Veronica Sanders "I'm in Cabana f'ed up...I got my people with me"(in my Webbie voice) lol
Enjoying my family for my brother in law birthday
Joaquin Gonzalez Hungry az f**ck i need food asap......
YO Gabby Gabby I HATE when PL show OUT for what idk... if u dnt like how i talk o WELL this me not changing for no body... # i dnt care nomore
Skye Rosenberg For any of those unknown musical artists out there, I am currently offering an amazing deal on professional studio recording sessions. Rates are as listed below.
- For single artist, $10.00 per hour.
- For group or band, $15.00 per hour.
- If accompaniment need, there is an extra charge of $5.00 per hour.
- CD burning is free with any of the 3 offers listed above.
- I am also willing to negotiate on all prices.
If you have any further questions, my name is Skye Rosenberg, be sure to contact me by phone, or email.
phone: (416) 820-6784
Cheyenne Nicole Beadlez The akward moment is when u put somthing as your status nd you spelled somthing wrong and you dont find out till somone comments nd tells you i feel stupid :'(
Aliya Dhaboss Williams what a night..kinda mad i cnt see my baby tmrw!!! Its been the worst weekend ever!
Vasanth Catchmeifyoucan how i badly wish dreams came true.
Wendy Willden Henderson I think I missed my calling. Should have been a CSI investigator. Me and the Cops are closing in on the perps who broke into my daughters condo. If all works out we will have the punks in jail and Devin's laptop back by Monday. Maybe not the dogs thyroid meds but can't ask for everything.
Krystal Lee Reamer Had Funn Dancing.. O Yeahh i Danced My Ass Offf!!! :)) haha!! :)
Onare Antigua Santos Im so sick of love song, so sad and slow, so what cant i turn off the radio?!! #8
Joshua Kaanaana So glad I don't normally work at this hour -___-' these 2nd shift bitches are sneaky.
Mahni theuh in zawt teh u.engtik hunah pawh kan thi thei threuh si a.
Karastan Msredbone Snell I just want to c u strip rite now.chris brown flow
Carlie Sims Housley Fixin to put the lights on my christmas tree. Haven't done this by myself in 7 years. Hope it's like riding a bike. Really don't wanna lose my temper on a inantimate object. After all I am not a man. Tee hee hee
Lim Yee Yong There other girl is not like me, she's prettier and skinnier,
[ From: ]
She has a college degree, I got dumb when I was 17
If I could only get her out of the picture
Then he would know how much I want him
such a cute song :)
Directed by Taylor Cohen. For more info, visit
Stephanie Lucas-White I ned anothrr drunk
Drusilla Watson Why in the world is this girl going get mad at me...cause i won;t lend her MY MONEY.....I simply said; i don;t lend money on top of money...She already owes me!...I look at it like this....Who should be blamed when a leaf falls from a tree..?
Is it the wind that blew it away or the tree that let it go or is it the leaf who grew tired holding on...
Life unfolds alot of misunderstandngs everyday.. its up to us to solve it or live with it...!..I;m living with this one...its my money...
Pen Dy How I wish I‘m so over you. Both of you. :‘(
Janie Frazier-Cahill If I could please ask for lots of prayers. My best friend Amanda Lester lost her father this morning. He was one of the most kind, genuine, tender hearted man I ever knew. He would do anything for anyone. He will be deeply missed by so many. His daughters Amanda , Angie Thursby King and his wife Peggy will be going through difficult times in the next few weeks. If we could all say a prayer to help them through this time. Thanks so much.
Tete Tweetybird Who goin 2 dha party at styles? <:)I Love Meh!:)>
Tim Sharp All i want for christmas is my family home and healthy.
Saynomore Coop ThaCaptain Im going to church tomorrow, I can go EHDAY but it want matter if me & GOD dont have a RELATIONSHIP!
San Juanita Martinez Going to call it a night good night everyone and my babies i love u all muah my loves
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