Well, my goal was to wrap all Christmas presents tonight, but I only managed to do Jamison and the babysitting kids! Ahh, I love buying presents, but man do I dislike wrapping! Jamison lent a helping hand with the babysitting kids' presents..Let me tell ya, they look "special" :)
Brittny Loss I just have to say im at my christmas party.. A drawing for a 40in flatscreen tv. . Oh yaaa I WON I WON!! Feeln like i won the lotto right now!! BINNGGOO!! Yeaa baby!!
Carol Innes What happened to Sat nights when we couldn't wait to go out, now we can't wait for the day to end so we can grab a quilt and a remote or a book.
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