Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tempotempotempo é um dos Deuses mais lindo must watchcreativity at its best fc01deviantartcom Kgori e bona mae e fela muutla ga ye bone Acabei ficando ate mto tarde e os

Itamara Gaspar
Itamara Gaspar Tempo,tempo,tempo, é um dos Deuses mais lindo!
Bhadresh Karatela
Bhadresh Karatela must watch...creativity at its best
Richard Ramulongo
Richard Ramulongo Kgori e bona mae e fela muutla ga ye bone
Jani Souza
Jani Souza Acabei ficando ate mto tarde e os onibus acabaram... to arrumando as coisas pra dormir na casa da best, mas amanha minha mae vai embassar muuuito cara. mas me diverti muito, apesar de querer ficar mais na rua com os meninos ;; Ba nothe face
Loki Figueiredo
Loki Figueiredo Desculpem por enviar convites de MeuCalendário. Fucei nesse troço e fiz o que não devia --'
Edson Luiz
Edson Luiz Madyana Torres Samurai X versão japonesa é muito massa!!
Radila Abbas
Radila Abbas Nai bogatiqt kotarak.....
Италиански котарак е собственик на имоти за 10 млн. евро Животинката била собственост на 94-годишна богата вдовица на строителен предприемач от Рим, к
Nando Martins
Nando Martins INSIGHT: "Nada é neutro. O neutro, não existe. Nem pensamentos, nem coisas, nem ações. Se é, não é neutro." Nando Martins.
Ventus Su
【灵异照片 By 总管】大家应该看过这张照片了吧?有些人不知道它为何而恐怖,只是看上去有些怪异,其实这张结婚照真的很令人恐怖的,它里面人的表情和照片中的颜色以及背景都是很怪异很阴深的。大家要这样看这张照片,点击鼠标右键,把照片另存为你的任意文件夹内,然后用照片浏览器看,在那里你把这张照片放大几倍,然后你仔细的注意那个女人的双脚!你看她是不是没有腿?!是不是悬空的?!还有你慢慢往上拉,你再看看放大了的那个女人的脸,她那向上翻的眼睛!你会发现什么呢?!对!这是上吊死时的样子!还有,你往后看那个镜子,里面朦胧的东西其实是他们的遗像。你再把照片缩小来整体看那个女人的服饰和那个帽子,象不像给死人烧的纸人?!还有就是右下角有个水印似的人头,你可以把他放大来看。最后我要让大家注意的是那个女人的右手,没有右手!不要害怕,因为他们都是死人,因为他们的脚下都没有影子..........
如果你看后不回帖的话我可以负责任的告诉你,如果你是个男士的话你将来的女友将会有一天象那个女人那样以那种表情永远的站在你的面前。如果你是位女士的话你看后不回帖你定会每晚梦见那照片中的女人,她也许会表情阴深的出现在你床边或是床下在午夜的时候....你可以不信 这照片大家应该在各大bbs看过吧   第一次在xilu-bbs看到这照片我没觉得什么异样感觉,后来突然照片上的女人我觉得她好象笑了一下,有突然有触电的感觉。后来这图的贴有人回了,据说是民间的冥婚,但是都什么具体的说话。   后来我就查了,就是中国旧时民间为已死亡子女寻求联姻的婚俗。具有浓厚的迷信色彩,故又称嫁殇婚、娶殇婚。此婚按照一定的婚仪完婚后男女合葬。   后世还曾出现过为已亡的未婚男女联姻的“鬼媒人”。   冥婚流传于周代并被明令禁止,《周礼·地官》载:“禁迁葬者与嫁殇者。”   但后来由于统治阶级的提倡,直到中华人民共和国建立前,仍在部分地区流传当时我害怕得很,因为觉得那很奇怪的感觉 后来我这几天到处在baidu查冥婚姻有关的消息。看到了很多消息,beyond的叶世荣也进行过冥婚。还是比较轰动的。 我就花了几天找这照片的出处 ,到处都查不到。   然后让我要吃惊的事就发生了,我做梦和那个女人结婚了,而她是死人,我醒来后就狂吐,一头的汗,场景里那个奇怪的音乐让我实在承受不了,类似唢呐什么的。   后来是 8号吧,我去找我们学校历史系的周键明老师,确认了关于冥婚的一些说法: 他也看了我印下的这照片,好象让他想起了什么,他就查给我了。   这照片里的人是余杭乡村的! 那个女人叫叶子梅 17岁 ,家里很有钱当时的地主,和 那个小伙子 19岁 王海德结婚了,后来还没过门,女方得了热病死了 他们已经订婚1年了   1922年,后来小伙子不想按当地风俗和死人结婚,就逃跑去当兵,后来被   女方家人捉了回来。这照片是下午傍晚拍的,女人已经死了6天,背后是用木架支撑起来的,她的脚没有着地! 你们看他们背后的2边的字 一横是上凸的,那是专用给死人写的 字!   后来男人去了上海,开了小茶馆,死在1988年,后来和一个上海本地女人结了婚,生有1女1子   旧社会的恶风俗啊,这些资料有的也没办法查证了 ,因为图书馆那些资料的来源就不清晰。   不要盯着女人的眼睛看太久,如果也看到她对你笑的话,可能有很不好的事情发生哦。因为当时男人不是情愿的,因为男人是当地的 帅小生,但是没什么钱,女人是喜欢他,靠家庭权力硬拉他和自己订婚的,可怜的人啊。   觉得郁闷 发到网上给大家看看 这个比江西赶尸的风俗更让我觉得难受。   还有回贴有人说女人的眼睛在流血什么的,其实那是风俗化的红妆,还有人说女人没右手,你自己看 光线暗而已,用ps打下可以清晰得看到2个手再来说说冥婚这回事,根据文献,冥婚是中国古已有之的风俗。远在汉代以前就有,一般人印象中的冥婚是指生人与死者的牌位结緍,不过,也有新郎新娘都为死者的情况。(阮昌锐,民73年) 。   至於冥婚的婚礼要如何进行?从阮昌锐教授所做研究中的六则故事与个案来看,大部分都以神主牌来代替死者,并没有看到把死者遗体搬到礼堂上,还打扮的漂漂亮亮成亲的记载。
Ashish Saini
Ashish Saini *,*,,*,,*,,*,,S" *,*,,*,,*,,W" *,*,,*,,E" *,*,,E" *,T" G" *,O" *,*,,O" *,*,,*,,D" *,*,,*,,*,,M" *,*,,*,,O" *,,*,,R" *,,N" *G * Have a vry beautiful day.
Bim Frank
Bim Frank Cansado, cabeça doendo e sem animo, bora durmi. #Partiu
Brenda Paladino
Brenda Paladino Prefiro acreditar que as pessoas não são tão burras assim e estão apenas atuando.
Arnoldsingh Vikram
keep sharing... निगम पार्षद नोट कमाता है एम एल ए विश्वास गँवाता है सांसद अपना शर्मिन्दा है ,लोकतन्त्र फिर भी ज़िन्दा है ॥ व्यवसायी हर टैक्स बचाता । अध्यापक ट्यूशन की खाता, पत्रकार इक कारिन्दा है , लोकतन्त्र फिर भी ज़िन्दा है ॥ डाँक्टर भारी लूट मचाता,अभियन्ता अभियान चलाता,बेघर हर इक बाशिन्दा है, लोकतन्त्र फिर भी ज़िन्दा है ॥ किसान क़िस्मत का है मारा, नेताओं में बँटता चारा, रिश्वतख़ोरी ताबिन्दा है, लोकतन्त्र फिर भी ज़िन्दा है ॥
Coy S Maghanoy
Coy S Maghanoy Pesti!!Wa jud Gaba-e
wula lang trip lang...
AjmAl SanDhu
AjmAl SanDhu ਅੱਗ ਇਸ਼ਕ਼ ਦੀ ਫਿਰ ਸੇਕਣ ਨੂੰ ਜੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਏ, ~~~~~ ਉਸ ਚੰਦਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਫਿਰ ਵੇਖਣ ਨੂੰ ਜੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਏ,. … ਟੁਟਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ਰਿਸ਼ਤਾ ਫਿਰ ਤੋ ਜੁੜ ਜਾਵੇ, … ~~~~~ ਕਾਸ਼ ਕਿਤੇ ਵਕਤ ਪਿਛਾਂਹ ਨੂੰ ਮੁੜ ਜਾਵੇ…!!!!!
Balaji Meda
Who is SONIA GANDHI? ( Every Indian Should Know This ) Who is Sonia Gandhi: Ther...e is officially no Sonia Gandhi. Her real name in passport is neither Gandhi nor Sonia. Its Edvige Antonia Albina Maino. Sonia is a Russian name and not italian. However, Antonia is an italian name and her passport is italian. Though she has married Rajiv Gandhi* she never accepted change of title officially. ( recall the time of turmoil in indian politics when Sonia Gandhi was trying to be the prime minister, but ultimately ManMohan Singh became her toy) *Rajiv Gandhi: Actually Rajiv Khan being the son of Firoz Khan and Indira Priyadarshani. Gandhi is an assumed title to sentimentally lure indians for their political benefit. They are muslims by religion. Father: Stefano Eugene Maino is socially the father of Sonia. Her father was a German(hitlers army). When Hitlers army went to russia they were captured and imprisoned. He was captured near St. Petersburgh and was imprisoned for 20 years. But he became a member of KGB and his imprisonment was limited to 4 years. When he came back from prison he gave russian name to his daughters. Social father because when she was born her father was in jail for 4 years. Biological father is unconfirmed. Mother: Paula Maino. Family: She had 2 sistersin Orbassano, italy Birthplace Sonia claims she was born in Besano, near Turin in italy. However, as per her birth certificate, She is actually born is Luciana, in the borders of Switzerland. A resort town for German soldiers during war. Education: She initially put forward to Indian Govt. that she studied in Cambridge University which proved to be fake. She submitted an affidavit that she studied english in Bell Education trust at Cambridge. Even this was proven to be fake and was found she never got any education after class five. She was a young girl with no formal education living five years in england. How did she support her livelihood for 5 years? Any wild guesses? Citizenship: She has not given off her italian citizenship. Indira Gandhi used her power to issue her an Indian Citizenship so that she can join Indian politics. She is holding an illegal citizenship in India. No action is being taken by Home Minister. Religion: Cristianity. Bank Balance: Rajiv Gandhi and his family owned 2 billion USD in Swiss Bank as of November,1991. Benefitiary of death of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi was Sonia Gandhi. Family: Sonia's sister Alexandria(or Anuska) has 2 shops in Italy selling antiques stolen from India. Sonia used her power to smuggle indian artifacts through Air India flights uninspected. Sonia's son Rahul Gandhi, whose real name is Raul Vinci. He got admitted to Harvard in quota but was thrown off soon because he was incompetant. He has italian citizenship since his mother never gave up her citizenship. He cannot officially become the citizen of india or any politician in india as long as he doesnt give up his italian citizenship. Arrested in Boston airport for carrying 160,000 dollars cash, accompanied by Veronique (spanish). veronique is the daughter of Drug mafia leader. Rahul has also been accused for gang raping Sukanya Devi, whose petition to all courts in India have been rejected due to their political hold and the whereabouts of the family is unknown. However, the information is widely available online. **********Friends PLEASE DO SHARE this information with the people because only general awareness can cure this nation and the corrupt government will never reveal the truth ************
Doug Burnham
Doug Burnham Stressed worn out? come n Unwiind w Kimmee N Doug E. Fresh @ Dj n Ginas Lounge we R here til 2am!
Juninhor Lopes
Juninhor Lopes koe novinhos e novinhas entra akii mane os melhores funk vaga de dj vaga de moderadores So fala comigo no xat entra aeee
Marcel D Paula
Marcel D Paula teve a manha demais!! Como sempre, chutando milhões de rabos conspurcados!
Gracelry Angel
Gracelry Angel Kangen teman teman wkt msh SMA e... Dmana kalian ... Su t da kabar lg nie. . .
REnatah Lacerdah
REnatah Lacerdah Meu querido Deus dai-me paciencia p aturar isso aqui...Uma maravilhosa noite p quem fica! oh nao se esqueçam q amanha tem RESSACA DO VOVÓ TA MALUCA no novo uniao a partir das 15 hs e pagode do EURO no espaço extremo...
Mikel Walluf
Mikel Walluf Rocky Horror Picture show midnight tonight at Landmark E Street I dare?
Pankaj Kumar
Pankaj Kumar Gam-e-ulfat main hum had se gujar gaye, Ki unke ishq mein hum deewane ban gaye, Humne to sunai thi apni daastain-e-dil unko, Wo jalim samjhe gazal aur wah wah kar gaye,
Empty Lyf F Harshith
Empty Lyf F Harshith ◆◆◆शुभ ◆◆◆mσяиιиg ◆◆◆нανє ◆◆◆ए ◆◆◆иιcє ◆◆◆दिवस... ॥.GUD MORING ॥. HӘ®_c
Priscila Komatsu
Priscila Komatsu Eu sou desse jeito ,ninguem é perfeito ./eu ja me culpei ,falei ,abri meu coração ./um pouco insegura 'eu nao fui madura ./mais foi por amor ,entende e aceita O meu perdão 8)

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