Felipe Dos Reis Fernandes Nada aparece em sua página por acaso. As atualizações, as páginas pra curtir, as propagandas.. O Facebook sabe onde você está o tempo todo, por isso só te oferece aquilo que é do seu interesse.
Demetrius Ryans L I K E!!
If you cute & if i agree i'll put ah :) on ur wall!
Maricar Codillo Eh~? Naka globe sim ba ko ngaun e alam ko na ka SMART ako ah~ bwahaha anu ba nangyayari?!
Una sya
ngaun ikaw!
Ahaha nakakabaliw un NOKIA PC SUITE
Essa é para ferver, olha só o tamanho do lucrozinho Brasil, compartilheem o infográfico! (FABRICADO NO BRASIL/EXPORTADO PRO MÉXICO) Fonte: http://omundoemmovimento.blog.uol.com.br/arch2011-06-01_2011-06-30.html#2011_06-27_18_42_25-142809534-0
Rakesh Rajput A - Avoid Negative Sources, Thoughts, People.
B - Believe in Yourself.
C - Consider things from all angles.
D - Don't Give up or Give In.
E - Enjoy Life Today. Tomorrow may not come.
F - Family and Friends are Hidden Treasures. Gift of God to you.
G - Give more than you Planned to Give.
H - Hang on to your Dreams.
I - Ignore those who Discourage you.
J - Just Do it!
K - Keep doing no matter how hard it seems! It will become easier.
L - Love yourself First and Most.
M – Make it Happen.
N - Never Lie, Cheat or Steal. Always strike a fair deal.
O – Own up your Mistakes. That is the least you can do.
P – Practice makes you Perfect.
Q – Quitters Never Win and Winners never Quit.
R – Read, Study and Learn everything Important in your Life.
S – Stop Procrastinating.
T – Take Control of your Destiny.
U – Understand yourself better to understand others.
V - Visualize It!
W - Want it more than anything.
X – Xcellerate your efforts.
Y – You are Unique of God’s Creation. Nothing can Replace you.
Z – Zero in your target and Go for it.
Juninho Oliveira Congresso de FeUMP
Foii muiito Bom !!! As Palestras foram boas demais !
Pena que 2 Dias é muiito pouco =/
Azir Jusufi > I Dua fëmijët sepse;
Ata janë të ndjeshëm, të përulur & derdhin lot mjaft shpesh.
Ata janë gjithmonë në një lëvizje & nuk din për përtaci.
Atyre ju pëlqen të fillojn duke thënë "Assalamualeikum"
Pafajësi e ëmbël & shprehin keqardhje në fytyrat e tyre kur ndihen me faj.
Zemra e tyre është si kristal i pastër ashtu siç lotët e tyre shëndrisin në faqet e tyre.
Ata harrojnë zemërimin ndaj jush,për ca sekonda pasi t'ju keni falur me edukatë nje buzëqeshje per tu bëre miq përsëri.
Nëse All-llahu (swt) do te me lejonte që të marrë përsëri një cilësi të humbur që më bekoi me të në fëmijërinë time, do të ishte "sinqeriteti".
Zayda 'Monique L I K E(:
For A Color!
[] Red: You fine ;)
[] Pink: Your cute it's true!
[] Green: Your alright
[] Blue: I want your number
[] Yellow: I would date you
[]Orange: You've made me smile
[] Gray: We should talk more
[] Purple: I love you
[]Gold: You're important to me
[] White: We should chill soon
[]Black: You should post this as your status
Simy Zamboni Depois de ter recordado de BSB ,N´sync e Spice Girls com a Chai Lima ,o que pode ser mais velho? O.O AEUHEAHEAHUEHEAHUEAHUEAHUEAU
Marisela Saucedo VIRUS COMING !!!!
Hi All, I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus! I checked Snopes, and it is for real. Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP. PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS! You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK, regardless of who sent it. POSTING THIS FROM A FRIEND! This is a re-post from 1 of my neighbors...but I would rather be on the safe side than on the down side!!
Vioree Brandon Word from my brother: Min. Uncle Bug- Press to Exit! My God what a word on today!!! P- Persue, R- Research, E- Execute, S-Search, S-Seize... Selah!!!
Aryana Holanda E às vezes faço que não vejo e nem ligo. E finjo ser distraída demais. Estou tranquila e sinto que tudo vai sair bem, quando chegar exatamente a minha hora.
Mary Louise Tolibas Ciubal today is anica's 2nd month nakakatuwa lang dahil bilis na nyang lumaki...unti-unting ngiging kamuka n nya si jay..hahaha!!sabi ko sken sya magmana e...huhu...labyu anica!!!
Pedro Nascimento Roger Waters, quem vai, e pra qual setor?
Cheyenne Cassidy Wheeler Ten likes and I'll answer.(:
1. Hug:
2. Phone call:
3. Text message:
4. Song you heard:
5. Time you cried:
6. Dated someone twice:
7. Been cheated on:
8. Kissed someone & regretted it:
9. Lost someone special:
10. Been depressed:
11. Been drunk and threw up:
15. Made a new friend:
16. Laughed until you cried:
17. Met someone who changed you:
18. Found out who your true friends were:
19. Found out someone was talking about you:
20. Kissed anyone on your friend's list:
21. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life:
22. How many kids do you want:
23. Do you have any pets:
24. Do you want to change your name:
25. What did you do for your last Birthday:
26. What time did you wake up today:
27. What were you doing at midnight last night:
28. Name something you cannot wait for:
29. Last time you saw your mother:
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:
31. What are you listening to right now:
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:
33. Who's getting on your nerves right now:
34. Most visited webpage:
35. What's your real name:
36. Nicknames:
37. Relationship Status:
38. Zodiac sign:
39. Male or female:
40. Primary school:
41. Secondary School:
42. High school/college:
43. Write w/e you want here:
44. Long or short:
45. Height:
46. What do you like about yourself:
47. Piercings:
48. Tattoos:
49. Righty or lefty:
50. Surgery:
51. Piercing:
52. Best friend:
53. Sport you joined:
54. Vacation:
55. Eating:
56. Drinking:
57. I'm about to:
58. Listening to:
59. Waiting for:
60. Kids:
61. Marriage:
62. Career:
63. Lips or eyes:
64. Shorter or taller:
65. Older or Younger:
66. Nice stomach or nice arms:
67. Sensitive or loud:
68. Kissed a stranger:
69. Drank hard liquor:
70. Lost glasses/contacts: .
71. Broken someone's heart:
72. Been arrested:
73. Cried when someone died:
74. fallen for a friend:
75. Yourself:
76. Miracles:
77. Love at first sight:
78. Heaven:
79. Santa Clause:
80. Angels:
81. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time:
82. Did you sing today:
83. Ever cheated on somebody:
84. If you could go back in time, how far would you go:
85: Do you like the way you look:
Sunny Dhawan doob ja ishq e khuda main sab
kuch bhool kar aey insaan….
kis nay paayi hay ye duniya ki
mOhabbat jo tu paaye ga… ♥ :] good morning friends
TO tao cansada hoje,
Felipe Miyata Se você pensa que se esforçar é inútil, então você ainda não acredita que pode conseguir o que deseja
Marcos Gonçalves Estava aqui escutando este som e lembrei de meus Amigos Alexei, e Tata Borba em uma idas e vindas na Ocean Beach..........Saudades ..
Music video by Foo Fighters performing Times Like These. (C) 2002 Roswell Records, Inc.
Mui Aloha ✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫
☻/ღ˚ •。* ♥♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。* °♥ ˚ • ★ *˚ .ღ 。
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Renata Cisneiros Eu: dança, mainha;
Ela: eu quero porra de dançar;
Eu: pq tudo tu tem que colocar um palavrão?
Ela: pq é tão gostoso chamar porra ..
tem que sair isso da minha mãe .. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Gabautlwe Modukanele Tsoga tsoga morobadi, e gase nako ya boroko e kenako ya thapelo
Manuel Gandara una de las mejores cansiones :D
Moagisi Tlhase Modimo rrarona yo boitshepo, ka boikokobetso rea go rapela simolla beke e le rona, obe ore natlafatse mo matsatsing a latelang, amen... Moso o montle ditsala, madume ke ao maafrika a mantshonyana bana ba mmala wa sebilo... Ahaaaa...
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