Ron G Wtg r/p-S/o's 2 All The Ladies "WHO KAN AQTUALLY COUNT THERE SEX PARTNERS" On One HaNd ... juuuuu Hurdddd :)
Jeremy Coleman 2 L's ... Blowin O's ; laughn when I'm TXTN
Marcos Guerrero Castro Esto se llama el examen de la vista! * Busca la 'L' minúscula y seras besado Mañana: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL * Ahora busca la Q y tu deseo se hará realidad: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO .Esto es realmente difícil, ahora encuentran el ......N : MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMM * Ahora encuentra el error: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUWVQYZ * Algo que realmente deseas, cuando la cuenta atrás !!!!! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Ahora cierra los ojos y pide un deseo! Ahora;*;*;*;*;*;* Pega Esto En tu muro y tu deseo se hará realidad! Date prisa, tienes 20 minutos! O lo que deseabas Será lo contrario a lo que pediste.
Like · · Share · 15 minutes ago ·
Abreezy Crews lms if you hate it when someone turns the lights on while your asleep. And u make this face ( O__-)
Clark Lim Dela Cruz ♪♫ My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every no-o-o-te
Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo ♫♪
© 2011 WMG. Gym Class Heroes' music video for 'Stereo Hearts' featuring Adam Levine from the album, The Papercut Chronicles II - available now on Decaydance ...
Nikki Marie Abernathy This is for all the strong people , who have been through a lot in life and survived!!! I am strong because I know weakness, I am compassionate because I have experienced suffering, I am alive because I am a fighter, I am wise because I've been foolish, I can laugh because I have known sadness. I can love because I've known loss. :o)
Rhonda Correll I would love to hang out with Steve O and Johnny Knoxville for a day!
Paulo Matheus Cade os Sao Paulinos, Pailmeirese, Framenguista: se algume viu um desse me avise,talvez estejam sentados e assistindo o Corinthians ser Campeao novamente. Cade voceis.
Agustin Espain Mamá, la cagué -Jaimito, Ya le dije q no diga eso! - mamá pero la cagué, Yo quería despertar a Paulina con un pedito, pero la cagué :O
VũThủy ASerious Đọc trước khi muốn nói gì về Phạm Văn Mách
Võ sĩ đẳng cấp thế giới Huỳnh Châu sống ở ngôi nhà 10m2 | Tin thể thao - | Tin tức -
Đoạt HCĐ Thế giới 2011 và suất dự Olympic London 2012, nhưng thật ngỡ ngàng khi biết rằng võ sĩ Taekwondo Lê Huỳnh Châu vẫn phải sống ở một ngôi nhà chỉ vỏn vẹn 10 mét vuông cùng mẹ già bị bệnh thoái hóa cột sống và lao phổi.
Javon Coolkid If I Saw You Naked, I Would _____ .
[] stare :o
... [] ( Drake ‘ voice ) danggg !
[] get naked 2 ,
... [] close my eyes -.-
[] walk out the room ,
[] make a weird face :{
[] touch on you ♥
[] close door & curtains
[] ask you what you wanna do (;
[] say have been working out ,
[] try & take a picc ,
[] huge smile ,
[] un – buckle my belt & say i been waiting ;
#Zone 6 Skooley Ceo/President Onlii Doin Certain Ppl
Miguel Hubris Belmont ya deja esos "like" ó "me gusta" Rod Malo, debería haber límite de "like/me gusta" por día. Aparte he visto tu 'modus operandi' siempre te safas de las convesaciones poniendon un "like"
Elayne Ho 电话唔见左两日,依家失而复得。。。好开心!!!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Anna May Rabang malayo o malapit man kau sa akin salamat sa lahat.
Nikki Lovesbluemonsters so many people thought i worked in macy's today o.e
they will always keep asking me "do yew work here?" me: no o:
them: oh okay..
me: O.O....?
Dale Gardiner Sr. O-Tay LSU time to get your butt kicked in your state but will not miss our kicks this time. ROLL TIDE ROLL BAMA 28 LSU 24
Nessa Mozo Lms:
If You Complain About Your Look's o:
許淳淮 怎麼可以不來社工週!!!!!!
雖然找我沒有優惠但是快來買 XD
小巧可愛 洋芋捲!!!
香氣逼人 咖啡酥!!!
溫暖可口 熱可可!!!
雪中送炭 燒仙草!!!
絕對好吃 手工餅乾!!!
賣到缺貨 巧克力水果!!!
也可以請我吃哦呵呵呵; )
12/5~12/9 小福見。: )
如果平常走過小福只是你平常的路線圖,那請你這一次停下腳步。 「社工週」不以暴利為目標,而是希望有意義的辦這種每個系都有的週活動,給自己奢侈一次的下午茶,是給身心障礙者的工作機會,是培養他們永續成長的學習,更是讓機構繼續經營下去的希望。在冷冷的冬天裡,給自己一點溫暖與甜蜜,也把這份正面的力量用文字和實際行動傳遞下去...
Lesley Cabral --------<3|MERRY CHRIST MAS & A APPY NEW YEAR|
------| |------/ \
Edzel Flores d bale ng ndi kmkaen o kea nghhngi ng pgkain s kptbhay kesa ung kmkaen k nga puro nmn sumbat !pti pgkain muh issmbat ?
Jalil Briggs :o peeped my Name Chain under the tree :)
Ryan Chrumsky Chrum Like,?
How Cute/Pretty Are You ?
[] 1 Star ☆
[] 2 Stars ☆☆
[] 3 Stars ☆☆☆
[] 4 Stars ☆☆☆☆
[] 5 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆
If You Snuck In My Room I'd ;
[] Tap That ( ;
[] Let You Stay The Night
[] Cuddle ♥
[] Chill : )
[] Nothing . .
[] Probably Kick You Out !
[] watch movies and talk
[] have a dance party :D
If You Kissed Me I'd ;
[] Kiss You Back ♥
[] Be Surprised . . O:
[] Slap You !
[] We Wouldn't
[] Smile (:
If You Asked Me Out ;
[] Yess ♥ !
[] Maybe ( ;
[] No -.-
[] Idk ?
You Should ;
[] Be mine :D
[] Text Me :3
[] Inbox Me ♥
[] Chill with me :D
[] Make This Your Status c:
Ravinder Bandesha For my old frnds..
Soniye "JATTA" da munda hun o na reha.
( jo skol time c )
Alyssa Nicole 20 likes & I'll do this.
A- Available: Mm..
B- Birthday: May 21st, 1996. <3
C- Crushing On: /:
D- Drink I last had: Dr. Pepper :D
E- Easiest person to talk to: Amanda, Samantha, Derrick, or Emilie.
F- Favorite song: Tear Down The Stars - The Years Gone By <3
G- Grossest memory: When my mom saved the blue waffle picture on my phone & set it as my background -.-
H- Hometown: Hendersonville, Tennessee.
I- In love with: I'm not sure..
J- Jealous of: Girls prettier than I.
K- Killed someone: I wish.
L- Longest friendship: Mm, 2nd-10th grade & still going.
M- Middle Name: Nicole.
N- Number of siblings: 2.
O- One wish: To be in a real relationship & be happy.
P- Person who called you last: Dylan Smith.
Q- Question you're always asked: "Are You Gay?" OR "Are You Bi?"
R- Reason to smile: Family & Friends.
S- Song you last sang: Me First - T. Mills
T- Time you woke up: like 9:20
U- Underwear color: Teal O.o
V- Violent moment you had: I don't really have violent moments that I can remember.
W- Worst habit: Biting my nails.
X- # of x-rays you had: like 2
Y- Your/My last kiss: Will Sellers.
Z- Zodiac sign: Gemini. <3
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