Greg Day II I would whether work for a pay check then waiting to win the lottery .
Song of the day goes to first day of my life by Bright eyes.
Jhay Alfelor
UK Fans - Grab your copy from iTunes here: Watch the official music video for I Want You (Hold On To Love) by Cee Lo Green.
Gabrielle Johnson I could listen to this take care album all day & not get tired of it.
Monchello Williams I only allow ppl to do flaw shit only once cause aint no second chances in life.
Edgardo Santiago Listening to my little brothers song still makes me cry :'( I wish I could have done something to know him more
Cassie LilBear Jensen Blow bubble's not boys Hun&&maybe just maybe i Wont call you a whore lol :)
Jasmine Lymas da J squad minus juliet n lacorey headed to da north :) i love dese weirdos
Geanice June Men can't be trusted....they are all pond scum.they lie and manipulate to get what they want from you and give nothing in return but pain.I can't speak for white men and never will..but black men are all dogs! as a black women,my lot is loneliness because black men don't know how to's bad enough when I feel used by a white person at work,but what the brothers give me at home is more painful! it made me want to drink to escape...but even alcohol couldn't numb my loneliness.
Sami Kelly if you hate me- delete me
if you think I'm nice- like my status
if you think I'm a good friend- comment
if you ever liked me- poke me, I won't tell
if you like me now- Inbox with a heart
if you're brave, set this as your status(:
Sarah Rondo I wona Tattoo :)
Victor Alvarado I hate papers...yes I do :) I hate about u? loool damn i should really wrap this one up lol
Blu Fuller Eh gonna sleep now...caffine dont wake me, oh well imdifferent i guess. leave em.
Gabriela Rosas ...i know YOU will open up the door LORD and l will get me out of this <3 and in the mean time i live to praise <3
Michelle Britton Hi-jacked by yhur youngest doughter ! @skylia daylene mundy I loooove u higher than tha sky n deeper than sea
Emily Simmons Anyone else having problems getting JINGLE BELLS in Farmville??? I have yet to get 1 !!
Eric Despins if i smile or laugh at you and i don't tell you why, i'm probably just holding back compliments about you.. just sayin... don't wanna seem to nice. You know how 99.7% of guys in this world react to such things..sometimes even girls...
Ashley Moore Pierson Spent the day with my little girl and got her christmas pics done. They turned out so good. I will post them soon.
Bruce Vaughn I love to give haterz something to hate about, make me feel like I'm doing something good
Mariah Salinas Confession #3 my back hurts all the time:/ and i dont know why:(
Jeff Roberts So fresh so clean now going to skype its so fun lolo I love you my children
Maribeth Hetzer and I ain't ever gonna trip over something that ain't mine.
CJ Rudofski Dear Chicago Bears...I always have been, always will be a die-hard fan. But my husband wanted me to let you know that I am not as grumy when you win your please start winning for his sake...
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