jamba juice inc hey is this a kewl feature or what? 1323053666
An argument is a fire in the house.
Extinguish it with a simple 'I'm sorry' even if it is not your fault.
When you fight back, you are only adding wood to the fire.
Watch how sweetly an argument will end when you just say sincerely,
"Look, I'm sorry.
Let's be friends.".
Sheena Sheree Chantelle Chillin wit my sisters and my friends and someone i been waiting to kick it with for a long time:) :)
Shamika Davis Going to bed... Have a good night FB
Mujo Rrukaj its a party its a party i want to tank my homie Miguel thats my brother thanks ninja for the gift
Desdemona Othello had a real good talk with my girl emilia tonight. i'm positive i will never be an adulterer!
Amit Malik Only a Lovable
Friend Can Feel
Ur Silent Pain
And Will Hold Ur Hand Till u Become
Strong Again. ! !
Keep Ur True Friends Alwayz With You...
Hco Jay Everything happen for a reason...like destiny, so from now on I'm not gone force nothing but just go with the flow.
Kristina Marie Cooper I wish this day could last forever.... Had a wonderful 2nd Anniversary with my husband, my son won his soccer tournament, all together a beautiful and blessed day!
Gregger C. Scheerer These lyrics never meant anything to me before like they to today.
Like A Prayer Madonna The Immaculate Collection (1990)
Breezy Risher I need a time out from being a grown-up...
Matt Dagley Got a great deal on the best Christmas short ever, "Mickey's Christmas Carol" at the Best Buy Rewards Zone members event tonight.
Kelly Davis-Tuck I just love our diet, a super good, filling meal and like 4 grams of carbs (without the potatos) we have both lost like 23 pounds!
Vincent Armah Just met this Liberian brother....while talking in a friendly gathering....he said that he graduated from Saint Theresa's Convent in Liberia....I asked him which one..and where was it located...?? And he said "The one behind the American Embassy on Coconut Plantation".....I said wow...did you guys wear skirts and blouses too...?? He asked me "what do you mean by blouses"...??? I said the same ones that the girls wore...he said "NO WE ONLY WORE THE SKIRT and the girls wore dresses and jumpers" ha ha ha ha ha....some funny stuff....I never laugh this hard in my life....~
Anthony Nguyen so i probably wont eat spam anymore. gave me a badass stomach ache awhile ago.
Kitty Correal M*A*S*H
Nickoel Rogers I went to a secrets party today and it wasn't nearly as fun as they use to be. I need a ned line up...lol
Christopher Logan I have this song stuck in my head, no matter what i do or wherever I go, I keep singing this song. Any1 else have a song stuck with them?
This's the 1 stuck with me.
"Take this job and shove it " na gammon
"Ships of Heaven" By Blackhawk (country)
Brandi Nicole Dawson - ' just got iin for the niight , cuddliin up to my babiies &' calliin iit a niight . Worriied bout iin the morniin .
- ii love youu haleiigh niicole &' chriistopher allen <3 !'
Eloise Conyers-jackson To all of my f.b. family God got a blessing waiting for you just be patience your break thru is on the way!
Tim Scitti My Business partner and mentor Michelle Pescosolido is an expert at Facebook Marketing. We will be sharing a few of her secrets in an exclusive webinar this Tuesday at 7 PM. Michelle just showed me an ad that she used last week to get 167 leads in 1 day. Michelle's national call last week had over 3,800 people. You will get information you won't find anywhere else.
Register early.
FB Mysteries Revealed
Josh Kelly everybody keeps saying i need god in my life. Well i say god needs to end my life, im a worthless waste of space. I'm honestly a mistake. I'm god's flawed creation!
K Katrina Jackson Parsons If you have a sister who has made you laugh, punched you, stuck up for you, drove you crazy, annoyed you, hugged you, watched you succeed, saw you fail, picked you back up, cheered you on, wiped your tears, calmed you down, made you strong & is someone you are proud to have in your life, re-post this. i love you kelley! with all my heart and i praise God for you!
Jameesha Bossbarbie Williams LIKE for a status
Yesenia Castro Dear boy i love,,(:
Yuhr uhh-mazing,,yuh always make my day,,yuhr the whole package a gurl can ask for(:
Iloveyuh Carlos Valdez"
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