Jim Jr Biven I found the best way.. organized religions lead to war..so Iv e decided to beleive the way i Always have, if you you would like tto share i will privately
Adeyemo Mutiu Premier Gud morning 2 u all, 2day we be d asura day, odun anobi seree, u my brothers and sisters e je ki a gba awe loni

David Kong They Hurt Her.
Carmen was 17 years old when her parents decided to move to India. Her father had lost his job and the only way he could find new employment was by moving to a new state the relocation caused a lot of problems for Carmen. She had to leave her friends behind and attend a whole new school in Indiana. Carmen had a hard time making friends when she changed schools. It was the middle of the school year and most of the students had no interest in befriending the new girl. Initially, she spent many days alone, walking from class to class without speaking to anyone, but she eventually started hanging around with a group of five other girls. Carmen thought these girls were her friends, but it wasn’t long before she discovered that they had been talking about her behind her back and spreading vile rumors.
When she confronted them, the girls turned on her and began bullying her every day, making her life a misery. They started out calling her names, but then the bullying got much worse. One day, she left her school books in the classroom at break time. When shereturned, she found someone had taken a sharpie and written dirty words all over her books. Another day, she opened her bag and discovered someone had poured yoghurt all over the insides. Sometimes, she would come to school and find her locker had been vandalized. The final straw came when she put on her coat at recess and found that someone had stuffed dog poop in her pockets.
There and then, Carmen decided that she couldn’t take the bullying any longer. She planned to stay behind, that evening, after school, and tell her teacher what had been happening. Unfortunately, her decision came too late to save her life.
After lunch, her teacher announced that the school was holding a fire drill. When the alarm sounded, Carmen and the other students filed out of the classroom and assembled in the yard outside. As the teachers read out the roll call, the gang of five girls decided that this was a great opportunity to embarrass Carmen in front of the whole school during the fire drill. They moved over to where Carmen was standing, near a sewer drain, and began crowding the poorgirl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole.
They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Carmen’s name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!"
All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Carmen’s body lying at the bottom in the muck and the poop, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Carmen was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom.
The police hauled Carmen’s body out of the sewer and sent her to the mortuary. Everyone had to stay behind after school while the police questioned all of Carmen’s classmates. The five girlslied to the police, saying they had witnessed Carmen falling down the sewer. The police believed the girls and Carmen Winstead’s death was ruled an accident and the case was closed. Everyone thought that was the last they would hear of Carmen Winstead, but they were wrong.
Months later, Carmen’s classmates began receiving strange e-mails on their MySpaces. The e-mails were titled "They Pushed Her" and claimed that Carmen hadn’t really fallen down the sewer, she had been pushed. The e-mails also warned that the guilty people should own up and take responsibility for their crime. If they didn’t there would be horrible consequences. Most people dismissed the e-mails as a hoax, but others were not so sure.
A few days later, one of the girls who pushed Carmen down the sewer was at home taking a shower, when she heard a strange cackling laugh. It seemed to be coming from the drain. The girl started to freak out and ran out of the bathroom. That night, the girl said goodnight to her mom and went to sleep. Five hours later, her mom was awoken in the middle of the night, by a loudnoise that resounded throughout the house. She ran into her daughter’s room, only to find it empty. There was no trace of the girl. The worried mother called the police and when they arrived, they conducted a search of the area. Eventually, they discovered the girl’s grisly remains.
Her corpse was lying in the sewer, covered in muck and poop. Her neck was broken and her face missing. It had been completely torn off. One by one, all of the girls who pushed Carmen that day were found dead. They had all been killed in exactly the same way and were all found at exactly the same spot. In the sewer at the bottom of the same uncovered manhole where Carmen had met her doom. But the killing didn’t stop there. More and more of Carmen’s former classmates were found dead. It seemed that anyone who didn’t believe that Carmen had been pushed, was eventually found down in the sewer with their necks broken and their faces torn off.
They say that Carmen’s ghost is still on the rampage, hunting down anyone who doesn’t believe herstory. According to the legend, Carmen will get you, whetherit’s from a toilet, a shower, a sink or a drain. When you go to sleep, you’ll wake up in the sewer, in complete darkness, paralyzed, unable to move, hearing cackling laughter all around you. Then, as you scream in horror, Carmen will come and tear your face off.
So be careful who you bully, because you just might find yourself on the receiving end of the curse of Carmen Winstead.
FACT: About two months later, 16-year-old David Gregory read this post and didn't repost it. When he went to take a shower, he heard laughter, started freaking out, and ran to his computer to repost it. He said goodnight to his mom and went to sleep, but five hours later, his mom woke up in the middle of the night from a loud noise and David was gone. A few hours later, the police found him in the sewer, with a broken neck and the skin on his face peeled off.
Even Google her name - you'll find this to be true.
If you don't repost this saying "They hurt her," then Carmen will get you, either from a sewer, the toilet, the shower.

Josh Hannum 10 likes i'll do my ABC's
A- Available:
B- Birthday:
C- Crushing On:
D- Drink you last had:
... ... ... E- Easiest person to talk too:
F- Favorite song:
G- Greatest memory:
H- Hometown:
I- In love with:
J- Jealous of:
K- Kissed someone:
L- Longest friendship:
M- Middle Name:
N- Number of siblings:
O- One wish:
P- Person who called you last:
Q- Question you're always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Scared Of:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear color:
V- Very best friends:
W- Worst habit:
X- X-rays you had:
Y- Your last trip to the hospital:
Z- Zodiac sign:
Franz Nievo checking e mails urghhhhh what should i do first....
Hoa Chip Tình hình là e bị mất xạc điện thoại chưa đi mua, bác nào gọi em đi ăn đi chơi thì gọi vào số 0913393639 cho e nhớ :(

Sandro Narvarte QUE BUENO.....LO COPIE DE UN AMIGO.... No vale picarse. Este chistecito me lo mando una mujer. Asunto: Mision NASA La NASA ha enviado al espacio la misión DELTA 4321, módulo experimental tripulado por dos simios y una mujer. Lo siguiente es parte de la comunicación entre el control de Tierra ubicado en Houston y la tripulación: * Houston a Simio 1: Simio 1 verifique sistemas hidráulicos, verifique adecuada presión en los propulsores de arranque e indicadores de desgaste en el fuselaje; a 60.000 pies disminuya un 25% en la velocidad de rotación. El simio 1 mira hacia la cámara y hace la seña de OK. * Houston a Simio 2: Simio 2 nivele velocidad al cruzar la estratósfera y active sistemas anticongelantes. No olvide monitorear cada 15 minutos los sistemas de comunicación y el mantenimiento de la órbita geoestacionaria. Revise computadoras 1, 2, 3 y 4, y reporte cualquier actividad anormal. El simio 2 hace la seña de OK. * Houston a Mujer: No se olvide..... * Mujer a Houston: Sí, sí, sí, YA SÉ! YA SÉEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!, QUE NO SE ME OLVIDE DARLE DE COMER A ESTOS 2 MONOS DE MIER..., Y QUE NI SE ME VAYA A OCURRIR TOCAR NADA.

Chacha Medina E bakit pang nangulangot tayo iniikot ikot muna natin?? Sarap pag laruan?? Nakaka Addict??
Lisa Free i really enjoyed spending time with the kids today we went to aidens birthday party at chuck e cheese so it's been a really long day so now it's time to go to bed so i can go to work tomorrow! goodnight fb friends and family
Julie Puleo Springer Elizabeth opened her first Christmas card of the year and thought of it more like a story book...ME:What does it say? E: once upon a time...GO!
Christopher Marsh Stupid ass ppl jux leave me d fuck alone dont nobody ask me or tell e to

十二月三日, 晚上8:15左右,我们四人(二男二女)在SPRINT大道被一辆警车以警灯从后方截停。 司机(林先生)下车走向警车。 警察司机(尤舒)下车要求身份证及驾照。 过后要求林先生开后尾箱检查。 检查完毕一无所获。另一名警察(法伊查)要求坐在车上的余先生下车并要求他把口袋里的东西全部拿出。尤舒以余先生身上带有三名员工的护照相片为由,大声恐吓余先生说:“我有权怀疑你是AGENT”! 余先生马上解释这是员工的照片,并澄清他是工程师,这是工作方面需要申请准证用的。尤舒没收余先生的照片。之后向二位进行全身搜查。全身检查显然没有违法物品。 这时,尤舒以藏有他人照片为由,要求我们四人尾随警车到BRICKFIELD警局进行尿液检验。法伊查要求车上的我及苏小姐交出身份证。
我们跟随警车到警局。奇怪的是,警局就在我们右边,但警车要求我们把车泊在警局外的路边(黑暗的树下)。法伊查下车指示林先生及余先生上警车,把两位女士留在车上等候。林先生觉得不妥,询问为何只带男士,并说明把女士留在黑暗的地方很危险。尤舒告知;“Mengikut normal sense, perempuan jarang menghisap dadah.” 这时,他感觉到更不妥,为何会跟白粉扯上关系呢?当时林先生马上拨电予律师朋友,并告知警察,我们的律师要我们进警局跟警方合作。当我们提起我们的律师会过来时,尤舒非常激动,以非常不友善的语气说: “ok,ok, u ada lawyer,mau masuk,masuk!”
我们四人一起走进警局,警车尾随我们。我们发现这间警局并不是先前警察所说要带我们去的,反而是Balai Polis Travers。当我们正走向警局的柜台时,警车却泊在警局一个黑暗的角落。法伊查下车再次叫着我们并示意要我们走去他的方向。我们走向他,他告诉我们这间警局的验尿部门已关闭,我们必须跟随他到Ibu Pejabat Brickfield。我们告知警察我们要在警局内等待律师到来才跟他去。法伊查指示我们在警车那等候。 我觉得警察的行为不对劲,询问我们既然人已经在警局了为何不能进去?!尤舒很生气,大声责骂:“Kenapa nak masuk dalam? Kamu nak report apa?”林先生觉得尤舒的态度恶劣,马上向他要求警员ID。尤舒的反应更激动,立刻从警车冲下来,大力关门,直接冲向林先生并很凶地问他:“Apa sal u nak ID saya?”林先生回答他:“Ini hak asasi saya,right?”。由于尤舒的态度已经让我们觉得安全受威胁,我们快步走进警局内希望获得协助。
一进警局,我们告知当值的女警事发经过,也告知她我们是跟随警察车来到这里做尿液检验的。我们愿意合作,只是过程中那两位警察态度恶劣,行为古怪,我们希望进来警局,在一个受保护的情况下跟警方合作。女警收集我们的身份证,要求我们做着等候。 女警询问我们:“Adakah kamu nak menjalankan urin test di sini sahaja? Mana-mana pun tak mahu pergi?”。 我们立刻说是,才放下心静候。
过了大概十分钟,我们才看见尤舒走进警局,直接向柜台的女警报案。我们不知报告内容,但当报告一出时,法伊查指示林先生及余先生跟随他到IPD BRICKFIELD 做尿液检验。我们感到十分惊讶,因为刚才他们才答应当我们的律师到达后直接在这间警察局做检验,为何一切都变换了??!!所以我们马上询问警察验尿的程序是怎样的, 警察不但没回答我们的问题,反而出现一位身穿便服的警察,女警称他为Officer(驾驶civic 7818),并告知他们只能服从他的话,显然较为高职,要求我们上警车。我们要求在律师的陪同下前往,但被拒绝。 林先生询问Officer:“I have the right to wait for my lawyer,right?”Officer很坚决地回答“No! Kamu nak ikut atau tidak?”我语气更坚定说:“Bukan tak mahu ikut, kami tunggu lawyer sampai dulu.” Officer再问:“Nak ikut atau tidak?” Officer便大声叫法伊查 “ambil gari,garikan dia.” 法伊查没有马上拿出手铐,Officer直接走向林先生并捉住他的手,再次以更大声地说:“Sekarang dia siapa, angkat gari garikan dialah!”这时法伊查才拿出手铐。Officer从背后推林先生,林先生本能想脱开手,Officer大声问他:“Kenapa kamu menentang?!!”余先生看到此举,就抓了Officer的手一下,Officer就大骂:“Kamu siapa,berani kamu pegang saya!!”余先生马上道歉并放手,但Officer却叫法伊查连余先生一起铐上手铐。我马上立刻问Officer: “Apa kesalahan mereka, kenapa mereka perlu digari?” Officer指示女警:“Garikan dia sekali!!”但女警没行动。
之后,几位警察就强行把我们连衣带人拉进警车,完全没有告诉我们犯了什么错,为什么要逮捕我们! 我们好像重犯,被警车以飞快的速度送往IPD BRICKFIELD (sri petaling的警局,我们不敢肯定是否叫IPD BRICKFIELD,只是他们警察是如此说)。在车上,我们被告知:“Sekarang, kamu telah ditahan. Mengikut prosedur,telefon bimbit perlu dirampas. Oleh kerana kamu bukan kesalahan berat, kamu dibenarkan mematikan telefon bimbit.”到了IPD BRICKFIELD,我们被带到四楼的Unit Narkotik进行验尿。验尿结果果然不出我们所料,全部没问题。这时,手铐才从他们二人的手上拿去。 女警告知我们验尿结果一切正常,我们将被释放,只是释放之前还会再验我们的车。若没发现,我们就可以走了。其中一个警察说:“若你们给予合作,我们早就打算放了你们。但是你们态度坚决,才会浪费那么多时间。”
我们再次被警车在马路上横冲直撞地送回Balai Polis Travers.虽然你是警察,但我们根本不是罪犯,也不见得赶时间,这样的开车方式,简直是滥用警权。过后,警察们在我们车内进行检查,一切没发现后放我们走。
1. 藏有他人护照照片跟吸毒有什么关系? 为何警察可以随随便便在路边截停车辆,无理要求我们跟随进行尿液检验?
2. 我们给予合作,跟警察回警局,为何要在警局边黑暗的树下谈?警察要求我们验尿难道进警局验不对吗?为何阻止我们进警局?
3. 警察态度恶劣,行径古怪, 身为马来西亚居民,要求警方出示ID确认身份不是我们的权力吗?若你光明正大,为何拒绝?我可以出示身份证,为何你不能出示警察ID?
4. 要求在律师的陪同下才去验尿却被告知我们没有等律师的权力。人权何在?我们没有拒绝验尿,只是多等一会儿,难道对验尿结果会有影响吗?
5. 以为进到警局人身安全会被保护,结果在警局内莫名被扣上手铐,被强行拉进警车。我们是良好市民,跟警察到警局配合检验,却受到如此对待,我们以后如何敢再相信警察? 如何敢跟警察合作?
6. 询问警察我们犯了什么错,要被扣上手铐? 问一个问题就差点被扣上手铐,原来警局里市民是无权发问,无权发言的!
7. 检验完毕,一无所获,说我们浪费时间。我们四位都是大学毕业,专业人士,到底是谁在浪费谁的时间?
8. 检验结果一切正常,在开车送我们回去警局拿车时,在马路上左右穿梭,飞快驾驶,都拖了那么长时间,难道真的那么赶吗?

Jhey Cosep Mga Ginintuang Paalala Ni Inay at Itay
1. Si Inay, tinuruan niya ako ng HOW TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
“Kung kayong dalawa ay magpapatayan, doon kayo sa labas. Kalilinis ko lang ng bahay.”
Natuto ako ng RELIGION kay Itay.
“Kapag yang mantsa di natanggal sa carpet, magdasal ka na!”
2. Si Itay, tinuruan niya kami ni Kuya kung anong ibig sabihin ng TIME TRAVEL.
“Kung di kayo tumigil ng pagngangawa diyan, tatadyakan ko kayo ng todo hanggang umabot kayo sa isang linggo!”
3. Kay Inay ako natuto ng LOGIC.
“Kaya ganyan, dahil sinabi ko.”
4. Kay Inay din ako natuto ng MORE LOGIC.
“Kapag ikaw ay nalaglag diyan sa bubong, ako lang magisa ang manonood ng sine.”
5. Kay Itay naman natuto ng FORESIGHT si Kuya.
“Siguraduhin mo na lagi kang mag susuot ng malinis na brief, para pag naaksidente ka e di kahiyahiya sa emergency room.”
6. Si Inay naman ang nagturo sa akin kung ano ang ibig sahibin ng IRONY.
“Sige ngumalngal ka, kung di bibigyan talaga kita ng iiyakan mo!”
7. Kay Inay ako natuto ng SCIENCE OF OSMOSIS.
“Itigil mo ang kadadakdak at tapusin mong kainin ang inihanda kong hapunan para sa iyo.”
8. Si Inay ang nagpaliwanag sa akin kung ano ang CONTORTIONISM.
“Tignan mo nga yan dumi sa likod ng leeg mo, tignan mo!”
9. Si Itay ang nagpaliwanag sa akin kung anong ibig sabihin ng STAMINA.
“Wag kang tatayo diyan hangga’t di mo natatapos kainin lahat yang gulay mo!”
10. At si Inay ang nagturo sa amin kung anong ibig sabihin ng WEATHER.
“Alangya, ano ba itong kuwarto nyong magkapatid, parang dinaanan ng bagyo!”
11. Sa CIRCLE OF LIFE, ang paliwanag sa akin ni Inay ay ganito:
“Bata ka, iniluwal kita sa mundong ito, maari rin kitang alisin sa mundong ito.”
12. Kay Itay ako natuto kung ano ang BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.
“Tatadyakan kita diyan, huwag ka ngang maguumarte diyan!”
13. Si Inay naman ang nagpaliwanag sa amin kung anong ibig sabihin ng ENVY.
“Maraming mga batang ulila sa magulang, di ba kayo nagpapasalamat at mayroon kayong magulang na tulad namin?”
14. Si Itay naman ang nagturo sa akin ng ANTICIPATION.
“Bata ka, hintayin mong makarating tayo sa bahay!”
15. At si Itay pa rin ang nagturo kay Kuya kung ano ibig sabihin ng RECEIVING.
“Uupakan kita pagdating natin sa bahay!”
16. Si Inay naman ang nagturo sa akin kung ano ang HUMOR.
“Kapag naputol yang mga paa mo ng pinaglalaruan mong palakol, wag na wag kang tatakbo sa akin at lulumpuhin kita!”
17. Si Inay ang nagturo sa akin kung anong ibig sabihin ng GENETICS.
“Nagmana ka nga talaga sa ama mong walanghiya.”
18. Kay Inay din ako natuto ng WISDOM.
“Pag umabot ka na ng edad ko, saka mo pa lang maiintindihan ang lahat.”
19. At ang paborito ko sa lahat na natutunan ko kay Inay at Itay ay kung ano ang JUSTICE.
“Isang araw magkakaroon ka rin ng anak, panalangin namin na sana’y matulad sila sa ‘yo.”

Rafael Mauricio da Silva Talvez seja isso que aconteça
quando um tornado encontra um vulcão..
tudo que eu sei é que eu te amo muito..♫ ♥ .-.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ -----------------
Chris Rogers Expressing the ease regarding employing the letter 'E' whilest explicitly executing the letter constitutes immense challenge. :E
Stephanie Aracelis Igor Lucena da Cruz ta adicionado filhoteeeee... o bom é que primeiro eu falo com vc por telefone, te chingo por causa do Claudio Pons Neto , kk desconto toda minha raiva, desabafo pra só depoiss de muito tempo te conhecer pessoalmente.. kkkk sz
Cadaver eh acordado e anda...SINISTRO
Na Indonésia (especialmente em Toraja), um cadáver é acordado deixando-o que ande a pé até seu túmulo (é raro, mas ainda é realizado).
O cadáver é acordado usando magia negra. Isso é feito em Toraja porque as sepulturas/cemitérios são colocadas em montanhas calcárias (o que conserva melhor os corpos).
O corpo anda por si só, e é orientada por um especialista em magia negra que fica atrás dele. Mas existe uma proibição, o cadáver não deve ser nomeado. Uma vez que comandado o cadáver cai e não é capaz de andar novamente.

Buddies Gym 12 TYPES OF GAY
1. CLOSET GAY - the basic, mga baklang ayaw umamin ng kanilang kabaklaan. Sila ay madalas na pigil at laging pinag-iisipan ang kanilang kilos. Madalas pag nasa maraming tao, kilos lalaki sila pero pag dilim, dun lumalabas ang totoong kulay.
Bukambibig: "Huwag kang maingay, hindi alam ng tatay ko na bakla ako!"
2. SISTER L - baklang lantaran sa kanilang mga kabaklaan. Sila yung mga nagdadamit ng pambabae, nagme-make-up, at yung iba, nagpapa-sex change.
Bukambibig: "Punta tayo sa katabing bar, maraming mga lalaking gwapo dun!"
3. MACHO-CHOPA - baklang hindi mo aakalain dahil mas guwapo at macho pa sa tunay na lalaki. Ito yung mga baklang maskulado, nagdyi-gym madalas upang magpalaki ng katawan. Pero pag kumilos si macho-chopa e halata mo ring charing dahil mahilig magpa-cute sa mga guwapong trainor sa gym.
Bukambibig: "Hi, can I know your number?"
4. MALDITA - baklang nakakaimbiyerna, masyadong nagmamaganda kahit na mukhang pwet ng baso ang mukha. Madalas mataray, parang laging nireregla. Masyado ring insecure ang maldita sa mga magagandang babae.
Bukambibig: "Che! Lumayas ka sa harapan ko. Sinisira mo araw ko! Bruha ka!"
5. SPICE GAY - baklang elite, socialite, laging nasa mall, starbucks, at madalas gumimik sa Malate. Kadalasan maiingay ang mga spice gays. Madalas binubuo sila ng 3-5 sa isang grupo. Madalas itong naka-wheels at mga branded ang sinusuot na damit. Madalas rin silang may shades na suot-suot. Sa pananamit naman, mahahalata mo rin na bakla sila dahil mas kikay pa sila kaysa sa mga babae. Pero hindi sila nagdadamit ng obvious na pambabaeng damit. To add, medyo mayabang rin ang mga spice gays.
Bukambibig: "You know, I bought this bag from Italy. It’s Gucci and it is very expensive."
6. SANTA CLARA - baklang may magandang determinasyon. Siya yung relihiyoso. Madalas siyang nagiging katekista, minsan pumapasok sa seminaryo upang maging pari. Hindi gaanong lumalabas ng bahay dahil parating nagdarasal upang layuan siya ng tukso. Madalas siyang active sa charity works at novenas. Kaunti lamang ang mga Santa Clara pero sila ang mga baklang huwaran.
Bukambibig: "Diyos ko, tulungan mo po akong lumayo sa kahit anumang tukso. Amen."
7. BUD-WISER - hindi ito pangalan ng alak o beer, another type ito ng gays. Ito yung baklang hindi madaling maloko ng mga lalaki kahit guwapo pa siya. Masyadong masinop sa pera at pessimistic with regards to men. Kadalasan siya yung nagtatagumpay sa buhay. Minsan mas pipiliin pa niyang mag-asawa ng girl kahit na diring-diri siya kaysa kuwartahan ng lalaki. Kaya siya nag-aasawa ng girl dahil para hindi siya makuwartahan nito.
Bukambibig: "Manloloko silang lahat!"
8. SANTA CLAUS-A - opposite ng BUD-WISER, ito yung baklang bigay-kaya - sa lalaki niya o sa mga kaibigan, kapamilya o kamag-anak niya. Madalas walang pera ang mga Santa Clausa. Sila ang mga baklang madaling maloko. Magastos rin ang mga ganitong type ng gays.
Bukambibig: "Anong gusto mo? Ibibigay ko ang lahat kahit wala na akong pera."
9. DETECTIVE CHUVA - baklitang daig pa ang isang detective kung subaybayan niya ang kanyang "special someone". Ika nga, stalker. Lahat ng tungkol sa kanyang crush e alam niya. Ni ultimo kung kailang ang birthday, kung ano ang favorite food, favorite movie, favorite hung-out, favorite blah-blah. Madalas siyang panakaw kung tumingin. Pasulyap-sulyap lang kuno pero pinagnanasaan na pala niya.
Bukambibig: "Mapapasaakin ka rin balang araw…"
10. HANDSOMMA (Pronounciation: hand-sa-ma) - gay na biniyayaan ng mukha. Heto yung mga tipong habulin ng babae. Minsan ang mga Handsomma ay closet gay, pilit na itinatago ang tunay na pagkatao. Sa panlabas, chickboy si Handsomma pero deep inside, lalaki ang gusto. Sayang ang kaguwapuhan ng mga ito at tiyak na ang laking panghihinayang ng mga babae.
Bukambibig: "Yuck, hindi tayo talo noh!"
11. ECLATUGZ - gay na mahilig tumagay. In short lassenggera este lassengero. Mahilig mag-aya ng inuman si Eclatugz lalo na kung ang aayain niya eh yung crush niya. Kunwari aayain ng Eclatugz ang kanyang crush sa isang inuman. Tapos pag nalasing na ang kawawang guy, patay siya! Tiyak pagpipistahan na siya ni Eclatugz.
Bukambibig: "Pare, inuman tayo! Minsan lang toh noh!"
12. MANIAC - uri ng gay na may maling determinasyon. Ito yung mga maniacs o mapang-nasa sa kapwa lalaki. Siya yung tipo ng gay na gagawin ang lahat para lamang masatisfy sa kanyang carnal hunger. Madalas ay pedophile or maaaring hustler ang maniac

Vitor Bizzo Pro pessoal que paga pau pro Daryl:
Ces perceberam que ele é nacional socialista né? Só pra saber.
Laila Leite Boa Noitee aii galerinhaa *---* Bj na bunda,e torce por mim aii em WS Distribuidora Vendas
Angela Jones What a blessing and privilege to be a small part of the NLC float team! Loved getting to know you all! Great job! By the way, you're all 1st place to me!e
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