Set to scenes from The Nativity Story... O Holy Night - by Josh Groban. Video Created by Youtube channel Tonycdrive.
by Gene Minix
Throw another log on the fire.
Twenty five guest have arrived all told.
They laugh and sing and have a good time.
Jesus were you left out in the cold?
Games are played and stories are told.
Singing carols making merry and bright.
Fruit cake and pumpkin pie and eggnog to drink.
But Jesus did they think of you this night.
Presents exchanged, smiles on every face.
O, the pretty presents under the tree.
Seems everyone sure has their share.
But Jesus was there any gift for thee?
It's grand to fellowship with friends and family.
And having fun and watching children play.
But it's a mighty sad thing for sure
When so many leave Christ out of Christmas Day!
© Copyright 2009, by Gene Minix.
All rights reserved.
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