Hector Santana I hate when guys are in front of other guys they claim that they a playa and girls ain't nothing, but once they with their girls they all baby I need you. Come on man. Stop fronting.
Brittany Vaitl joke before bed
Boy: Wanna hear a joke about my penis? Oh wait it's too long
Girl: Wanna hear a joke about my vagina? Oh wait you won't get it.
Myriah M'f Gomez L I K E ':D Foor A 'Whhyy Waahhsupp'.?(:
Daniel Greer Man the browns must have paid out a pretty penny to these refs this game!!!
Cheryl Borkowski Without fail, every time I have to print something important my printer has to act like a asshole....
Marcellus Jackson Should let team loosekannon run a train on ha since she wanna be a hoe
Martirez Cherry "It doesn't take one great deed to make a name. The little good things you do to others from day to day will forever define you." -Roseanne Roseanne Costales
Mason Herzing Do you know what a "Candy Cane Really is"? Many years ago a candy maker wanted to make candy that would symbolize the true meaning of Christmas-Which is "Jesus" The hard candy was shaped like a " J " to represent that Jesus is our rock of all ages. The candy was white, that stands for the pureness of Jesus, and the red represents the blood that Jesus shed to save us from our sins. So the next time you see a candy cane, take a minute to remember the real meaning of 'Christmas'. I would like to see all my friends re-post this for all their friends to share.....
Rhonda Darlene Thompson-Westerman today was a good day it was my oldest sons birthday, it was a day of revelation that i didnt want to know about it. and now a hundred thoughts are running thru my mind i am getting too old to figure ways out for everyone. maybe someone else could think awhile
Rosa Willey-Lomeli I want to do something this weekend but don't know what... or with who. I need a night out with friends.
Laura Torbik Schneider You know you have been working too many long hours when you look at yourself in the morrie and realize you need a pedi, mani, hair cut n color, workout, spend some time with your friends sharing some Christmas Cheer, and need to call your sister. I SAY ENOUGH!
Dillon James SMASH SMASH SMASH!!!!!! Wht its a Car Crash :/
Scream Shalon i wish she a jus tell him she aint got a damn fone n stp bn scard he gone stp tlkn 2 yhu.
Christin Staben Pruess Totally enjoying the beautiful snow...as I sit inside; by the fire; with a delicious cup of cocoa!
Tim Shafer working on homework and a new song. i'll record it when can but for now its homework then music
Never seen anything like this....... a must watch
Twanya BeingmadebyGod Johnson A baby eagle has to come out of the egg with no assistance....The mother may stand by and watch and encourage the youngster to kick...peck and fight to free its self from the egg....but the young eagle must break free alone. Stop hiding inside that shell...break free and learn to fly...think about it an egg is easier prey than an eagle.
Ta'Quan Walker shit pregnancy around here is like a fucking disease..i'm so glad to be celibate & sober :*
Selena Padilla Te amo Diios,cuida de mi fam de las personas q viven en este hogar de mis seres queridos...por todas las cosas q me a dado pq me amas incondicional si vivo es pq eres fiel......gracias Señor te amo...
Bob Coup I was BORN in the 70's. We are the last generation who learned to play in the street. We are the 1st who played video games and the last to record songs off the radio on a cassette tape. We Learned how to program the VCR before anyone else, play from the Atari, to super Nintendo. We are the generation of Tom and Jerry & Captain Kangaroo - and Cavaricci's. We traveled in cars without seat belts or air-bags and lived without cell phones. We did not have flat screens, surround sound, iPods, Facebook, Twitter, computers & the Internet... But nevertheless we had a GREAT time... Re-post if you're a 70's baby
Taylor Ann Valley Shoot in the heart with a bullet full of lies now those lie dont effect me anymore
A good friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting beside you saying, "Damn, that was fun!"
Kristen Burtaine My definition of a clean room - A clear path from the door to my bed (:
Kasandra Westgate No motivation for homework tonight...gunna act like a college kid and live for the nighhtt tonigghtt
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