Felipe Thiago Eu, estou muito feliz hoje e agora, porque pude passar poucos minutos, mas pra mim foi muito prazeiroso, ficar perto dessa juventude maravilhosa, mais que uma juventude, Amigos que com certeza nem o tempo nem a distância irá nos separar!!!! Um churrascão na casa do Aline E Jefferson Rocha, nem deixaram eu sentir o cheiro do churradco mas tudo bem rsrs.
Vocês todos moram no meu coração!!!!!!
E é claro: Um agradecimento especial para o amor da minha vida Bruna Motta Modolon, que me proporcionou esse contato. te amo amorzão!!!! bjos
Maninder Singh Mankoo *,*,,*,,*,,*,,S"
*,*,, G"
Beatriz Gama Rodrigues Acabei de saber que meu filho Tiago vai para Bucknell University - fica em Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Obrigada, meu Senhor! Grandes coisas fez o Senhor por nós!
Ricardo Rosario Linarez moral-es el cojunto de creencias,nolmas y circunstancias a traves de las cuales se puede determinar si una persona a lo largo de toda su vida logro ser buena persona, ademas su contribucion en su brupo social que determinara el comportamiento a obrar caracteristico{ES DECIR QUE ORINTA ACERCA ENTRE DEL BIEN O DEL MAL -CORRECTO OR INCORRECTO:=DE UNA ACCION OR ACCIONES. Danier 12:5-12
Garrett Ashley Pickkin and choosin.. Like for..♥
[]10% ; EWWW..
[]20% ; Gross..
[]30% ; Errrr..
... ... []40% ; Okay
[]50% ; Not bad
[]60% ; You're Alriqht.
[]70% ; You're Pretty!
[]80% ; You're a hottie.
[]90% ; It's like damn [:
[]95% ; Almost p e r f e c t
[]100% P E R F E C T!
[] Movies
[] Pillow fight
[] Cuddle
[] Smash
[] Hang out
[] Make Out
[] Maybe(;
[] Nah
[] Yes♥
If you snuck into my room I'd:
[] let you stay the night.
[] kick you out.
If you stayed the night
[] I'd give you half the bed.
[] Make you sleep on the floor
[] Kick you out!
If you kissed me I'd:
[] Laugh.
[] Be in shock.:o
[] Smile(:
[] Kiss you back!
You are:
[] Beautiful.
[] Amazing.
[] Pretty.
[] Cute.
[] Fine.
[] Sweet.
[] Nice
[] Alright
[] Nasty
You should:
[] Wall me.
[] text me, now ;)
[] In-box me
[] Put this as your status so I can like it(-;
Felisha Thomas S/O To The FellaS N Outta Pocket Records Good Luck @ The Show ToNite!!!#OPR 4 Life!!!
LilDarrell FrmThe Himalayaz Bout to watch da fight! i should be in dc watchin dis joint live but o well.
text me or call me if ya need me.
Ryan King At the movies about to watch Parnormal Activity 3. and i havent even seen the 2nd one lol. o well.
Jillian Joi Ramirez HARI ka man o PANGULO.
siguradong yuyuko ka pa rin sa utos ng BARBERO.
Rafael Henrique To inconformado!
Pra mim vc é uma VAGABUNDA de primeira classe!
Decepção...pode se resumir nisso o que sinto.
Vergonha da sociedade...tsc
所謂正常和不正常,有時不過是看角度的問題不同....噢不,是看問題的角度不同!! XDD
Melanie Clark S/o. To my friend Sheniquia Brooks who was really there for me lastnight!! Love ya.
Freddy Mac Kee Calvicie masculina: Es imposible heredarla de tu padre porque está determinada por genes en el cromosoma X. Si quieres una predicción más acertada, mira a tu abuelo materno o pregunta por los abuelos de tu mamá.
Zachery Holmes S/O to my nephew Justin Paul Atkins, who was confered with the Bachelor of Business Mangement Degree today at Savannah State University! Whoopty Whoop!
Shyamal Sarkar Kuasha acholo tolo Ushosi usha piasi o mukho heri mitabo trisa...
Lillian Warren As a deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. -Psalm 42:1
i know the other video i posted of this is not very good video quality, and i have had requests to re-post it, but I did not want to delete the other one whe...
Douglas Parnell Random Friend Requests ;o
Shaayla Chanel Mariee - Dog walks to my dad .
- dad whispers * did mommy qive yu a treat ?
- shelly whsipers * no , no , no DONT DO IT !
- DAD YELLS - shellyyy!!!!!!!!!!
- shelly - damn he did -.-
- dad ; Go give yer dog a TREAT.
- shelly - no !
- dad ; GO NOW ! he has his paw up :D
me - Go ahead , qet him a treat (:
#My dad is so cuteee ^.^
w. Shelly Irizarry
Tyler Morgan SO MANY PEOPLE 0.o
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