E ao som de Trouble Maker 3 vou nanar
Boa noite a todos
♪I’ll keep being in front of you so you can’t forget me
I’ll keep shaking your heart so you
Killian Nylander E ao som de Trouble Maker <3 , vou nanar!!
Boa noite a todos!
♪I’ll keep being in front of you so you can’t forget me
I’ll keep shaking your heart so you can’t escape me
I will steal your lips and run far away
I’m a Trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!♪
Cynthia Morales For Ever y Like I Get I'll Do A Letter ( x
A- age:
B- birthday: March 1st c;
C- crushing on: johan Gallegos <3
D- drink you last had: Coca Cola
E- easiest person to talk to: Erika Armenta
F- favorite song: El Teimpo Contigo <3
G- grossest memory: Wen iThrew up like 5timess -
H- hometo: Obregon Sonora ! <3
I- in love with: Noone Yeet
K- killed someone Maybe..
L- longest friendship: like 3 yeaars & still goin
M- middle name: Jocelyn c;
N- number of siblings: 3
O- one wish: To Help Everybody Thaat need Help
P- person who called me last: Johan Gallegos <3
Q- question asked a lot: Yu Look Older lol
R- reasons to smile: Fam(ily] & Him < 3
S- song you last sang: Amor de Cuatro Paredes
T- time you woke up..?: 10:30
U- unicorn color...?: Blueee <3
V- violence moment: Ween My Sister Touched my Butt So iSlaaped her haha
W- worst habit: believing everything ihear 3
X- x-ray you last had: my theeth lol
Y- your last text: Chuyy ! :D
Z- zodiac sign: Pices ;D
Casper Higgins dont like my attitude send me a e-mail at "Like_I_Care".com
Ashley Valdez 14 likes for :)
A- age:
B- birthday:
C- crushing on:
D- drink you last had:
E- easiest person to talk to:
F- favorite song:
G- grossest memory:
H- hometown:
I- in love with:
J- jealous of:
K- killed someone:
L- longest friendship:
M- middle name:
N- number of siblings:
O- one wish:
P- person who called me last:
Q- question asked a lot:
R- reasons to smile:
S- song you last sang:
T- time you woke up..?:
U- unicorn color...?:
V- violence moment:
W- worst habit:
X- x-ray you last had:
Y- your last text:
Z- zodiac sign:
Rubens Hideo Assim q me sinto tentando comprar ingresso no site do Loolla
Ngema Duke Manqoba Namhlanje bangani bami kwa e-tv kulwa u-Undertaker noBenni McCarthy kuWrestling ungaphuthelwa!
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Vagner Rodrigo Remédio pra tristesa e angustia, meu amor Katia Silva acaba de me dar, que é uma dose de amor e carinho ti amo amor....!!!!!!!!<3
Renisha Bista L=lake of sorrow
o=ocean of tears
v=valley of death
e=end of life
be aware :)
Denise Bumpus Few years ago a mother and a father decided they needed a break, so they wanted to head out for a night on the town. So they called their most trusted babysitter. When the babysitter arrived the two children were already fast asleep in bed. So the babysitter just got to sit around and mak...e sure everything was okay with the children. Later in the night, the babysitter got bored and so she wanted... to watch tv but she couldnt watch it downstairs because they didnt have cable downstairs (the parents didnt want their children watching too much garbage) so she called them and asked them if she could watch cable tv in the parents room. Of course the parents said it was ok, but the babysitter had one final request. She asked if she could cover up the large clown statue in their bedroom with a blanket or cloth, because it made her nervous. The phone line was silent for a moment, and the father(who was talking to the babysitter at the time) said..take the children and get out of the house..we'll call the police...we dont have a clown statue..the children and the babysitter got murdered by the clown. it turned out 2 be that the clown was a killer that escaped from jail. if you dont repost this within 5 minutes the clown will be standing next 2 your bed at 3:00am with a knife in his hand.
Sydney Williams Chillen drinkin E&J gettin right by myself cause no one wants to chill. Missin my babies&my Boo Thang! HMU
Alinnah Stephanie dormir-à-rei neste momento, quantidade ùnica de beijos enviados à vossas senhorias via a rede social cujo nome de origem estadunidense (ou inglesa, nao possuo conhecimento) é facebook ! Kkkkkkk falei complicado agora ein ?! Kkkkk bjs pessoaL :*
Roberto Canário Pergunta de John Grogan: Quantas pessoas fazem você se sentir raro, puro e especial? Quantas pessoas fazem você se sentir extraordinário?
Minha resposta: Ninguém...
Alexis Mago Garrido Your lipstick is calling, don't bother angel. I know exactly what goes on!
Jenaka : Memo Buat Staff
Staff Sekalian, Perhatian kepada semua staff. Berkuatkuasa pada tahun 2009, syarikat ini akan menguatkuasakan peraturan baru kepada semua staff. Perkara yang digubal adalah seperti berikut:-
Untuk maklumat staff sekalian,
Sekiranya anda memandu kereta import, kereta mewah atau kereta Honda contohnya, kami menganggap anda sudah terlalu mewah, jadi tiada kenaikan gaji.
Sekiranya anda memandu kereta yang telah uzur, lebih dari 10 tahun atau menggunakan pengangkutan awam, kami mengandaikan anda mempunyai banyak simpanan, jadi tiada kenaikan gaji.
Sekiranya anda memandu kerata nasional samaada proton atau perodua, kami mengandaikan anda telah berada di level yang sepatutnya, jadi tiada kenaikan gaji.
Setiap orang akan mendapat cuti 104 hari dalam setahun dan kebanyakannya ialah hari sabtu dan ahad.
1) Staff yang kurus akan diberi rehat selama 30 minit. Ini kerana mereka perlu makan lebih untuk kesihatan.
2) Untuk saiz normal, mereka akan diberi rehat selama 15 minit. Ini kerana mereka sedang elok dan cuma perlu mengambil makanan secara stabil.
3) Untuk mereka yang gemuk, mereka akan diberi rehat selama 5 minit sahaja. Ini kerana mereka cuma perlu makan pil dan susu atau teh untuk menguruskan badan.
Mulai 2005 kami tidak lagi mengiktiraf sijil sakit dari Doktor ini kerana sekiranya anda mampu pergi ke Klinik untuk dapatkan MC, anda tentu boleh pergi kerja juga.
Kami mendapat aduan ramai staff yang mengambil masa terlalu lama di dalam tandas. Mulai tahun 2009 setiap seorang hanya boleh menggunakan tandas selama 5 minit sahaja. Sekiranya lebih dari 5 minit secara automatiknya tandas akan di pam, tisu akan stuck, pintu akan terbuka dan kemera akan menyala.
Sekiranya lebih dari 2 kali gambar anda dirakam, kami akan menampal gambar anda di notis board di bawah korum 'staff sembelit'.
Selagi anda menjadi staff di sini, kami tidak membenarkan anda melakukan sebarang pembedahan. Jangan cuba mengeluarkan apa-apa saja organ dari dalam badan anda kerana kami mengambil anda bekerja kerana anda mempunyai organ yang cukup. Sekiranya tidak, ini bermakna anda telah melanggar kontrak.
Segala penggunaan internet atas urusan peribadi seperti membaca e-mail, chatting dan games akan dikenakan bayaran RM2.00 sejam (sama seperti harga pasaran). Bayaran ini akan ditolak dari gaji anda.
Sebagai permulaan, 73% staff di sini tidak akan mendapat gaji selama 3 bulan, ini kerana harga penggunaan internet sahaja telah melebihi 3 bulan gaji mereka.
Terima kasih kerana masih setia berkhidmat di syarikat ini. Kami akan cuba memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik. Sebarang pertanyaan, komen, aduan, kekecewaan, sakit hati, bantahan, maki hamun, caci nista boleh disalurkan ke tempat lain.
Thomas Amaro Beleza Globo, geral já entendeu que o Corinthians foi campeão...pode parar de passar esse clipezinho fedido falando que o Corinthians lutou bravamente, suou a camisa e blá blá blá, que tal começar a falar sobre alguma coisa produtiva ?
Erika Kiyota Atencao people !chega dessa dor de cotovelo, nw importa a quantidade, nem a variedade de titulos, o que importa e que esse ano a taca e nossa, e pra toda essa dor de cotovelo, ai vai uma dica, e na raca que caimos, nos erguemos e vamos muito mais alem, um doce beijo com sabor de penta...
Sunny Bauer 5 likes(:
a; available;
b; birthday;
c; crushing on;
d; drinking;
e; easiest person to talk to;
f; favorite song;
g; grossest memory;
h; hometown;
i; in love w/;
j; jealous of;
k; killed someone;
l; longest friendship;
m; middle name;
n; nickname;
o; one wish;
p; person who called you last;
q; question your always asked;
r; reason to smile;
s; song you last sang;
t; time;
u; underwear color;
v; violent;
w; who you hate;
x; xrays;
y; your favorite sport;
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