Reyes Medina O Likes = Im Ugly D:
3 Likes = Im Okay :/
6 Likes = Im Cute (:
9 Likes = Im hot ;p
12 Likes = Im Sexy ♥
15 Likes = Im Drop dead Gorgeous! ♥.♥
Repost if your not scared (:
Hailey Nowlin Q: why yu trippin..........A: o idk maybe cuz u a bitch ass lier and didnt tell me u had a gf wen we was talkn and i really did like u alot and u did me like that . That was a bitch move u ant nun but a nasty man hoe git the fuck off my pag dismisst
Hyago Souza Aiai, assim o fb me mata. Ele me sugere a amizade de um perfil meu que eu nem lembrava que havia feito shaushaush
Melbin Mathew Antony My Wi-Fi Suddenly Stop Working... :O
Then I Realised that my Neighbours haven't paid the bill....
How irresponsible they are...
Perez Flora Un Chico tenía una novia. Él estaba cansado de ella, porque ella le enviaba mensajes, diciendo, "te extraño" o "Te amo". Una noche antes de irse a la cama, recibió un mensaje. Pero en vez de leerlo, se fue a dormir. Por la mañana, se despertó con una llamada. Era la madre de su novia, llorando y diciendo que su novia fue asesinada la noche anterior. Colgó el teléfono en estado de shock, y fue a le lo que decia el mensaje: "Amor, ven pronto creo que alguien me está siguiendo!" Moraleja de la historia: nunca desprecies a aquellos que te aman y se preocupan por ti. Porque un día te darás cuenta de que se pierde la luna contando las estrellas! Has clic en "Me gusta" y pegalo en tu muro ! Nunca desista de aquellos que realmente te aman! ♥
Ana C Luevano dam esa morra neta q ta pero pendeja o babosa jajajaja me da mucha risa
نــــــــاصــــــــر الـــــــفــــلـــه البنت الارترية *RO* ♥♥ *RO*
... ... ... ... ..
عليها شفايف تخلي الأعمى شايـــــف ;)
عليها عيون بتخلي العاقل مجنون:$
عليها خدود تخلي الغايب موجود ;;)
... ... عليها صوت يخلي الوقت يفوت O:)
عليها رموش تخلي القلب مربوش ♥
عليها دلع يداوي الآه والوجع :*
عليها دلال يخلي الغدير شلال :O
عليها جمال بإختصار فوق الخيال X_X
سامحوني هاذي موب عنصرية
بّـَـَـَ>:/ـََسَّ. حقيقه ولا تقال
عاشت الارتريةة
Vào một buổi sáng đẹp trời, lợn con chạy đến bên mẹ và hỏi: - Mẹ, hạnh phúc ở đâu? Lợn mẹ mỉm cười đáp: - Hạnh phúc nằm ở chiếc đuôi xinh xắn của con! Lợn con thích lắm, ngày nào chú cũng ngắm nghía chiếc đuôi của mình, vừa nhảy vừa vẫy vẫy chiếc đuôi! Nhưng rồi một hôm, chú buồn bã chạy đến bên mẹ: - Mẹ ơi, tại sao con chẳng bao giờ nắm giữ được "hạnh phúc" vậy? Lợn mẹ khẽ vuốt ve lợn con và đáp: - Chỉ cần con mỉm cười, và luôn bước về phía trước, hạnh phúc sẽ tự đi theo con!
Patrice Walker - S|O To Arnesha Foe Been My Fave , I Love U Clownn <3 !
Giovana Parodi Tira dos meu sonhos aa imaageen dela.. Tiraa o desejo de estar com ela (8)
Jooeun Song Boyfriend/Girlfriend Application!. :O ♥
1. How attractive are you? [] A [] B [] C [] D []F
2. Are you my type? [] Yes [] No []somewhat
... 3. Would i date you? [] Yes [] No [] Maybe []Only time can tell
4. Would i give you my number? [] Yes [] No
[] Maybe [] Never
5. Our chances of dating? [] 0% [] 10-30% []40-60%
[] 70-90% [] 100% up to you
6. Do you look like a player? [] Yes [] No []Somewhat
7. Your best feature? [] Eyes [] Lips [] Body []Personality
[] Other [] Everything
8. What would i do with you? [] Kiss [] Hug []Smash
[] Chill [] Sleepover
[] Approved ♥ [] Denied 3 [] Ma
Luanna Perez Ganhei o abraço mais gostoso do mundo.....jah posso dormir feliz :)
SquareBiz Greek Shop s/o to Art Smith,Dre Jones,Montoya Earl,Shala Neal,Pat Hintin,Kim Smith,Ce Ce Jones,Krystal Jordan,Luciana Johnson, Christopher Smith ,Calvin Browne,Virgil Wallace,Grand Master Howard,Grand Matron Hopkins, Anita Paul ....I know I'm forgetting names charge to my head not my heart
Latrice Jones O LORD, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure. Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed. My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O LORD, how long? Return, O LORD, deliver my soul: O save me for thy mercy's sake. For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?
Virginia Mora hackedd by eddieeee (; oh & virginiaa likeeess girlsss :o
Mariana Serra O tempo vai passar, mas nem sempre as coisas vão mudar.
Eddricka Williams *s/o* to my mama Mae RobinsoN! Mama u r da Best Mother n the world! I love u Mama!!!
Little Dacha Milovanovic Nzm sta da vam kazem o sebi,sve u 2-3 reci moze da stane...Po malo skitam,po malo pijem i provodim neke dosadne dane... >:D
Cassandra A. Smith
Discount O Holy Night (Karaoke Version) (In The Style Of Celine Dion) in Save Price | Christmas Gift
O Holy Night (Karaoke Version) (In The Style Of Celine Dion)The Best New Price: USD .89 Read More
Edwin Eng 有时见到现在的小孩做的事时,都会想起以前我和朋友疯狂的回忆。很怀念哦。。。
Chris Barrow SINGLE OR NOT put this as your status and see who INBOXES you.
♥ = I want a relationship.
C: = Im falling for you.
(: = I really like you.
:&= You fine
... ... :@=You sexy
:* = I want to kiss you.
:< = You bad
X: = I like you .. Shh!
:| = I have a secret to tell you.
O: = I like you but im In a relationship.
(; = Your cute.
3 = I regret leaving you.
Adri Salazar Omg... Ahora si Eme se yevo el premio de la mas retrasada del año!!! :O
Estamos arreglando unos floreros x los ultimos 3 dias y su averiguasion de hoi fue: "oooooh son de vidrio!" lmao.
Linda Reyes haahaa gotta love my mommy!<3 o pos wow!:P
Larry Murdock NCAA you slay me! Really you are so predictable. It is all about the money with you guys! One loss Boise State playing Arizona State in a Dec 22nd game that no one will watch (except Seth Small) while two 6-6 teams play on Jan 2nd? Mind you those two 6-6 teams are Florida and THE Ohio State, two teams with the 2 of the biggest fan bases in the country, Urban Meyer's last team against Urban Meyer's new team, will probably have the second highest viewer rating to the National Championship game...admit it NCAA, to quote Jack Nicholson "you want us on that need us on that wall !"....O-H
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