Oscar Monsterr Haha;
I have a crush on someoneeeeee ;o <3
Griffin Schacht My eyes(◕‿◕) Miss You ..
My Feeling √v^√v^√♥ Love You ..
My Hand ¯\(°_o)/¯ Need You ..
My Mind (▒) Call You ..
... (¯`v´¯)
`. ¸.♥ Heart Just For You ..
I Will Die /̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ̿’ ̿’\̵͇̿̿\ WithOut You ..
(`'·.¸ (`'·.¸*¤* ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)
♥*** EMO ***♥
(¸.·'´ (¸.·'´*¤* `'·.¸) `'·.¸
╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥
Maria Rodriguez o dios como quisiera dormir 24hrs.para no pensar olvidar el pasado'no sufrir por el presente,yno tenerle miedo al futuro,
Carrie Shores Littlefield Dear Santa,
Since killing people is a sin, could I please have a Taser Gun for Christmas? I promise I'll be good! :o)
You will NEVER forget this one. It's the most passionate, incredible version of this song we've ever heard. Beautiful - check it out!
馬尚統 看到了2,別忘了92哦!
Niovis Matos TE PROHÍBO 5 COSAS:1- Llorar sin contarme lo que te pasa.2- No luchar por lo que quieres.3- Abandonarlo todo por temor.4- No luchar por ser feliz.......5- Y ante todo, queda totalmente prohibido romper esta amistad que nos une!! MANDA ESTO A LOS AMIGOS QUE NO QUIERES PERDER JAMAS. si recibes 3 eres un buen amigo si recibes 4 eres genial si recibes seis o más tu amistad es incom...
June Suok blehhhh i keep buying bday presents ^^ went to the store i hope they like it :O
David Tang 好期待哦!
The newest installment in the Fast and Furious franchise set to be released late 2013.
Stephanie Rosato It's the final countdown the RAPTURE is coming get ready we will be meeting JESUS in the air:O) WOOT WOOT http://youtu.be/nN2C6L9v2XM
IF YOU REALLY DO LIKE MY VID/S SPREAD THE WORD PLEASE... THAT WOULD BE GREAT! (LEAVE COMMENTS!) An amazing music video i made off of the song "The Final Coun...
Mara Holler S/o to aleysha for veing the mist amazing friend ever . Yu deff make me feel better wen ever I need yu ! I just wanted to say thank you for bein there n helpin me thru all diz crazy shit I go thru . Love yu aletshakinzzz (:
Amir Tariq woh firaaq aur woh wisaal kahaaN ?
woh shab-o-roz-o-maah-o-saal kahaaN ?
thee woh ik shaKHs ke tasavvur se
ab woh raanaai-e-KHayaal kahaaN ?
'eisa aasaaN naheeN lahoo rona
dil meiN taaqat jigar meiN haal kahaaN ?
fikr-e-duniyaaN meiN sar khapaata hooN
maiN kahaaN aur ye wabaal kahaaN ?
Mitchiee Ceci Gonzalez Cause there be no sunlight if i looose youu baby , just like the clouds my eyes will do the same , if you walk away it will rain ~^o^~
Felipe Corrêa Será que eu vou sonhar com o " capeta " querendo me pegar de novo ?
Dessa vez vou meter a porrada nele no sonho.
Boa noite ; )
Iris Cheek StressD!!! Every time i tell my mom something, she never hears me the 1st time!! i Always have to Repeat my self 2wice!,.. and thats just about Everyday!!! and for 2-- shes bout to wear me out!! we live at Hidden Acers on Hixson pk, and Everyday from SunUp and SunDown!!,... cant NO1 step a foot/finger/or Nose out the door, muchless leave or Return to the Apts w/o Momma haven to Run to the Window and watch them like a Hawk!! Thinkin there gonna Do some kind of Trick!!!! then she'll fuss alll day bout how did what!!!! Ugh!!! i wish she'd Stop!!!
Chamion Walburn ::| 10 likes :) |::
Time started:
Eye color:
Shoe size:
What are you wearing:
Where do you live:
Righty or lefty:
Can you make a dollar in change right now:
Who are your closest friends:
Best place for a date?
Where is your fav place to shop:
Favorite kind of plant:
Fave Color:
Fave Number:
Fave Boys Name:
Fave Girls Name:
Fave Sport:
Fave Month:
Breakfast food:
Favorite cartoon character:
Given anyone a bath:
Made yourself throw-up:
Gone skinny dipping:
Eaten a dog:
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?:
Loved someone so much it made you cry?:
Broken a bone?:
Played truth or dare:
Been in a physical fight:
Been in a police car:
Been on a plane:
Come close to dying:
Been in a sauna:
Been in a hot tub:
Cried when someone died:
Cried in school:
Fell off your chair:
Wait for someone's phone call all night:
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations:
Saved e-mails:
Fallen for one of your best friends:
Made out with JUST a friend?:
Used someone:
What is...
Whats your good luck charm?
Best song you ever heard:
What's your bedroom like:
Last thing you said:
What is beside you?
Last thing you ate:
What kind of shampoo do you use?:
Best thing that has happened to you this year:
Worst thing that has happened to you this year:
Have you had...
Chicken pox:
Sore Throat:
Broken nose:
Do You...
Believe in love at first sight:
Like school:
What schools have you gone to:
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars:
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you:
Who was the last person that called you:
Who was the last person you slow danced with:
What makes you laugh the most?:
What makes you smile?
Last Person...
You yelled at:
Who broke your heart:
Told you that they love you:
Is your loudest friend:
Do you/Are You..
Do you like filling these out?
Do you wear contacts or glasses:
Do you like yourself:
Do you get along with your family:
Stolen anything over $50:
Obsessive Compulsive?:
Final questions..
What are you listening to right now?
What did you do yesterday:
Have you hated someone in your family:
Got any awards:
What car do you wish to have:
Where do you want to get married:
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?:
Good driver:
Good Singer:
Have a lava lamp:
How many remote controls are in your house:
Are you double jointed:
What do you dream about:
Last time you showered:
Last time you took a bath:
Scary or happy movies:
Chocolate or white chocolate:
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper:
Mud or Jell-O wrestling:
Vanilla or chocolate:
Summer or winter:
Silver or Gold:
Diamond or pearl:
Sunset or Sunrise:
Time Finished:
Samantha Dugan oh how i love my chamomile tea(:i'm adjusting to the new job,actualy i'm pretty blessed that the 45 mile trip is such a beautiful one!!!! tried to take ciffer to see the holiday train but it was super cold,his mommy was being obnoxious and the line was too long): o well we will try for the parade tomarrow(: tis the season lol!ya'all have a good night!!!!
Gustavo Rissari E continua o assalto a "mão desarmada"... Vou parar de estudar e virar político... pqp...
Projeto votado nesta quinta-feira (8) aumenta salários do segundo escalão. Entrada em vigor depende de sanção do prefeito Gilberto Kassab.
Paweł J. Dąbrowski cenne:
Radni Pruszcza Gdańskiego obniżyli sobie diety o 300 złotych. Powód? Kryzys i konieczność obniżenia wydatków. Pieniądze z obniżki pójdą na plac zabaw
Brianna Nicole Calderon L I K E (:
♥ For Christmas I Want . . .
[] Youu♥
[] To Hang Out Withh Youu
[] A Christmas Cardd ^.^
... ... ... ... []A Hugee Hugg ;o
[] A Kiss ♥
[] A Chancee
[] A Present ;P
[] Rudolphh (:
[] Youu & Me Under The Mistle Toe C;
[] Some Milkk & Cookies! ;D
If You Asked For A Kiss I'd :
[] Grab Your Hand & Kiss You
[] Laugh & Say " Ooh shut up ! "
[] Find Out For Yourself !
[] Look At You Weird ...
You should :
[] FB Marry Me
[] Be Mine
[] Post This As Your Status!
[] Inbox Me :)
[] Hangout With Me (:
[] post something cute on my wall ;P
[] ♡ HMU
[] 유 Stop Being A Stranger
You Are . . . ?
[] All I Want' ♥
[]Cutee ^.^
[] Pretty
[] Mean -_____-
[] Alright
[] Funny AF !
[] My Sister/Brother ♥
[] Not My Type.
[] Sexy ^.^
[] Nicee ( :
[] Finee ( ;
[] Eww ... -.-
[] Sweet
[] Beautiful
Rate . . . ?
[] 1-5
[] 6-7
[] 8-9
[] Broke My Scalee
[] Wayy Past Breaking My Scalee
Myleen Mudanza Tulog mode muna saglit -_o antok n ako gcng after 2 hrs -_-
mmornyt guys
Fernando Silva Se um dia tiver que escolher entre o mundo e o amor... Lembre-se. Se escolher o amor ficará sem o mundo, mas se escolher o mundo com ele você conquistará o amor.
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