Girish Chapla Wikipedia: I knw evrythng
Google: I hav evrythng
Facebook: I knw evrybody
Internet: Without Me U all were nothing
Electricity: Aawaz nichhe:)
Julia ELizabeth Effle I knew this is wht would have happend if i told you...\:
Rosalinda Martinez In lit block in school Group B is the smartest I am in it were doing a research on the United States then we have to make it into a powerpoint/Video then we have to show it to the class I am scared
Matthew Alexander Desmarais Good god, do I ever love how life and love unfold into reality.
Donna Farrand Paige should be starting gymnastics next month that mean I have to get her some gym wear along with Christmas geez e petes! Gonna have to change up her whole schedule shouldn't be a huge problem…… hopefully!!
Patrick Tracz 3 visits later i went and did it major so fuck the JUDGE and the JURY and the litigator ha ha!!
Phillip Wayne Hickman I wish people would learn how to communicate a little bit better......
Monica Davis happy birthday to my nephew derek daily, just wanted to let you know that i love you, & hope you are doing well.
pls i-share sa uban para makita na niya iya family before ang x-mas...
Rachel McCann The worst part about spending your 19th birthday in hospital? I can't even get a cup of tea :'(
Kate Fabi Dear Otterbox when I said I have the pink is strength case I meant the efing pink one! What part of pink didn't you understand?! Now I have 5 black covers that look ridiculous with my PINK case!!! URGH!!! -_-
Estrella Garcia LMS & ill anwer 98 questions
71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? i put ma kid to sleep
72) Did you have a dream last night? i was eattinq cookies wit Cream
73) What is bothering you? ma belly
74) Have you ever been out of state? YEs
75) Do you play the Wii? Hell No
76) Are you listening to music right now? No
77) Do you like Chinese food? YEss
78) Do you know your fathers b- day? YEs
79) Are you afraid of the dark? no
80) Is cheating ever okay? No
81) Are you mean? YEs
82) Can you keep white shoes clean? Sometimes
83) How many people have you fist fought? iDk
84) Do you believe in true love? YEs
85) Favorite weather? WEn it SnoWs
86) Do you like the snow? YEs
87) Does it snow a lot where you live? YEs
88) Do you like the outside? YEs
89) Are you currently bored? YEs
90) Do you wanna get married? YEs
91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? YEs
92) Are you hungry? AliL
93) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? No
94) What makes you happy? MA lito Famz
95) Would you change your name? YEs
98) Do you watch the news? No
Montell Garrett Nice Stacious Gill
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You may not need it, but REPOST for someone who does. This could be someone's Christmas blessing... I Had 2 post This lol
Derek GetsitDone Miller -Have you ever seen the movies Forest Gump?
-Well he ran around the world, and he was pretty stupid, so I have faith in you.
(Funy times watching "Due Date"!)
Justin Clough Alright I got the expensive suit.the expensive drink.all I need is a wing man.Haavvve u met (insert your name)?yea this weekend should be interesting.
Todd Hill I like head wit ice I like to sex wit the lights I like my women red thick wit height that's wat I like that's wat I like can't fault me that's wat I like that's wat I like
Tatiana Q James i'd put myself first. n make the rules as i go. cuz i kno that she'd b faithful waiting for me to come home..if i was a boy!!! -beyonce
Tunechi Arrogant'Ass Q: if i ask you to marry me would u & rate me A: Yes i told u that u foever mines and u ah 8.5
Wayne Teece There is no finner city in the world than San Fransisco. And guess what, Kim and I are headed there in the morning. YaHoo. However, one of us has business there but the other gets to SHAO. (Shop Her @$$ Off.) Either way we love the city and will enjoy every second, working or not.
Eric Hanson i wonder how this size elven and half would fit on your face?
James Thomas Just now i heard that a christmas story is becoming a play! its almost like turning spiderman into one!
Sammie Frascati number33 i dont know u very well but ur mad chill and i would hangout wit u and ur gurl one night def
Sistah Clara Mack Tune into the Bobby Jones Gospel Hour-I know these folks can sing! Be blessed!
SAVE THE DATE: MLS, Ernest Pugh & Vincent Tharpe on Bobby Jones Gospel BET...Sunday, Dec 18! Share w/your family & friends! Thanks for the support!
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