Ron Giles I got approval to donate a bunch of feed. Orschelns is the best. We will distribute it out to people that deserve it. Paws is at the top of the list.
Frank Laanui UPDATE UPDATE my dad was finally able to walk on his own today. It was so awesome to see him stand and take a few steps. Now i know he is going to get better. This is a milestone everybody and i thank my fb family and friends for all your support helping me get thru this. Mahalo.
Tamara Kirchhoff Been a damn good night having a Xmas party with my family so happy to be home
Peta Anne Jackson Got nearly everyones Xmas pressies....YAY!!! just got wrap them and then thats done!!!! Just a few finishes touching needed and a few little ones to get too!
Anthony BlackHasselhoff Davis "I got a 20,000 square foot crib!!! I got an indoor pool, an outdoor pool... I got a indoor basketball court & an outdoor court!" -- Ray J
Josh Turner Oh whats up brand new creature setup. Indy's Bones Bones Creature Mobb Indy Bushings and a lit, empty, albeit icy/snowy in spots park? Come at me bro. Life is on track.
Lynette Kunkel What a team, all the shopping smashed in two hours, now time for a nice cold reward - where to go??
Donya Larson Going to my sisters to have a little house party! Have a great evening people stay blessed
Grant J. Godding Im texting a girl right now only becuz we think eachother are cute and i dont no her at all haha
TheGreadt Orcdeitywarstorm This is a bo and shock: a lot of fun to shoot-Persian-1- Champion-Don Chase
BksFinest MzzLeo Hayyy fb jus finish cookin for my fam jamali munez and melody pacheco Dinner was Grrrrreat we chilaxin watchin tv lettin our stomach settle and digest we full as a bytch......%TIRED AS HELL NOW%SO GUD NIGHT FB MAY GOD BLESS US ALL 8D
Jamela Lara Nora Yesterday was fun! :) Except for the fact that i don't have a CP anymore. Thanks Noemi, Jonalyn, Jenylyn, Akosi, && Jeric. :)) <3
Sa uulitin :))
Kimberly Sutherland It sucks how fast a good day can turn into a night of tears.
Krystl Fritz Santa just stopped by the gas station today.. He bought a box of newports.. :/ lol
Rajiv Dhawale I woke up a few hours ago....but somhow i feel incomplete till i remembered i havent' wissshed u yet......have a pleasant morning !!!
Tina Roberts "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." -Matthew 10: 29-31
Adnan Yurtsever i am at a party
Ariel Malka Unexpected farewell Brandon Roy...what a fucking shame
- OPENING DAY: Wednesday, December 14th, 9am, turning Mardi Gras & Yodeler Lifts... Trail Count to be determined as snowmaking continues and temperatures even out early week... SHARE this s'update for a chance to win lift tickets for opening day, winner will be chosen at random from those who share... #sharingiscaring #openingday GO!
Rico Songkilan II have a bless sunday all.
Amber Rodarte People always surprise you...not always in a good way....
Brandon MrNova Thompson I got more fitteds then a pitcher
Tammy Baker Levesque well I am off to read a book called how to get the most out of your bible reading and probably start my newest book,by John Bevere, Relentless!!! Oh yeah!!!
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