Briana Snow Sholar I just wanna slp:(
Brandi Boyce words can't describe how happy i am that u love someone else cuz i got life and now i can move on from your mess u call living Game tomorrow actually 3 games but whateves
Charlie Martin my brother is sleeping over!!!!!!!!!!! my brother man!! ah im sooooo exitied i can hardly type right now =D
Ethan Koron Anyone else think it is ironic that the Dear Billy Graham article appears in the "funnies" part of the Indy Star? I enjoy my cartoons with articles sent to "God"......
Erin Malone Don't need an angel on top of my tree, I already have one in heaven looking down on me..
Put this as your status If you have someone in heaven you wish could be here for Christmas*****8*17*11 Forever we love and miss you grandpa<3
Soozi Leonard Hovis I can not believe the boys get out of school at. on Friday for Christmas break
Kidd Savaqe I Love My Baby. He Crazy But He's The Reason That I Still Believe EVERY Hood Bitch Wit A Dream Of Finding True Lovee' It's Hope. . . . I Love You E.C
Crystal Outlaw i have come alive and woke up :) it feels so nice!!!!
Stacy Sunwalk gee jus when i thot???????
Lucero Fuentes @ the movies with my beautiful daughter,I just love spending girl time with her....:) A MULTIPLE GRAMMY AWARD winning record producer and song writer successf...
DaSheena Strong I miss my babe!! :( And Hate's we don't really get to talk, or ever see each other, But i Love her to just let her go! It so don't even sound right, some times i feel like such a fool.. but it's what ever she keep's a smiLe on my face no matter what, and that's why i like her so much!
Larissa Grimes I seriously cant fucking believe I lost 60bux!! Welp, things happen for a reason I guess... Life goes on. Santaland and Courtneys birthday party 2moro Yay! <3 u Courtney Christine!!
Vande'la Thibodeaux I can accept failure ; everyone fails at something , however I can't accept not trying !
Audrey Sunday Miller Thanks everybody for the bday wishes...Had a one hell of a time..Part two on da way in a minute..or shall i say part 3... lol.#whenitsrealitsforever
Bill Schmidt The Schmidt south tree trimming is tomorrow! Dave, Rachel and the girls, Molly and Ryan, Lenora and I. Should be an adventure with the twins, but an adventure I will be happy to take!!!
Jodi Putman when you smile for no reason, just know that it is the kiss i blew, that is finally reaching you ;)
Junior Real I feel like being a bad fatboy t'night. Hee heheehe.
Britney Holland Venice's Chip In page, please donate if you can, anything helps! We've had a lot of unexpected vet bills lately :( if you can't donate (I know its an awful time to ask with the holidays) please just share. Sharing is always appreciated!
Donny Long Today was a good day work out in the morning got alot of housework done then I talked to an old friend about some fun we had in the past
Matt Brandel Anyone know anything about cb radio's? Mines acting up and I can't figure it out
Yeodin Barcena i need a place to throw a huge party!
Sara Garcia I Seriousely Hate You BOYS ! 3
# FML :c
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