Courtney Angel Pretty much got everything packed...I think i may color for a lil bit and then head to bed [[:
Bailey Prosperi That boy you punched in the hall today. Committed suicide a few minutes ago. That girl you called a slut in class today. she's a virgin. That boy you called lame. Has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day. Is already being abused at home. You think you know them. Guess what, you don't. Re-post if you are against the mean bullying in schools. I bet 99% of you wont♥
Matt McGee Dear St. Louis Cardinals, warning, but I think that you may have just brought a 'curse' on yourselves for letting Mr. Baseball Albert Pujols go. You have been warned. I'm so sorry. --- hmmmmm...... Will they call it the Cardinals' Curse, or the Curse of the Cardinals, or St. Louis Cardinals' Curse.....
Eman Bedolla I saay jump u sayy howw highh..
Brandon Lee Another good song i always listen to. 3 Doors Down - Here Wihtout You.
Deszarai Lette Courtney I like he says hes gonna call me back in a lil bit and never freaking does. =(
Lauren McDaniel wat i did today: went to my nana's, waisted time with Ashton Hughes and for the past like 4 hrs have been on facebook/ youtube and watching tv.
wat i should have been doing today(wat i had planned to do) : studying for a test that i am VERY unprepaired for tom or my two finals next week.
havent even unzipped my backpack yet haha
Joey Youngerman what now you f*cking faggets now call ben a sissy he is out there playing on a high strained ankle talk shit people but he is one of the only ones exept for tony romo to play after being injured badly i knpo that pussy joe flacco cant do that shit so now what people
Laura Rice I am so tired of filling out applications and answering question.. :(;; All because I did the wrong think at work.
Kristi Timmons today i have been married for 4 years to my wonderful husband brian
Taylor Koziol Tht's funny when I liked him I was always on but now im dating him im almost never on .......... I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!
Tatenda Nyanzira I jus wan thank god ne shamwari dzavakandipa.
Devin Robertson I had enuff time too do somthing
Arianne Louwers Found out today that I got an A on my last physics test! Now, I hope that I get an A on the final! haha....that would be really nice :)
Chris Estrada I kno a bitch named mary jane she hits like a bitch its a gud thing this bitch should b in da hall of fame cause this bitch has a lot of game...... Lets see a sky full of blunts nd lighters
Joseph Howley So i didnt get to see the steelers game :/. Who won???
Chad Edwards any1 have 10 bucks? ufc fights at mi casa if i get enough people. . . .
Ryan Nelson another Update. i traded the clicker for black electrical tape and the forearm workout for a giant plastic candy cane. then i traded the giant plastic candy cane for soul calibur 4 for the 360. so i currently have the black electrical tape, soul calibur 4 and the web camera
Justin-Heat Masotti wish i wuda known :'(
Margret Maggie Mares This song reminds me of my son Daniel. I grew up listening to this song and one day he was listening to his cd or Ipod and this song was on there, and I was like "WTF......WHATTT THE FUCKKKK!" Ha was awesome to know that my son has a liking for this song and he wasn't even mixed or baked in my oven yet, as I wasn't even old enough to fuck then. Ha ha. Love you son
Seasons in the Sun" was a worldwide hit song for Terry Jacks in 1974. It was first released in the United States and Canada early in the year, and rose to nu...
Nikki Primus Elmore I was BORN in the 70's. We are the last generation who learned to play in the street, we are the 1st who played video games and the last to record songs off the radio on a cassette tape. We Learned how to program the VCR before anyone else, play from the Atari, to super Nintendo- We are the generation of Soul Train,Hanna Barberra Cartoons,etc. We traveled in cars without seat belts or air-bags and lived without cell phones. We did not have flat screens, surround sound, iPods, Facebook, Twitter, computers & the Internet... but nevertheless we had a GREAT time... re-post if you're a 70's baby !
Scott Schardan I wish my back would loosen up so I could sleep, fml
Yanis Ben Hamida Things I ask myself:
- Is atheism a non-prophet organization?
- Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra?
- If you ate both pasta and antipasto, would you still be hungry?
Gabby Thompson I just want to be happy....someone please take me to Disneyland..
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