Saturday, December 10, 2011

goin to a baseball game me and dad :D A weekend full of babysitting and studyinggotta make the grade and the everydayimhustlinLOL wwwsalveonatalcom Acabei de ajudar a doar kits

Cesar Espinoza
Cesar Espinoza goin to a baseball game me and dad :D
Erica Fowler
Erica Fowler A weekend full of babysitting and studying.....gotta make the grade and the $$$$! #everydayimhustlin...LOL
Gustavo Vieira
Acabei de ajudar a doar kits Xbox+Kinect p/ AACD, GRAAC, APAE-SP, Avape e Aldeias Infantis mandando essa mensagem pelo site Participe você também, acesse o site e compartilhe com seus amigos.
Annabell Salgado
Annabell Salgado (LMS) FOR A RATE 1-20 AND A ADMIT!!!!!!
Katarina Mikulec
Katarina Mikulec URGENT!!! For all parents, Nestle is asking for everyone to return all GERBER BANANA BABY FOOD expiring 2012 because they may contain glass. Please copy and paste for all babies safety. Batch code 7613033089 732, even if you're not a parent please copy-you could save a baby's life..
Shaiela Phillips
Shaiela Phillips Wow what a day its been! I really hate having to deal with stupid people that pretend like they know more than they do!! Ugh! Yeah ya know who ya are! Silly little boy! Hahaha lmao at your stupidity!!!
John Wright
John Wright mellow class
live; peter, paul and mary
Caleb Thomson
Caleb Thomson It's a long way to the top, if you want to Rock and Roll.
Dick Brown
Dick Brown I'm just opinionated. Just can't help it. It's not that I don't love and respect these guys, I just think that not bringing it up for a vote was WRONG. 7 men lead but the decision should be made by the NOBILITY. And if they don't have enough faith in us, to make the right decision, why should we have faith in them to lead?
Sylvain Vienneau
Sylvain Vienneau clubing with my bro and gona be a blast at the old cosmo o yess ;)
Jason Gael
Reddit, a social media site, raised $31,000 in one night for a three-year-old in need of a bone marrow transplant
Rabin SinisTa Mara
Trisha Jane Hancock Mcilwain
Trisha Jane Hancock Mcilwain its official! after a stressfull week of hospital/doctors visits, blood tests and a crash course in how to administer an epipen our house is now egg,wheat,gluten, milk and nut free! luckily shes still on booby milk or it could have been worse! thanks to the quick response and actions from the Coffs hospital staff, aunty sue and uncle dick for rearranging their day to look after the other two. so when we visit dont look at me strangly when i produce our own food or drill you with questions, it really is a case of life or death!
Mike Coulter
Mike Coulter a small raspberry coke and a dulux cheese burger ..... $20.00 ??? RIPPED OF
Ibrahim Sha
Ibrahim Sha Hai..,.!Frndz,Good Morning Have a nice day...
Leah Bright Short
Leah Bright Short been watching kids play and have fun...what a crew -hunter, graceanne, summer and griffin!
Luis Rosales
Luis Rosales A echar unas modelos
Tito Martinez
Tito Martinez Very but I mean very dissapointed in the new china buffet in Bridgeport :/ my rating from of a scale of 1-10 it will be -9,999!!! I don't recommend it
Trevor Hendershott
Trevor Hendershott oey had a grand ol'time at the concert, it was fun. tomorrow london maybe then stratford for dinner and to chill with the lovely and beautiful Miss Katie Doyle, it has been a while.
Holly Wood
Holly Wood Being a kid and trying on my birthday outfit lmao I can't help it...
Gabriel Mendes
O que é o Evangelho? Por que as pessoas têm tanta dificuldade em explica-lo se há uma igreja em cada esquina? Estaria a mensagem do Evangelho sendo diluída por aqueles que deveriam estar mantendo a sua pureza? O Evangelho continua sendo pregado fielmente...
Monette Dorcinvil
Monette Dorcinvil Retire korw la me police ap vini Jete w saw te gentan gen la pouw ap Kriyer a lol gro ker ou santi w tA
Ankit Roy
Ankit Roy one more nit out with my folks!!! had a nice time Anibrith Bhatt n Mahinder Singh........<3<3
Sophie Chick
Sophie Chick :( feels like there's a hole inside my heart :( ....... No matter what I do or how hard I try I never ever seem to sucseed or have any luck ...... Mmm guess its obvious .....


Sophie Chick

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