Ruben Munoz Lms if u wanna talk if u dont then look at the comment on the status
Michkeal Jernigan 2 nite is my uncle dickey. b day i miss u so much i love u. 4 ever n heart michkeal. this nite is 4 u n tears. i miss so much why u had 2 go.
Lexie Monae - Like for a Wall Post
- Inbox me if u trynna text me ((:
Hansa Tanwani Hi, I'm Hansa Tanwani.This my creation"HIT THE BEAT" where i've posted my original writngs...... pleae read it and if u lyk it join it:)
Thơ Lê Phương Nam bep dj taj nha..u dj lam dc..huhu
Shawn Davenport ima just let u knw u aint effectn nten ova hea daat righht
Randy Devilz 'Ze-a It's not too late to say Gud Morning..hehe..Hope u wke up wth a smile on ur fce,a heart full of Love and a morning full of inspiration...n once again,Gud Morning sunshine!!!TC =)
Dale White LaFlare u can outrun tha failure
Young Adams Lms my status if u gt nice lips :) and if I agree I wuld put a ♥ on ur wall
Ankit Kathait " Hurting sum1 who really cares 4 u is as easy as throwing a stone in an ocean nd u wont know how deep that stone wil go."
Marco Quezada this new xbox dashboard is making my xbox lag!!! hope epix is free cuz im already using it! but is kinda gay that every app that xbox adds cost extra! or u gotta have an account! i already pay money for live, the only "free" things r ESPN, last FM and those things kinda suck!!!
Lucy Yzaguirre I told u that some of these little guys r a*******. But no u didn't believe me. Oh well when r u ever gonna learn from ur mistakes. U should've just stayed with true one.
Chanel Evans These dudes be singin like canary's on first 48... these dudes out here think they "Doggs" not gonna rat..OK think again.. who u think ur friend is Not.. please believe me
Keith Ramos lms if u come the party by Bam Superbad Marley, S Snoopi Collins ,Santini Stayin Taylored and me
Katie Jamieson come on car........does not take all day to change starter motor.....well not if u paying 460 bucks for it to b done.....
Chris Shipman Burgess my heart goes out to the bush family..i pray for comfort u at the diffcult time.
Dropya Beat Its been along time I shudnt left u wit out a dope beat to Step to...... Yo im still everywhere but neva there so,log on still the hottest music social network,on the planet
Tarun Srivastava Perfect example of confidence :
A junior in an office dialed his boss's number by mistake & said :
Hey, send a coffee in my cabin in two minutes !......... ..
Boss shouted : do you know whom you're talking to ?!!!!!!
Junior : no!
Boss: i'm the boss of this office.
Junior (in the same tone) : & do u know whom you're talking to?
Boss: no!
Junior: thank God. (and disconnect ed the phone) :D :P
Tia Blue love this song r.i.p. aaliyah u were best female artist
Like Aaliyah on Facebook: BLACKGROUND RECORDS 1997. "One In A Million" album.
Taylor Tay Drillin screws nothin, hammerin nails nothin, trimmin bushes wit electric trimmer nothin, cuttin wiid wit electric saw nothin, goin n da drawer fa nail fuckin paper cut -_____________- t(•_•)t <----- fuck u paper cut
David Pina Hello everyone, we appluase ‘’U’ for your voice; my agenda is to provide a word a day @ minimum, we hope ‘U’ enjoy & love 'U' the same if not!’
I.e. please carry on to state!; moreover, be yourself;
PS ‘read @ your own risk!’
’David E Piña;(USMC) AKA 'ReFF....12/2011' 'We 'love' U moRE!!!' waIT oN iT...@!
Vickie Rose Can u believe albert signed with the Angels, so sorry for the cardinal
Darkpierre Pejana do u know
watz hard
about loving u..?
8s d fact dat
i cant admit
dat im s2pdly
jealoux wen
ders somebody
who catches
ur atention and
i just dnt
know y......!!!?
Peggy Ingelido Dad tomorrow will be 2 years since ur tragic death an I want u 2 know that I luv u soooooooo much an miss u every second of the day!
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