Myke A Williams U ALREADY KNO.....
"Smoking Cigarettes" Why, oh why Gave you several years of my life And it just ain't right What's your perception of love Now, how many times did we say it w...
James Michael Clouts Goodmorning u all. Rise & Shine. Lets hope the hours will fly 2day & b4 we know it well be back home chillin. Enjoy
Angel Cake Lms if u had a borin/ gud day :)
Kristi Plato Geary To everyone who congratulated me.....THANK YOU!!! I've met my match for sure and am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him. I'm so lucky to have all of u that care and Matt in my life
Andrew Renderos You Added the fake ego O he added you.. look at his friends has 200 something its a fake the real one is'' Eric Ochoa (Super-eGO) '' real.
and look at his friends has more
look at the fake ego friends it has 300 something ... and the real one has more. ego is in In a relationship with gaby his girlfriend shows on his facebook'' Eric Ochoa (Super-eGO) '''<- and he gave me a shout out and sum other people last time
&& Lol ego doesn't send friend request to random people lol
And the fake one is just adding random people for he can get more friends
..The Fake ego Block my friend cuz my friend post this on his wall
'' Why are you Adding random people..?..Ha y you copying the original/real ego status and re-post it? ''
And the fake ego block my friend just for posting that lol yes we all knoe hes so thats why im tryna help people for they wont get Fool so here is the real ego click the link. O by the way every status the real eGO puts gets allot likes and the fake one doesn't so yee...Just tryna help(:
hes FaceBook is rite here copy and paste or Click
I'm just tryna help you and the others for u guys wont get Fool and i dele the fake ego as a friend
tell ur friends if they have the fake ego. And tell them to add the real ego send them the link
Click this link for u can send a friend request to eGO's Girlfriend Gaby(:
Again '' Eric Ochoa (Super-Ego) is the real one!Eric Ochoa
Jaya Budhani OM SHANTI TO ALL PURE N POWERFUL SOUL::at present tme we saw to evrybdy in worried ..what iz worry n evn knwng that worriyng iz nt better for us but still we live with diz::coz we hve hbbit to live with in fiction n fiction in negtv way...for ex if for a mothr her child came bck hme late then what within muma mind negtv thouht n aftr when her child came bck safly she say why u late m so worried then if her child response muma why u worried for me : then muma respone u nt knw hw much i care for u ..n lve bt what care for nt that we think abt itself oho if somethg wrng with my child hw i live without it n what i do without:n goez down ..the last stage of negtv what worryng do it disconnect us from present & goez up to future n finally thought create my destiny:evn care+concern=lve, n worry= fear..
Courtney White Watching TI and TINY THE FAMILY HUSTLE .. OMG I can watch this same show allllllll day and night .... Smh Lawd ... TI U
Zachariah Tarrant do u like watching ur neighbors watch tv
Philip Darby if you're under the age of 17 you shouldn't even read this; and if you do, you should not repost.
Just because you were born in 1996 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid. ... It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons - I am sorry but four years of the 90s just wont cut it.
You're a 90s kid if, you remember watching...
-Kenan and Kel
-Pinky and the Brain
-AAAAAAAH Real Monsters!
-Rocko's Modern Life
-Courage the Cowardly Dog
-Hey Arnold
-Clarissa Explains it All
-The Simpsons
-The Fresh Prince of Bel air
-Nickelodeon Slime Time
-Family Feud
You've ever ended a sentence with the word PSYCHE!
You just cant resist finishing this: "In west Philadelphia born and raised...
You remember:
-Step by Step
-Family Matters
-Boy Meets World
You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
When everything was settled by:
-rock paper scissors or
-bubble gum bubble gum in a dish
When kickball was something you did everyday!! and you played on the monkey bars and knew at least one kid who broke their arm falling off of it...
You used to listen to the radio all day long just to record your FAVORITE song of ALL time on a tape.
You remember when Super Nintendo became popular.
You always wanted to send in a tape to Americas Funniest Home Videos . . . but never taped anything funny.
You remember watching:
-The Magic School Bus
-Reading Rainbow
-Ghostwriter on PBS
You remember when Yo-Yos were cool.
And you played with Gak, Silly Putty and Sticky Tack that you stole from the teachers walls.
You remember eating Warheads and Smarties
You remember watching:
-The 1st Batman
-Ninja Turtles
-Ghost Busters
You remember Ring Pops!!!
If you remember when every thing was "da BOMB!"
You remember boom boxes vs. CD players
You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet, or Nano and brought it everywhere u went
You watched the original cartoons of
-Wild Thornberrys
-Power Rangers (with the Green ranger)
-Rocket Power
All your school supplies were Lisa Frank or Five Star brand
If you collected:
-Beanie Babies
-Pokemon cards (the oringinal 150)
-Coins with the states on them
-Silver dollars, which were cool to have
Everyone watched the WB
If you even know what an original Walkman is..
You know the Macarena by heart
"Talk to the hand". . .enough said.
You went to McDonald's to play in the play place
Before the MySpace/Facebook/Twitter frenzy...
Before the Internet & text messaging...
Before Sidekicks & iPods ...
Before PlayStation3 or X-BOX 360...
Before Spongebob...
When light up sneakers were cool and you had spiral spring shoelaces
When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs
When gas was $1.
When we recorded stuff on VCR
You had slap bracelets!
You actually played outside until it was dark!
Way back-before we realized all this would eventually disappear...
Kaheela Johnson U playin too many games
Crystal Sligh Peepels Kinda digging this new Auction show....Pretty Awesome if u ask me :)
Pheello Jay once again 1 day has passd n only tz sentimentals are left tz up to u on wt u make up 2day 2 hv a beta 2morow, so da condoms r in ur pocket use dem o jst dnt i dnt gv a damn hv an xquisite friday
Keisha Ontodanextone Pitts Q: moment of truth...lls can I smash lmaoooooooo?
A: lmao boyyyyy u be fakin lyke shyt.
Sue Bowen Hey FV Neighbors I need more POTIONS Pretty PLEEZE? Thank U
Paris Ondeck Clark Fb world one thing bout me imma hard nigga to deal sit ur pussy ass down if u can't stand dat...look n my eyes hoe I do numbers eccept 50.
Rumel Bohannon-Bey Jr. If Ur REAL and u kno it clap Ur hands....
Cristie Saldivar Like if u think i am pretty :D
Do u remember this chocolates...............!!!!:) share and like it.. to see how many of our friends remember thesee :)
Dylan Grady home game monday 7:30 at the u of i
Moshim Sharma Truth abt lyf..
Evry person around iz going
to hurt u at some point of time
but its on u to decide wats more important
the pain or the person...
Kayla Willever I think it's time u know the true meaning of PLAY TIME!
Kevin Prince Sb Jackson T. E. A. M. F. A. I. T. H. F. U. L (lms) if u think u could be from the TEAM
Quorum Lava Man Blyther drastik measurz kot¢ new mixtape is in da street5. if u reppin da karolina5 an u fuck wit da 910 holla at us dis shits fire im serious tossed dat shit n da woods if wanna an watxh dat shit katxh flame bruh KO€ da team drastik kot¢ mixtape fire dat shit u bumpin proly smell like a home less kop da mixtape hit him up on fb an put ur bid n real talk holla @us...ite: alrite alryte alriiyyght measurz talk 2em...............
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