Trey Moore A - Available-YES
B - Birthday-JUNE 29 1993
C - Crushing on ( u kno who u r)
D - Drink i last had- Coolie juice
E - easiest peron to tlk to- Lawrence Moore, Odarius Mills
-favorite song- HYFR-drake
G-grosset memory- Throwin up 20 meatballs
H-Home town-Chester, SC
I- In love wit- Basketball
J-jealous of Michael Jordan
K-killed someone, in mi mind
L-longest friendship- Odarius Mills
M- middle name- Lawrenz
N- number of sibilings 6
O-one wish- Make it big sumwhere wit basketball n b successful
P-person who called meh last- Tekia Jordan
Q- question youre always asked- Who cut yo hair
R-reason to smile- i have mi life, health, and strength
S- song ilast song- Testimony by common
T-time i woke up- 12:40
U- underwear color- Black and Grey
V-violent moment-neva really had any
W- worst habit- anger gets da best of me n im tooooo kind 2 girls
X- x rays i had- Knees and ankles
Y- your last kiss- (dnt wanna get n trouble)
Z-zodiac sign- Cancer
DeiJaun McCaleb U look better with the lights off
Jannely Pineda Haha Some people r moving in across the street I think and I go to my friend's house and she's all like that guy keeps staring at u.
my friend: he has a staring problem
me: so he might no how to skate and he seems cool
friend: go ask him
me: why me? And some other time.
friend: haha he look.. Idk nvm
me: haha wat?.. He looks sooo damn cute haha
friend: oh wow mensa
Fun day today!! Had fun except for one small problem
Cheyne Lollar SMH...wen someone says id rather be ugly as hell then fake...and u laugh to urself because u kno they're both...haha love my life
Amanda Ramos i dontt think i could do this anymore :'( ....... 3 cant u understand how much i miss you ?
Brittany Hannah woooww....u bloows my minnd byy!!
Jesse Reyes U know shits going down when u got 3 missed calls from u mom.,
Amos 'Sky-high' Mgwassa Success comes perfect in three things, WANTING IT, KNOWING EVERY SMALL DETAILS, AND ACT ON IT! Pray before u start! #God! #MORNING
Vimbai Muradzikwa thank u Lord fo this beautiful morning.gudmorning to u all my lovely frenz.
Angie Killian when u keep pushing her away u push her in the arms of sum1 else (there is always sum1 out there wiishing they had what u couldnt see u already had right infront of u "true love"
Khushbu Gajjar The hardest part of
missing friends is not their absence,
it’s when u think
of all those gud times
and ask yourself, 'Will those moments ever happen again?’!!!
Ufo Deemo Bitch ur name sounds liike u fat lol
Madison Elise Bite ur tongue 4times
Rub ur face for 5seconds
Cough and u will receive something u really want
Mbeyu Mtsumi I knw u r travelin i wil mis u so much swity.
Xolani Xman Ngubane If u want 2 make peace wit ur enemy. you have to wrk wit ur enemy, then he/she becomes ur partner. Nelson Mandela
Gina Giorgio so guess imma whore everybody!!!! hate how men run there mouths...but at least im happy u know.
Christen White I love my life n the way its goin so far ive made alot of big decisions very fast but I did it cuz it feels like its meant to be I will be able to start fresh n b happy with the person I love I wouldn't change my mind for nothin I am truely happy thanks to Michael Martin I live u babe
Aisha Sweet I can fake my greatest smile ....
They wont even notice that its just a lie!
All they know is that im happy!
Having no traces of pain....
The sad part is .... I really want to cry!
And yet I still have to smile ...
Bcoz they expect me to be allright!
Good Morning All ..
Have A Lovely Day Both Of Us ..
Takecare Allah Hafiz ..
I Love U Miss U All My Friend ..
Aisha -)@
Prashant Sharma you see these shoes on my feet ?
i am 'bout to go on out that door
and u ain't stoppin' , ain't nuttin' gon' stop me
Cause I'm sick and tired of these motherfucker argue
Jessica Manson KNOCKED DOWN TO THE GROUND. BUT SLOWLY GETTING BACK UP. FOR SURE. IM NOT ALONE!!!! I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED! BACK TO BEING ME, AND JUST ME AND WHO I NEED TO BE, WITH ONLY WHO I NEED TO BE. SIT BACK N WATCH ME. "ur guna go far kid...." is that what i was told.... WATCH ME, CUZ I AM!!! ---have a seat, grab sum binoculars.. cuz ima go so far, ya aint guna catch me. u aint guna need to keep up. cuz i dont need nutn but me n MINE!!! I LOVE U VERY FEW THAT HAVE BEEN THERE FOR ME, AND THOSE WHO ARE STILL BY MY SIDE AND LET ME HAVE UR SHOULDER. u know who u r... U FEW ARE THE BEST FRIENDS NE1 COULD EVER WANT!! THANK YOU
Dayana Qintana Immm so sad dont leave me bby ill miss u 11~8~11
Dezzy Dez you pumpfaked me 3 times up there in carol city i aint fucking wit u i dnt like being pumpfaked use to have a nigga up waiting on a call back to slide and never call u bad business
Deshea ALreadyy'Tayken Lockridge if u love me
Theo Bakayza Hey everyone this is the last time ill be able to access my facebook until at leat december 30th...if you would like me to stay in touch and keep u updated on my status please inbox me a phone number and an email address to which i can forward all information. I love you all and keep me in ur prayers...<3
Caesare' Ray Swann I can tell all dat *** wanted to do is ride for free and smoke for free but not me u betta ask them *** my name pimp c unless ya ***** making ten thousand $ a week d only way I see ya sitting in my passenger seat ya ***** LOL man ima miss this type of music never be another
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