Monday, December 5, 2011

Accipicchia Daniela Amati è già passato un mese negli Statesè ora di pensare al prossimo viaggio Woooooo Bolgiaaaaa Ainda bem que existe outro dia E outras pessoas também u SANKYU

Sofia Rossi
Sofia Rossi Accipicchia Daniela Amati, è già passato un mese negli States...è ora di pensare al prossimo viaggio!!!!! Woooooo!!!!! Bolgiaaaaa!!!!!!
Pai da Panka
Pai da Panka Ainda bem que existe outro dia. E outras pessoas também. (u)
Aeon Lia
Aeon Lia SANKYU BUAT Naomi nee, Anik nee, Kato, Chimzz, Logan, Hidup, ama eko ( lali Fb e ) XXDDD tadi malam kalian bener2 memberiku kejutan yang berkesan ==a XD AKU DI TIPU !!! TT^TT btw... SANKYUU <3 <3 <3
Preet Sidhu
Preet Sidhu ਨਾ ਕਦੀ ਹੋਇਆ ਅਖੀਰ ਮੇਰਾ ਕਿਸੇ ਸ਼ਾਇਰ ਦੀ ਕਹਾਣੀ ਵਾਗੂੰ......... .........................ਮਿਟ ਗਈਆ ਰੀਝਾ ਕਿਸੇ ਅਲੜ ਇਸ਼ਕੇ ਦੀ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨੀ ਵਾਗੂੰ ਬਸ ਮਿਟ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੁਣ ਵਜੂਦ ਮੇਰਾ... ਗਿਲਾਸ-ਏ-ਸ਼ਰਾਬ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਾਣੀ ਵਾਗੂੰ.................preet


Gurpreet SidhuRaghveer Chattha
Brenna Packard
Brenna Packard Wal-Mart vs. The Morons? 1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart Every hour of every day. 2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute! 3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year. 4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined. 5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the world's largest private employer, and most speak English. 6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world. 7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only fifteen years. 8. During this same period, 31 big supermarket chains sought bankruptcy. 9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world. 10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USAof which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five years ago. 11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at Wal-Mart stores. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.) 12. 90% of all Americans live within fifteen miles of a Wal-Mart. You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground work for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to fix the economy. This should be read and understood by all Americans Democrats, Republicans, EVERYONE! To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature It is now official that the majority of you are corrupt morons: a.. The U.S.Postal Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke. b.. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke. c.. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke. d.. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more. e.. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke. f.. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke. g.. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure. You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars. AND YOU WANT AMERICANS TO BELIEVE YOU CAN BE TRUSTED WITH A GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM ? Folks, keep this circulating. It is very well stated. Maybe it will end up in the e-mails of some of our "duly elected' (they never read anything) and their staff will clue them in on how Americans feel. AND I know what's wrong. We have lost our minds to "Political Correctness" ! Someone please tell me what the HELL's wrong with all the people that run this country!!!!!! We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.,? In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile, and Turkey .. And now Pakistan ......previous home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS! Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour Hundreds of Billions of $'s and Tons of Food to Foreign Countries! We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans. AMERICA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without 'needed' meds, and mentally ill without treatment -etc,etc. YET...................... They have a 'Benefit' for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies. We give over $500 billion dollars to illegal aliens every year. Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries and illegals. Sad isn't it? 99% of people won't have the guts to forward this. I'm one of the 1% -- I Just Did


Jeff Zimmerman
Adeeb Abu El Rub
Adeeb Abu El Rub الجيل القادم سيتعلم الأحرف الانجليزية : بهذه الطريقة : A Adobe B bluetooth C chat D download E email F facebook G google H hotmail I i phone J Java K kingston L laptop M messenger N NOKIA O outlook P print Q QuickTime R RAM S Server T Touch Screen U U S B V Windows_Vista W wifi1 X xbox360 Y YouTube و اهم كلمة : Z Zanga zanga ..


Ahmed Shelbayeh
Isaac ValenzueLa
Isaac ValenzueLa Qe padre saliendo del trabjo gads llegar q casa un ht shower acompaniado cn un riko chocolate pa curar l frio Jaj!;D <3 E:-*


Kassandra Sarahy MoranKassandra Lara
Dipika Boricha
Dipika Boricha Bapu e Bank Loan par Car lidhi. Hapta na bharya to bank wala car pachhi lai gaya. Bapu:- Pahela khabar hot to Lagan pan loan laine karat.,


Akshit Sharma Lovy
Esty Cahyaningsih
Esty Cahyaningsih sing ngawasi ki gurune opo murid e yo?? #heran
Elizabeth Novaes
Elizabeth Novaes As vezes paro pra pensar tanta coisa, e quando vejo o meu pensamento esta sempre no mesmo lugar ou melhor com a mesma pessoa. Ana Carolina
Alexis Javier Ocasio Rios
Alexis Javier Ocasio Rios bueno son las 11 y no e terminado con todas las cosas q tengo q entregar en esta semana odio cuando hay examenes finales siempre es mucha precion y muchas cosas q aser para entregar


Alexis Javier Ocasio Rios
Nicole Romanini


João DanielLucas DelgadoCássia Cristina Franco
Camila Rabelo
Camila Rabelo tô com uma angustia tão grande no meu coração, não sei pq veio do nada, mais ja vai passar tou indo me deitar vou conversa e desabafar com o meu velho amiigo. DEUS! boa noite para todos. DEUS É FIEL.


Natasha Maia
Rayane Cardoso
Rayane Cardoso Conferência via skype de madrugada, é só por você amiga.


Larissa Janz
Michael Smith
Michael Smith Straight outta compton is a niqqa that'll smouther ya mother and make ya sister think I love herrrr ;)-Easy mothafuckin E


Christian Rodriguez
Bruce Nafta
Bruce Nafta fk dik bb!!! Te amo pra kralho, e acho q vc n faz ideia...[Malu]
9GAG is the easiest way to have fun!


Malu Nafta
Kitsune Minamino
Kitsune Minamino Thank you for laughing with me, Thank you for crying with me, Don't worry; you'll be fine, Just keep going straight in the path you believe in...You will be fine You're not alone, You'll always have a place to go back to, right here...-- tabidatsu kimi e
Joane Tina Dzvova 'beckham'
Joane Tina Dzvova 'beckham' happy birthday munatsireyi rukure.i love u lots n mis u.numa 2dy treat her like e queen she is!
Walciano Oliveira
Walciano Oliveira e ai turma como foi o fim de semana........
Angel L. Soto
Angel L. Soto Margarito saco e' trampas....
Mijan Rahman
Mijan Rahman ^^Good^^Morning^^F^r^i^e^n^d^s^


Abu ToyibAslam KhanJazz JahidSûbäsh Thâpä
Daniela Albuquerque
Daniela Albuquerque Um Meio ou uma Desculpa (Roberto Shinyashiki) Não conheço ninguém que conseguiu realizar seu sonho, sem sacrificar feriados e domingos pelo menos uma centena de vezes. Da mesma forma, se você quiser construir uma relação amiga com seus filhos, terá que se dedicar a isso, superar o cansaço, arrumar tempo para ficar com eles, deixar de lado o orgulho e o comodismo. Se quiser um casamento gratificante, terá que investir tempo, energia e sentimentos nesse objetivo. O sucesso é construído à noite! Durante o dia você faz o que todos fazem. Mas, para obter um resultado diferente da maioria, você tem que ser especial. Se fizer igual a todo mundo, obterá os mesmos resultados. Não se compare à maioria, pois, infelizmente ela não é modelo de sucesso. Se você quiser atingir uma meta especial, terá que estudar no horário em que os outros estão tomando chope com batatas fritas. Terá de planejar, enquanto os outros permanecem à frente da televisão. Terá de trabalhar enquanto os outros tomam sol à beira da piscina. A realização de um sonho depende de dedicação. Há muita gente que espera que o sonho se realize por mágica, mas toda mágica é ilusão, e a ilusão não tira ninguém de onde está. Em verdade, a ilusão é combustível dos perdedores pois: Quem quer fazer alguma coisa, encontra um MEIO. Quem não quer fazer nada, encontra uma DESCULPA.
Kennon Gilson
Kennon Gilson My life as James Bomb.
Ken having fun acting in a local film project playing the escape artist, "Toxic Spy". Video was stylized to look like a "graphic novel". Filmed on location a...
Cem Suteru
Cem Suteru yuhu, mesin baru udah dateng. rabu ato kamis bisa dipasang.... pertanyaannya beberapa hari ke depan aq naik motor apa? a. Vespa bapak yang ga pernah dipake, sampai knalpotnya berkerak klo over gas bisa nyemprot oli. b. Jalan kaki, masih banyak tugas harus bolak balik rumah-kampus @7-8km. c. Pinjam sepeda bimbim, yang rodanya kempes, dop rodanya ga bisa dipompa karena jenisnya khusus dan limited edition d. Ga usah kemana2, resiko semester ini ga lulus karena ga ngumpulin tugas ke kampus. e. lain-lain.
Pedro Frota
Pedro Frota ser campeão fazendo complo com CBF E GLOBO é muito facil, quero ver ser vice sendo roubado todo jogo, penalti nao marcado jogo sim, jogo nao. ter a pior tabela na reta final de campeonato, com 3 clássicos locais e um nacional, onde todos os jogadores estão cansados, ser vice com o técnico quase morrendo, ser vice com problemas financeiros.

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