Tori Ann Xp A- Available: Yupp. <3
B- Birthday: October 29.
C- Crushing On: Nobodyy!
D- Drink you last had: Dr.pepper..
... ... E- Easiest person to talk too: Jazmynee.
F- Favorite song: I never told you by.Colbie Caillat.<3
G- Grossest memory: Ummm. %th grade when a kid started humping a pole.. O_o
H- Hometown: Pinee Bush.
I- In love with: Me,myself&&I.
J-Jealous of: Nobodyy.
K- Killed someone: No.
L- Longest friendship: 13 years and still goin on
M- Milkshake flavor: Choclate. :)
N- Number of siblings: 3.
O- One wish: My wish would be.. To stop world hunger. :)
P- Person who called you last: Autumm.
Q- Question you're always asked: Aree you dating.. Blank! Not gonna mention names..
R- Reason to smile: Whenn something funny happens orr I see someonee. That i love.
S- Song you last sang: Sexi and i know it.
T- Time you woke up: 9:35
U- Umbrella color: PURPLE!
V- Violent moment you had: Fights. With friends&&Faimly.
W- Worst habit: Getiin distracted too easliyy.
X- X-rays you had: Pinkie,hand,Back.
Y- Your last time you cried: 3 days agoo.. I think?
Z-Zodic sign: Sqorpiann! I dont think thats how you spell itt!
Saddam Khan Salam
Good morning yaro
Nicole Tate Almost out of work!!then its off to celebrate my kooks birthday at chuck e cheese:)
Dominique Ajee' L.MS if your name gotta " e " in it ;) ?
Ricardø Izecsøn Humko Ali(as) Ke Ishq Ne Aala Banaadiya!!!!
Qatra Tha Hussain (as) Ne Dariya Bana Diya!!!!
Jab Maatami Libhaaz Kiya Humne Zeb-E-Tan!!!!
Humko Gham-e-Hussain(as) Ne Kaaba Banadiya!!!
Igor Moreira Moraes Boxe>MMA
Dá uma sacada aí, Elton Moraes e Fausto. O pobre do Margarito levando...
Douglas Penha "O Corinthians não é só um Time e uma Torcida. É um estado de Espiríto!" - Dr. Sócrates
E NO PACAEMBU COM Bruno Tucci, Bruno Pitombeira, Beto Dias, Gabriel Da Silva Coelho, Lucas Rocha e Douglas Penha!
Joabe Gomes Desculpa a a frase chula, mas "sem querer gozar com o pau dos outros", ver o Vasco Vice novamente não tem preço !! Não desmerecendo a campanha deles (que foi mto boa), mas Zoação é a graça do Futebol !! VASCO VICE = PLEONASMO !! #me chamam de bandido e eu tenho que aguentar !!
Michæl Łedeźmā orgulloso de ser morado,hoy se vio quien si propuso futbol y a quien le montan la vara para llegar a la final... a mora lo expulsan por nada y el hp de mac donald se tiro golpeo e hizo le q le dio la gana con el arbitro y solo una amarilla... dios guarde saprissa hubiera terminado con los 11 jugadores... mac donald le hizo el brete al arbitro en el camarino porq el arbitro lo mamo todo el partido... como estar feliz con un partido asi... jajaj me daria verguenza pasar despues de ese baile q les pegamos...
Sachin Sawant Kehte Ke Ki 7 Phere 7 Janmo Ka Bandhan Hota He
Ye 7 Words Agar Mil Jaye ToBs 1 Janam Me Hi 7 Janam Jine Ka Ehsas Ho Jata He
good morning my all frends have you nice day.....
Kristy Wolfram B~O~R~E~D!!!
Robert C. Urdiano and this one
Music video by Taking Back Sunday performing Cute Without the "E" (Cut From the Team). (C) 2002 Another Victory/ Taking Back Sunday
Osscar Oi Guan Wei *
╬═╬ Don't go down.
╬═╬Are you listening to me? Don't go!
╬═╬Hello...? I said don't go.
╬═╬Stop it! Don't go down.
╬═╬Okay. If you wanna be like that then go.
╬═╬You are still headstrong and you aren't listening to me...
╬═╬I can't talk to you anymore.
╬═╬You listen to me! ...don't go down there!
╬═╬Can you please just listen to me ?
╬═╬You're dumb if you go down there.
╬═╬Ok I'm not going to tell you again...don't go.
╬═╬ Oh Common!! PLEASE!!
╬═╬Are you bored yet?
╬═╬Last chance ...don't go there..
Because you didn't want to listen to me, now you have to like this status.
Put this on your page or profile and you will find out how many stubborn friends you have :P
LikeUnlike · · Unfollow PostFollow Post · Share · 12 hours ago near Kuala Lumpur
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(Allama Iqbal)
Litia Tuionetoa Vaingalo Finally! "6 month" my Dad past away! Ko ene talamai ka mate ha taimi oku ikai ke loto ke tauanga'a ta'u e 1 mahina pe e 6. Kou tangutu pe o fkkaukau oleva ke osi e kilisimasi moe fk'osi ta'u kau toki hu'i he new year 2012. Koe me'a fkmamahi kiateau na'ama christmas fkosi i hoku i heni! Hange koe lau koe hala kuo papa ka koe anga ia a e vilo a taimi. Koe aho kilisimasi ta'eoli eni ki he eku mo'ui eku manatu ki he tamai ofa ko eni! Amusia kimoutolu oku mou fe'inasi'aki fiefia mo homou Tamai he kilisimasi! Ofa atu
Virginia Lourenco NECESSITO DUM ABRAÇO!!!!!! Para abraçar-me, por favor, faz click em "Gosto", depois copia-o e partilha-o no teu mural. Provavelmente eu já saberei quem me vai abraçar...... Recorda que uma vez que clicas em "Gosto" tens de o copiar e colar no teu mural para que eu poça devolver-te o abraço. Vai ser interessante perceber quantos amigos te vão abraçar. Os abraços são geniais, são medicinais, dás-me um?
Nennaa Camacho A- Available: Nopee Im Takeenn <3
B- Birthday: 1-22-97
C- Crushing On: My Boyfriend
D- Drink you last had: CranBerry Juice
E- Easiest person to talk too:Autumn
F- Favorite song: He Wont Go By Adele & Doing It Wrong Drake
G- Grossest memory: Idk
H- Hometown: Bronx
I- In love with: Isaiah
J-Jealous of: Autumn
K- Killed someone: Nahh
L- Longest friendship: Idont Memberr
M- Milkshake flavor: Chocolate
N- Number of siblings: Moms Side = 1 Sister 2Brothers Dads Side 2 Sisters
O- One wish: To Be With My Family
P- Person who called you last: Autumn
Q- Question you're always asked: Are You Bii Lol
R- Reason to smile: My Boyfriend
S- Song you last sang: Doing It Wrong By Drake
T- Time you woke up: 10:00
U- Umbrella color: Hot Pink O Yeahh <3
V- Violent moment you had: Idk
W- Worst habit: Bitting My Nails
X- X-rays you had:Idk Damn
Y- Your last time you cried: Like An Hour Ago
Z-Zodic sign: Idk Damn !!!
Higor Rossato Tentando comprar os ingressos do Lollapalooza, mas o servidor não está ajudando muito....Mal começou vender e já está fora do ar...desse jeito complica né....
Ashley Marie Morton-Kent A: Chris Andrews
S: Stephen Andrews
H: Grace Hoopadoop Effin Fang
L: Lexie Maraih Black
E: Ej Nunez
Y : Nate Yarian
Lee Sandeul S <3 A <3 R <3 A <3 N <3 G <3 H <3 A <3 E <3 Y <3 O,, B <3 A <3 N <3 A...!! -^^-
Betsy Mccain We all got together and this is what we said.
We're gonna F-I-G-H-T
We're gonna S-C-O-R-E
We're gonna fight
We're gonna score
We're gonna win tonight! WOOHOO
Anibal A. DaSilva Kriola
Djan purba Kriola!
Kredu! Djan monta Kriola
Monta Kriola
Ê sima monta bolé
El ta buli
Sima buli di baté
Kriola ku karga
É sima neba detadu
Ma Kriola sen karga
Ta da koxu moda mula brabu
Forti Kriola bunitu!
Na kanal di Djabraba
El ê un ponba branku
Na mar di Bokarron
Kriola ê un bebé ku biberon
Ai kredu! Kriola…
Kriola ê nos barku
Sinbulu di amizadi
Di Djarfogu ku Djabraba
Por: Anibal A. DaSilva
Sue Talaave . o aso ua lelei o aso ua masei e iloa ai le tautai poto o le teena faosoosoa a le fili ae talia le finagalo o le Alii e maua e ia le pale o le ola oloo fetalai ai le Iakopo1
Clarice Lima No ultimo mês sinto ter vivido uma década e, na próxima semana, quero viver pelo menos meio século! Quero que tudo seja intenso, exagerado, louco, porque só assim fico satisfeita
Clarice Lispector
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