Antonio Guzman Ur style is generic
Mines authentic made
I roll like a renegade
U need clinic aid
My technique
Bizzare and ill
I scare an kill
U were a star to I served u
Like a bar an grill
As I proceed to cook
An grill ya
U better rekonize me
Like I look familiar
U wana battle
U be around da bush like
U scared to lick pussy
So u eat around da TUSH
Kimberly Singh Its bedtime! Gd nite an sweet dreamzzzz! Love u all.
Darla Mason Post this if your Dad is, or was, a hardworking man, and is your hero, has helped you as much as he could no matter how good or bad you were, and is just the best Dad ever; if you are blessed to still have your Dad, or if he is waiting for you in heaven, paste this to your status and let everyone know you are proud of your Dad. You can replace a lot of people in life, but you only have one Dad......and remember any one can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a Dad......I love u dad
Judith Abad Happy Birthday Timothy Jake
Santiago Figueroa i love playing soccer if u love playing soccer too like this or comment
Brent Tahsequah Finished up my lights on my house I'm trying to set it up on Facebook so u can see
Subbayya Ballary never ask
For a hug
Just tak it..
Never ask
Do u Luv me
Say i Luv u
Never say i
Can't live widout u
Say i live 4 u
U r now trained,
go & flirt...
Chris Swagga If u fine ur self in d dark and u cant see. I will be d light 2 leed u..........
Rupesh Agrawal Exams Kolaveri Di Version..
Hand-la book-u, book la stuff-u, eyes full aa tear-u..
empty mind-u, exam come-u, life reverse gear-u..
God i m dyin nau, prof is happy how-u..
this-u song-u 4 students-u, we dont hav a choice-u..
Why dis kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di..! :D:D
Holly Thompson Not a mothafuckin thing but a sad picture.
It hurt me when i found out you had pussy in your heart nigga.
I never thought i'd say it but mothaFUCK a friend,
Cause your dawgs will be the ones that cross ya in the end!!
-~Shoutout to all the REAL friends i have on my side, The ones who have been there for me through THICK && thin...I <3 U...YOU GUYS KNOW WHO YOU ARE~-
Thakur Vishal Chauhan World's most beautiful sentence-
'...BUT, I M WITH U'
and worlds most painful sentence-
'I M WITH U, BUT...'
Words are same but place matters a lot.
Mary B. Taylor HELLO.... I NEED A HUG!!!! TO give me a HUG click "LIKE".... I believe that i already KNOW who will HUG me n who WON'T!!! REMEMBER that once u click ' LIKE' you MUST RE- POST this status on ur wall so i can HUG u back. DON'T be SHY, HUGS R AWESOME + FREE !!!! ♥ ♥ XXX
Dominique Jones So I see all u Laker fans are all hyped about cp3 bein traded there but yall should remember that Kobe isn't gonna be there forever, there's a 7 yr difference between there Kobe will most likely be gone before cp3 hits 30 or at that point but they'll have a good run this year with him at the point but only while Kobe is there, cuz when he leaves then it'll be neNw Orleans over again and that's if cp3 decides to stay there
J-Syah Tru Lyricz *LADIES*
Music video by Ashanti - Rock Wit U (Awww Baby). Ashanti's first single from her second studio album entitled "Chapter II." Murder Inc Records 2003.
Rugged DaGod if u keep whining u wont find no man talkin like dat
Faisal Kabir Gd morning my friends. How are u friends?
Alisha Patterson Y are u so special to me!!!#thinkinghard
Imani Babyiee Whoeva Callinq Me Blocked And Sayinq Cuano However u Say Better Stop Dont Fwm Before i Call The Cops
Natoya Dickens Daniel Well 2day turned out 2b a gud day.Hung out wit my girl Cat alday trippen hard.That me time was much needed...Thanks Cat 4 riding time 2day.Now lets get readi 4 2morrow n then next weekend u no wat time it is....LEGOOO MY PEPS
Rahul Batra ^........Hit like if u love ur cell phone.....^
Luis Perez Fuck ur life u fuken hoe,u should of had patients cuz now i make twice of cash ke tu n guess what?ur not here 4me2spend it all on you jajajaja,FUCK UR LOVE I DNT. WANT IT BACK"576"A WEEK. BIATCH.. ..........
Rahul Batra ^........Hit like if u love ur cell phone.....^
Yogesh Chavda Making million of friends,
Is not an achievement,
Achievement is
To make
Who`ll stand U
When million are against U...,...
Angie Ginn- Gibson Finally headed home 14 hr work day been driving the last 4 hrs.. I LOVE U TINA SIMS AKA - EXAMONE
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