Cree Dawn Sanderson 2011 is almost over! That means new year and new gear! And I need a new powwow brosis that I can talk bullshit with lmao inbox me! Im not fake like some girks lol
Peter Crowhurst finished work early due to the storm. A few things near the zoo were struck by lightning. I packed up early as i seen storm coming in really fast
Bugga i should've taken my camera
Daniel Colon I wonder what would happen if I walked through Sea World with a fishing pole.
Mel Williams Mishawaka United Methodist Church tomorrow @ 11:25 Alive!!! Come out and celebrate the Christmas season with Jenny and I!!! We are in the upper room---see you there!!!
Michael Willis Im not who i was.
Sierrah Campbell Question: wats the worst things about u
Answer: I Eat Too Much, Get Mad Easily & Fall For Dude's Easily
Ryan Via YES!!! YES! YES YES YES YES i cant express how fucking awesome this is!!!!!
This is the funniest thing ever..
Felecia Bowen I just bought me two new bras. I'm just a little bit excited. Thanks 98 cent store.hahahahahaahh
Marlene Trevino I got "Shy." on the What does your name mean? quiz!
Garth Shaughnessy I need a new status.
Sabryn Ferchichi Jesus: Santa.
Santa: Yes?
Jesus: I'm sad.
Santa: Why are you sad? It's Christmas right? It's your birthday!
Jesus: Yeah. That's the point
... ... ...(tharr be more) Santa: Why?
Jesus: Because whenever its Christmas the kids only wait for you and not me! They only celebrate Christmas because of you! Why Santa, why not Jesus?
-Dec. 25 is for Jesus not for Santa. Repost if You Believe in Jesus ! P.S. He Knows You Looked ♥ -deny me in front your friends and I will deny you in front of my father
Lyna OneoneOfive b b b....b bka tu mh cinta ney ag b <3<3
sayau ney ag b nda kla berubah,,,
dri awl sampai akhir ney ttp cinta kn b <3<3
<3 L <3 I <3 N <3 G <3 A <3 N <3<3
<3 Defensif Shooting <3
Assalamualaikum n selamat malam rakan2 FB...bertemu kembali,
Keindahan cinta bukanlah menguasai.....
Namun memahami setiap rasa yang ada dalam hatinya.....
Shawn Cue I love you and no one will ever change that! You are my one and only the first thing and the last thing i think of and the one i will always love no matter what
Becky Freytag Copy this if your Mom is in heaven for Christmas. If roses grow in heaven Lord, then pick a bunch for me. Place them in my Mama's arms and tell her they're from me. Tell her that I love and miss her, and when she turns to smile, place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for a while! Rest In Peace Mom! Christmas without you is not the same but not a day goes by without me thinking about you! Love you so much!♥..
Erin Vessells I would absolutely LOVE to be a part of the Griswolds Family Christmas. way out of wack, but just enough to have fun!!
Michael Chavez Has she always felt this insecure. Well she needs to quit. Shes the only one I need right now. Shes the one who has been there for me no matter what. And she needs to know that I love her.
Ivy Le Ok, I understand a good friend is not supposed to judge their friend but what if they're doing the wrong thing? Sorry but I'm not gonna sit around and watch you drive yourself into the ground.
Jan Love Wehrle More volunteer firefighters needed
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4:39 p.m. EST, December 10, 2011
Hagerstown Fire Chief W. Kyd Dieterich remembers times about 30 to 40 years ago when volunteer firefighters almost had to compete to go out to a fire.
"My gosh, I can remember on meeting night if there was a fire call, if you weren't quick about it, you wouldn't get a seat on the firetruck," said Dieterich, who was a volunteer firefighter at two area fire companies back then.
Graphic: volunteer responses from fire companies
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"But now, if there's a fire call on meeting night, there might not be one single person in the station, volunteer-wise, who might be able to go," he said. "And, that's not a criticism of them. There's so many reasons of how and why it got to that point."
"That point" is this situation nowadays:
None of the members Western Enterprise Fire Co. has recruited, trained and outfitted over the years has gone to fight a fire in more than four years, according to Dieterich's study of volunteer response records; and
None of the members South Hagerstown Fire Co. has recruited, trained and outfitted has gone on a fire alarm in two years, Dieterich said.
The city Fire Department has paid firefighters stationed 24/7 at each of the six volunteer companies in the city. They respond regardless of whether volunteers are available.
Nevertheless, Dieterich's way of counting volunteer firefighters at each station makes no sense to James Schaffer, a former volunteer firefighter who has been the president of Western Enterprise since at least 1998.
Schaffer said his company's members probably include about 12 to 15 volunteer firefighters. "Almost everyone who is a member of our company is a member of the city's other companies, so why does it matter which company the firefighters come from?" Schaffer asked.
"Why in hell are we calling it a city fire company if you have to be members of individual fire companies?" Schaffer asked.
But Dieterich, who said he knows of many city volunteer firefighters who don't belong to Western Enterprise, said Schaffer is missing the point.
The chief said the city has only 47 volunteer firefighters now, making it more important for each of the six volunteer companies to recruit more. He said that in counting volunteer responses, he lists the firefighter with the station that first recruited him or her, gave training and bought his or her protective clothing.
"People say, well, you've got all these volunteers. And really, we don't," Dieterich said. "Over the years, it has shrunk to where it is today, where it is a shadow of where it used to be."
Dieterich said it doesn't add to the city's paid and volunteer firefighting crew if instead of recruiting more volunteers, a company just wants credit for the efforts of associate members, who are home members elsewhere.
He said Western Enterprise is to be praised for remodelling its fire station as a useful place for city fire apparatus, a paid city crew of firefighters and as a West Hagerstown base for Community Rescue Service. The fire company lets CRS use the space for free.
But the chief said the city needs more volunteer firefighters and so, he needs each of the volunteer fire companies in the city to recruit more. That's especially important in Western Enterprise's territory in the city's West End because it has more fire calls than any other city station, he said.
As it is, if a paid city crew goes out to a fire and needs more manpower, but no volunteers respond, "we have to resort to calling for additional apparatus (from another fire station) just for the manpower," Dieterich said.
"If we don't put the boots on the ground, we don't get the job done," he said.
Jameel Evans Suwu i remember wen roland slapped THE FUKK out of mi 2yr old brother
TeeJay Roth after Paul shared his vid i had to hear the next song on the album.
Music video by Queens Of The Stone Age performing The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret. (C) 2000 Interscope Records
Erica Burke How did i end up right here witchu ;; after all the things that i been thru -- its been one of those days yu try n forget about // take a shot n let it lets get rite _ now that im here baby ( show me a good time .. * .]
Christopher ThePoet Muniz listening to carried away by george strait I love country love songs.:)
Ashley Christina C Went to HollyWild, kids wouldnt act rite to take pics but we had fun. its was so cold. i sure did miss kailey though.
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