Nichole Lynn Sckrapp (LIKE) IF u luv ur momma then repost this or she will die at 10:00
Erx Nation Sometimes losing the one you love, makes you feel like you lose everything you are as a person... dnt serch fa love if u dnt rlly kno wat it is.. Change.the.topic #ikeepfamilyandlovedonestheclosest! jus a thought
Orren Bartley toya big up u self u man love u
Liddo Princessme Iduun understaand y im taawken tuuh u !ur notta frieend
Lucretia Brickhouse Just left which was formerly known as "Sunday Best" nd i must say there is much unheard talent n dis local area.I really enjoyed myself nd lookn 4ward 2 next yrs event.OAN: I call home 2 check on Zy nd soon as da phone rang she answered very exciting sayn "MOM MY TOOTH CAME OUT" so i said Zy go get u a cup of warm water w a lil salt nd rinse yur mouth out B4 i cud finish wat i was sayn she said i already i say did u go tell gma(thinkn dats who told her 2 do so) nd she says no "I DIDNT WANT 2 DISTURB HER" omg dis lil grown woman of mind is so mindful of others..smh..only my Zy
Anna Simpson Happy birthday 2 my little nephew marley yr aunty loves u so much.xoxo
Rahmah Nur Rizki ngidamnya DAFFA udh trlaksana.. pagi2 udh dipanggil semua tmn2 kurcaci2nya u' makan brsama.. yg bakar ikan sm ayam yg kasian.. tp salut buat Daffa.. setia kawan! hehe
Pascal Cheptoo Ninayo sababu ya kumtukuza Bwana maishani mwangu.Do u av a reason of doing xo?Blessed sunday pals.
Lanae Nelson u no i, so frustrated wit u people thanks to u u hurt my friends feelings hope u feel happy u jerk just syain I HATE BOYS like i siad js no offence to the acuall good ones but the oter ones i hate thank u DONE SOOOOOOOOO DONE
Jenae Johnson Pretty77%.
Cute 70%
Ugly 0%
Lms if u this
Taran Neeld okay its been a while since we broke up she still texting me then outta know where shes sayin she misses me then right after that she says ur gonna miss me one day and i wont be there then she sent me a slutty picture. Heather hines u arrogent slut
Aurora Villa Ya esoy arta dime ya me kieres si o no porke ando perdiendo el tiempo pensando en ti. Yes aim talking to u
lOl :P
Will u drink the tea in Trains after reading this :(
Please share and let everyone know about this...!
Cj Davis All I want for Christmas is u!
Keymo DaBoss Rozay One thing I can say about me you can try and knock me but u damn sho can't knock my hustle my mother rise a strong one and I'ma what's right to keep strong.... But still by the end of the day I'ma still say fuck y'all keep doing what your doin to me y'all going to need trust....
Stephanie Groves And Karen u are my mother in law by marriage, i put ur name here so u wouldnt assume i am talking about u u know, I really don't like that you have stirred up so much drama, i really liked u in the beggining but things are super f up now. I also don't like u have nothing to do withmy kids, but that is u r decision not mine. I have wrote this so people dont always think I am talking about them ........
!~♥~! Dedicated to All Girls !~♥~!
She Says: "Yew are Just a Good Friend!"
Her Eyes Say: "I Can't See U to be Anyone's Boyfriend!"
She says: "Go Away!"
Her Eyes Say: "Don't Ever Go Far From Me"
She says: "Don't Kiss Me!"
Her Eyes Say: "Don't Follow My Words!"
She says: "I am Confused!"
Her Eyes Say: "I Just Love Yew!"
-That's Why Eyes are the Most Beautiful Part of a Girl!! ♥ =)
Girls Say Something... But, Their Eyes Reveals the Fact.." ♥
'Feelings Can't be Hidden!!'
That's Why Girls Seems to be Complicated..♥ !! =D
Press "LIKE" If you Agree...!!
-Prinx SaLman
Casey Yirkovsky I need a tiara, so can sombody bring one up to the spy bar and I will pay u?
Latonya Mrz Ak Bruce gettin ready to cum home at 5 in tha a.m i just cant wait to c tha love of my life Ak So-Fukn Savage man i miss em so fuckin much it is crazy....i kno he cant wait till i get home we goin to have a good time.....i miss his touch n his love n his hugs i kno i got me a good man at home waitin for his wife to get back...ilu bae i b home soon.i love my unborn son.....DESHAON LA'TON BRUCE-LOYD MY SON IS GOIN CRAZY WITH OUT FEELIN HIS DADDY TOUCH...SON DADDY & MOMA LOVE U
Maxmed Cabdi Lamaane ku labistay SHINI
habr iyo oday chines ah
Lamaanahan isqaba oo u dhashay dalka Shiinaha laguna kala magacaabo Li Wenhua iyo Yan Hongxia ayaa waxey xanaaneyn jireen Shinida muddo 20 sanoah, Waxaana ay taasi keentay inuu halkaasi ka dhasho isfaham iyo saaxiibtinimo dhexmarta ayaga iyo Shinida oo ka mid ah cayayaanada bani’aadamku ka baqo qaniinyadeeda.
Lamaanahan ayaa isugu yeereen Warfidiyeenada ayagoo soo bandhigay 10 kun oo shini oo sida dharka oo kale ah jirkooda ugu qariyeen inta aanan ka aheyn wajiga.
Lamanahan Shiineeska ah ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in aysan wax cabsi ah ka qabinshinadaan tirada badan ee shamuumtay korkooda, waxaana uu Mr Li Wenhua uusheegay inuu ka haayo boqorka hadii ay iswaalaana aysan wax ba meel geyn garin maadaama uu yiri aan ilaa dhowr boqor ku haayo Gacanta aana ku soo xeriyo gelinayo shinadan tirada badan oo Ka daba hari karin marnaga Boqorkooda.
Penny Paydro WynWood U read my shit u might get into it too much .. Lol real niga talk. Hol at me single again :D
Spy Rock True Lines for Lifetime: Make A Relation With Someone..
Who Is Not Only Proud To Have U..
Will Take Every Risk..
Just To Be With U..!!
Jason Akeen George You should let your smile be your most commonly worn accessory. It is beautiful, it is priceless, and it matches every outfit in your closet.......................................this for cute smile u no yuh self
Leslie Richardson Reed is headed to Nashville to do some honky tonking with some Indy folks...& Santa u can keep ur stuff....I can't be something I'm not.
Kayla Michelle Cook Fuce that new girl that u like so bad
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