Evelin Monter ❤ even if you feel down always have a smile on your face ;)
Kambree Nicole christmas play was reallly goood now cooking some dinner! and watching a movie!
Alex Felippe Que energia incrível dentro do teatro, antes e durante a peça. Estou muito feliz, obrigado equipe artística e técnica da MORTE work in progress, amo vocês! E vambora que ainda temos apresentações! =D
Justin Duck Master Lucas Well I ain't first class
But I ain't white trash
I'm wild and a little crazy too
Some girls don't like boys like me
Aww but some girls do
Td Wash Luhh my boo thang (: ( just a joke)
Sandy Johnson Hey everyone, my facebook is back to normal...I think. Have scanned and rescanned for virus and it says all is clear. So I'm good to go, So if I've unfriended anyone, I just want you to know it wasn't on purpose. Just invite me back. Calling it a night so I will tlalk to you all soon. Have a good evening. :)
Kristen Neri I just won a million dollars
Shermeka Mcgee done made a big change toward some ppl if you havent notice think bout when have you heard from me?????its been a while yea i know,i rather role solo than have a mf talking bout me are jocking my next move,i done realize some were flaw and i just cant do you kind say what you what but meka still going to be meka!!!!
Aslam Khan Only For Doctors
Dear Sir,
Please forward this latter to a forensic doctor/ professor or department. As per as we have able to gather that after death of any animal Rigor Mortise starts to set in from two to two and half hours. This has been confirmed by doctors of Forensic Department of our hospitals
Kenny Britton Damn right!!! Lil Nog is a beast!!!
Billy Long This is some OLD SCHOOL that will make your body move!!!<(:o)=
Buy on iTunes: http://bit.ly/fpGNq7 http://www.deliciousvinyl.com As heard everywhere 1989! From his Delicious Vinyl debut album 'Stone Cold Rhymin".
Shyann McCorkle Chop Suey-System of A Down<33
Elyssa Ruiz [C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>
LMS!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
For A Color!
[] Red: You Fine
[] Pink: You Cute
... [] Green: You Alright
[xx] your gorgeous
[x] Blue: I Want Ur #
[] Yellow: I Would Date You
[] Orange: You've Made Me Smile
[xxxxx] Gray: We Should Talk More
[] Purple: I Love You
[] Gold: You're Important To Me
[] Silver You Are my Bestfriend
[xx] White: We Should Chill Soon
[xx] Black: You Should Post this as your Status
Dana Papuga eat for free at cheesecake factory Get a $100.00 Free Cheesecake Factory Gift Card!! Limited Time Only
Mario Carrillo Why have a cell phone and not pick it up..
Terri Meland I'M BAAAAACCCCCKKKKK! YIPPEE!! First, a big shout out to my sis, Deb (she did a pretty good job imitating me), for letting you guys know that my computer was on the 'blink'....hohum!! It was in the shop for over a week, then when I did get it back, I still had some issues with fb. So, $170 later and 2 trips to Des Moines (thanks again to sis) I have my computer back! MISS ME?!?! (JUST KIDDING...SMILING). I will be posting more later....just basking in your posts and enjoying catching up with all of you!! Have a great day!!
Rhoni Lewis Christmas tree shopping today. 8' beautifully trimmed Douglas Fir for $27.00, yeah for us. Then it was hot dogs from Dave's Hot Dog cart in Enumclaw. Great day! Time for a nap.
Shyamkumar Mehta The Mystery of Dark Matter:
Astronomers have discovered that there is an amazing halo of mysterious invisible material that engulfs galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Astronomers have no idea what it is, and it composes about 95% of the mass of the Universe.
Astronomers have detected dark matter indirectly through its gravitational pull. For example, darkmatter causes the stars in the outer regions of a galaxy to orbit faster than they would if there was only ordinary matter present.
Rebecca Marrufo AT a quiNce wiT mY cou$iNz (;
::dEv1Ou$ ByTcH::
Tim Hofferber nice to have my car back. rental car was nice though for a week.
Kim James Glad this day is over.we did food drive with cubscouts from ll to 2.they did great.ima proud mommy:).. Then we went a santa..
Jan Sadvar The boys made home-made carmel popcorn tonight. It is divine! If you eat it with a glass of milk, could it be breakfast??
David Corona I invited a fb friend to play Words With Friends but got no response. I guess she is still tired of those Uno beat downs I used to give her. By the way, how are you Mary?
Shivaji Sanap a very very sweet morning to all my sweet friend!
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