Raquel Hernandez your special you got the hair you got the height you got everything i ever wanted.. i like you.. Where HAVE YOU BEEn all of my LIfe:D
Kathleen Linnert Finley Williams Dear Santa,
I don't want much for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to be happy ..
Friends are the fruit cake of life - some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet - but mix them together and they're my friends.
Love ya'll.
Send this to all your fruit cakes. :)
Swag Bucks are the web's premier digital dollar. Win Swag Bucks periodically as you search the web, then redeem them for great prizes in the Swag Store, including electronics, gift cards and more!
Jason Gray Am I the only one who ever gets the overwhelming desire to strangle the people who get in front of me in line at the register and insist on paying with a check? >_<
Judy Bell Sasha did great tonight playing Christmas jazz. I am so proud of her she was first chair which is an honor. Keep up the good work baby girl.
Michael Dylan Bowman 12. If all these status are blowing up your news feed. I still don't give a damn.
Dominick Domo James i want you to do me like the women from my city .. :)
Kieley Ricker we finally won a game good job girls and me elbow still hurts that is the hardest iv every fallen in my life girls good game love you all and lets injoy that pizza mmmmmm i like the sound of victory pizza :p
Nelson Granados Mabasa I am walking with my one foot on earth and one foot in eternity.
Toin Hiu I may not be PREFECT but parts of me are pretty AWESOME!!!
Jarrod Yargz Matthew Just missed the fookin train I want my licence bak!!!!!
Julie Weaver Stormy tried to give me her evil eye! I had to laugh, it was so funny so her evil eye doesn't phase me in the least.
Bennie Coney Lol I saw a video of brenda gettin beat up lol jitt say im done I dont wanna fight no more lol tooo funny
Rene Reyes umm so i just lost one of my best friends.
and now u leave me to?
yea you'll always be there for me huh?
Maria Reyna my poor husband is sick...made him some chicken soup.. i pray he feels better in the morning...:(
John Bickness is wondering if there's a person in the world with multiple personality disorder, in which one personality is a gangsta and the other is a nerd.
"Yo ! Yo ! Man, last night, I tapped this bitch (pause) gently on the shoulder and asked her for directions to the bus stop, she politely replied (pause) y'all can ride this shit all night long !"
I just RSVPed to an advance screening of Mission: Impossible -- Ghost Protocol through http://www.gofobo.com Learn more at http://www.gofobo.com/rsvpshare
Amanda Walston DeGrave Frank Costanza: “Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way.”
Cosmo Kramer: “What happened to the doll?”
Frank Costanza: “It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born: a Festivus for the rest of us!”
Snip Jackson I think of some really weird shit sometimes.
Deana Dimler-Wise Hacked by youre daughter Davie I love you!!!(:
Dolly Nickoli i wanna get out of the house.
Diana Kurl Pachingel Fabaan she hates me because i was an ex girlfriend of his current boyfriend. insecure much i guess...hahaha
Leah Piez I am so excited for christmas! carols and family yay!
Anthony Williams Wasn't looking when I found u must of been fate
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