Karina Robles if i had a pennie for every time u said u loved me and then took it back i would be rich. LOL LMBO
How A U.S. Marine Deals With A Cheating Girlfriend: Go get 'em, soldier. ..
Tanya Oram Kelly hoping for a good nights sleep tonight, hockey game tomorrow with the lil man. finally, a game in the Goulds! :-)
Brooke Vossberg Day 13: I get to see u tomorrow. Finally found a ride. I dreamt of u last nite and i loved it. Just before woke up i felt like u were rite next to me. I just cant wait to hear u say i love u and u miss me. Ill see u in no more than 11 and a half hours. Good Nite the love of my life and Sweet dreams:) <3 143 Christopher <3
Candice Sue Hart Shouldnt of drank a latte at the parade!!!! I have wayyy too much energy right now ha ha!!!
Bradnum Gwededza Free lyk a garwe.
Ryan Chaney You are...
[] Ugly.
[] Lame.
[] Yuckk.
... ... [] Gorgeous
[] Adorable
[] Alright
[] Cute (:
[] Woah, Hello (:
[] Pretty
Would I Date You?
[] In A Heart Beat ♥
[] Yes (:
[] No, just a friend
[] Maybe
[] Already Did
Best Feature(s)...
[] Hair
[] Smile (:
[] Eyes
[] Body
[] Sense of Humor
[] Swagg c:
[] Everythingg ! (:
Joshua Sargent You know I look around and see all these guys saying what they wouldn't do to get with all these Hollywood girls just for one night/day. and I gotta tell you, it's kinda stupid. a guy needs to find a girl who he'll look at every single day and wonder what he did to be this lucky, not just for night/day, but for the rest of his life.
Jimmy Bones LM$ IF U WANT A WALLPOST ^__^
Renee Adkins this is not good...I have a crazy toothache that is getting worse by the second, and I have to sing tomorrow!! Worst of all, I can't just pop a massive dose of Advil cause there is a person growing inside me. :(
Leticia Tarango I feel lonely, havent had a boyfriend after christian ponce....lonq time; anyways really dont need one to make me happy(:
Pravin Trivedi Good Morning & Have a Nice Day My All Friends...
Heath Perkins Wife is having a really good time a the party
Kalea-LaDonna Talbert I'm being stalked by a fucking birthday balloon!!!!
Yogendra Yadav it was a virus
Yantame Prevo Karma a hoodrat selfish bitch uhmm I kno some ppl she best friend wit
David Walker It felt so good to go back to vic a see my fam and frinds and for everyone i didn't see im so sorry still luv u tho baby jessus bless us all
Elaine Beavers So the US Supreme Court has ruled that you have the right to protest military funerals. I invite you to start your protest in my front yard, and we can see if your First Amendment right is better than my Second Amendment right. Re-post if you're a vet, love a vet, or support our troops........
Leslie Escobedo Boyfriend ; iHad a wet dream 'bout you last night (;
Girlfriend ; How oh really ?
Boyfriend ; Yeah you fell off a cliff && iWas laughin' so hard iShit my pants !
Erica Huettl Tweedie A hook, some yarn and YouTube videos.......I will teach myself to crochet tonight.
Kenneth Immanuel As far as the KennyZone and O$P @ large is concerned..Being the blessed Lt. G. that i'm, i'd be ungr8ful if am to complain of any...this time around. I mean, after all trials & tribulations, I still made it big against all odds! walked thru fires; neva gt burned..crossed em rivers n neva drowned...rolled thru storms head-on but rolled out with no bruise..God Loves this Son of his!!
Blessed with a handsome son, gr8 family and proper frnds...ya'll make me feel surrounded by winners that ensure i never loose.. much gratitude to all that be keeping it real..ya'll know who u are and God superbly and he certaily will extend my gratitude where i cant reach!! To all my new friends n ja...we got some beauty in the zone... i mean u n u n u n u especialy u!! ya ladies make me proud yoohh!!!
Well, to some..the Lord said they should forgive me, but they rather handcuf me and tk me str8 to satan!! Not to mention those w8ing to c what my be the next bullet that hits me cos they are rulled by hate and grudge...Godammnit!!.yet I know: No weapon formed against the Zone prospers!! psalms23, psalms27 & matt; 1:23... 'The War may rise, but in this I shall be confident!' but hey, let me challenge some of ya...HE WITHOUT SIN MUST THROW THE 1ST STONE!! Lord knows i aint perfect; i've been forgiven too many times...i should forgive and love even more..aint God no hate in me!! am glad to've realized that hate is some painful slavery..love sets ya free
Much love....till next episode!!
Abdul Fathak Good morning frnds have a swt full day........,
Jeffrey Maxson Why does the nice guy always have to finish last? Why is it the fact that no matter how much you may like someone you may never be with them because you are not the asshole? And what is it that women like to be with the asshole because all he does is treat them like shit? It all doesn't make sense. But this is how things always work out for the nice guy. Nice guy likes girl, is nice to the girl and is always there for her, she goes out with asshole, he abuses her and treats her like shit, she comes back to the nice guy because no matter what he will always be there as a shoulder to cry on, then she goes back to the asshole. What so now because I like a girl and I want to be with her I have to do what, kick someone's ass, drink underage, and just be a complete dick? That's not who nice guys are. Nice guys are the ones that treat the girls right and are chivalrous. Always opening doors, and paying for the meals, and just treating her right. But he may never get the girl he likes because again he is not the asshole.
Mickey Phillips hug out with some friends today had a good day how about everybody else
Tumtai Tumeka Dweba Vuka maan wena uzlbele usebenza endiyeni? Morning and hv a blsd sundai enjoi n plz dont 4get 2 go 2church nd put mi der ll go n ferch mi next sundai I promise.
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