Essa é para ferver, olha só o tamanho do lucrozinho Brasil, compartilheem o infográfico! (FABRICADO NO BRASIL/EXPORTADO PRO MÉXICO) Fonte:
Senora Galloway 5 LIKES ill do my ABC's
A- Available:
B- Birthday:
C- Crushing On:
D- Drink you last had:
... E- Easiest person to talk too:
F- Favorite song:
G- Grossest memory:
H- Hometown:
I- In love with:
J- Jealous of:
K- Killed someone:
L- Longest friendship:
M- Milkshake flavor:
N- Number of siblings:
O- One wish:
P- Person who called you last:
Q- Question you're always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Song you last sang:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear color:
V- Violent moment you had:
W- Worst habit:
X- X-rays you had:
Y- Your last time you cried:
Z- Zodiac sign
Luiza Missi consegui postar 13 de cento e quarenta e poucas aslkdfjdçlskf amanhã eu posto o resto porque eu to morrendo de sono e cansaço e minhas pernas tão gritando de dor. adeus
Jacinta Livingston Got oke today by grandma for chomping on gum while playing the piano on stage. I told her, "Grandma, e le kea le tagata alu lotu pati pati. O na'o tagata alu lotu Lamosa." lol I love making her laugh. Wonder if my samoan made any sense to her. #smh@americanraisedsamoans (mysellf)
Fabiano Santiago Sinceramente? futebol=novela, para o país inteiro, gera discórdia, mas no final, é tão importante quanto a cor da minha cueca.
Amanda Blades does n e one kno were i can get a nice cheap e reader or android tablet or somethin similar to that if so hmu....

Meet CARLIE!!!
ID# 918207
8 months old
32 lbs
A volunteer writes: How many ways can you say "puppylicious"? This little girl is a delight. She's a beautiful mocha color with the thick puppy fur that I can never take my hands off of. She is friendly and playful, puppy chunky,compact, has a tail that never stops wagging, and a face that never stops registering delight in everything she does and sees. She may be housetrained, relieving herself as soon as we were outside. She seems to love other dogs, wanting to play with those we met in the park, and giving a special tail wag to a "regular" who is always in the park. I invited her to sit beside me on the park bench, and she jumped up, gave me a kiss and settled in my lap, content to snuggle and watch the world go by. Carlie will fit into any family setting and is waiting for that family to find her in Manhattan. If you're lucky, it will be you.
This dog is located at the Manhattan AC&C (326 E 110th Street, NYC 10029). Please act quickly and GO DIRECTLY TO THE SHELTER to adopt (open 7 days per week from 8AM-7:00PM, adoptions opens at noon). If the dog is on the euthanasia list, you must CALL THE SHELTER to let them know that you are coming (212-722-4939 keep hitting 0 until someone picks up. Do not leave a message when the recording picks up --- keep hitting 0 until your hear a voice!). If you absolutely cannot get to the shelter, please contact participating rescue groups to see if they can assist you: On behalf of the dog before you, THANK YOU!

Jefe Duarte saudades da familia, da galera de santos e do pessoal da chilli, abraço galera
Olivia Rhea Heale Every crook and cranny of the house.has been cleaned (even under couches stove, fridge, washer, dryer, ect). For w/e reason I can not ever bring myself to christmas decorate until even the most random places of my house have been cleaned. But its all done now, and I cant wait for a week full of christmas decorating and baking.

Cory Walton Like and I'll do the letters that spell your name.
A: To be honest..
B: First impression-
C: Rate-
D: Smash/pass-
... E: Would i go out with you?-
F: Kiss/diss-
G: Comment my fav picture of you.
H: Would i marry you on fb?-
I: Swag Rate-
J: I think..
K: would i chill with you?-
L: do i love you?-
M: do i like your name?-
N: would i hug you?-
O: should we talk?-
P: have i ever like you?-
Q: do i want your number?-
R: first thing i would do if i see you..
S: i always wanted to ask you..
T: how old do you look?-
U: Write I love you, on your wall
V: how long have I known you?-
W: we shouuld..
X: I'll inbox you
Y: Memory-
Z: say "hi" the next time I see you.
Megan Amadori iz got jelly beans =D and got to watch wall-e tonight with a guy who made me dinner =) great way to end the week!
Erica BunnyBoo When i First Added You iWas Like? L I K E!! LMS
[] вye -__-
[] wтғ?
[] Bomb(;
[] oĸay
... ... []yoυ're cυтe/preттy
[] daмn ;D
[] ιdĸ.
Woυld ι daтe yoυ?
[] yeaн ♥
[] naн
[] мayвe
[] Idk .
Woυld ι мarry yoυ on ғв?
[] yeaн ♥
[] nope.
[] ιdĸ?
Вeѕт ғeaтυre:
[] eyeѕ
[] ѕмιle (:
[] everyтнιng♥
[] ιdĸ
[]1-4 -__-
[]5-7 :P
[]вeyond it
Alicia Collins Laicee Phillips, Alex Stewart, Warren Mckenzie Jr., Osborn E Henderson, Stephanie Crisi, Emily Stein, Shannon Dawn, Larysa Larson, Andre Larson & Zac Petree; i freaking miss you all!!! and i expect to see each & every one of you this wednesday!! kk, thx loverfaces.<3
Debora Almeida Perdemos a balsa o jeito e passar a noite em um INN!!!!
Hamilton Neves le os jogos sao QUAKE 4, CONAN, DARKNESS E PGR de corrida
Eliza Abreu Aqui perto tá tendo uma festa até agora parece tipo um terreiro de macumba mas é a festa dos... corintianos..tem horas que parece uma guerra de tantos fogos e ainda é aqueles fogos de pobre que só faz barulho de bomba..kkkkkk
Diego Martins E quando você faz uma amiga onde menos esperava? Life is Good ;D
Juan Salas Este fin de semana nos la pasamos muy bien en casa en conpania de los ahijados e hijos
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