Manny ElboriBoy Jimenez Love is a gun
Eric Dowdy Watching an 80's classic before bed... Splash with miss Darryl Hannah as a biiiiiiig fish
Jaime Allen This is one of my favorite Christmas songs(if you call it one) yet also one of my fave duets of this song too! I remember singing this in Elementry School, but can't remember which one? Either way, I respect when people of the same family blood go up to sing or play music on stage with each other because it seems like it would be such a special moment to remember! I saw Vince Gill in a Christmas tour once, but I don't think Jenny was even born? Too bad....
Wonderful performance of "Let There Be Peace on Earth" by Vince Gill and his daughter, Jenny. Fantastic Christmas show with Amy Grant. Loved it!
Lori Herrmann Mohler I have a couplel friends I would like to direct this to. You know who you are.
From my nephew...who should be hitting the law books...sent me this...which is just a little TOO close to the truth!
Ron Lamor Today is my last day working at URSA, my co-worker gave me a very nice farewell party, I'm gonna miss my team (Bob Ward), one of the best team i've ever work, starts from the manager to the staff, it was my pleasure working with you guys.
Lourdes Medina finally a night at home, peace & quite..........
Christopher Leonardi just sucked a million dicks Stacey Cropley
Christina Clemons Well strike three on a new job. Don't worry my friends, I won't give up. I will prevail!!!
Jesse Remington Bachstein I hear of a great eclipse happening tomorrow morning at bout 6am whoz wakin up n watchin it?
Steven Laird nothing like a good gym sesh on a Saturday morning
Maata Isullutaq-Kunuk heard the balloon drop was fun & that there were a lot more people than last year.
Noell Elly Massenburg Yeaah,,so I'm just waiting for a sign,,so i can know to be in or out. Leaning towards ...
Anthony Arellano But this is my art, art, this is my music
I'm speakin' from the heart, hit record and I'll lose it!
Bite my tongue for no one, I'll put you on blast
So all the news channels, y'all could kiss my ass!
And if I dish it I could take it, fix it if you break it
Could hit rock bottom and I'm still gon' make it, why?
Cause I'm a born hustler, natural survivor
Seed of a gangsta, I put that on my father
YouTube or Google me, turn it up and play it
Cause many people think it, I just had the balls to say it, what?
And risk losin' everything, I stand for the weak
Plus I live for my freedom of speech
Allyson Yates finallly a great day. (:
Arnie F. Figuracion Goodmorning everyone hve a nice day & godblz,,,,,,,,,do'nt 4get 2 pray mga frend b4 u start u job,,,,,,,,
Michelle Dela Cruz Languido A very cold morning...xmas xmas xmas na jud..
Heather Marie Guilbault I was in a very different place last year at this time. 2011 has been a year of change and forward progress. My goal is to make 2012 a year of balance, harmony and rhythm.
June Crafton Just got back from a fun evening at The Colonial where I watched "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". It was so funny and good and I'm so proud of my great-niece Claire Walker who did such a GREAT JOB! Love you Claire (and Charlotte)
Skip Tapp Been a real busy week. Counting JV games, I shot 6 basketball games this week.
Nayea CouldcareButdont Bell 61) Wats your mothers b' day? _ Feb, 5th .
62) Do you know your fathers b- day? _ Um, I Know It's In April . I Think The 20th .
63) Are you afraid of the dark? _ Complete Dark . Yea ! So Wat Don't Judge Me !
64) Is cheating ever okay? _ Fuck No ...!!!!!!
65) Are you mean? _ Yes, If U Don't Know Me. But that's Just 2 Keep My Feelings From Being Hurt . #It's.A.Shield !
66) Can you keep white shoes clean? _ Nope, That's Why I Only Do Black .
67) How many people have you fist fought? _ Recently None But In The Past 2 Many 2 Count .
68) Do you believe in true love? _ Yes, Rip Ckali :(
69) Favorite weather? _ Spring :)
70) Do you like the snow? _ No , But I Like Snow Fights :)
71) Favorite hobbies? _ Fishing, Hunting, Writing, & Reading .
72) Do you like the outside? _ Yes !
73)Do you wanna get married? _ I Really Do Know . I Use 2 But Um Un .
74) Hav you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? _ No .
75) What makes you happy? _ The Smile On My Daughter Face . Can't Shit Compare 2 That <3
76) Would you change your name? _ Yea, 2 Chrissy :)
77) Ever been to Hawaii? 7_ Nope, But That's Where I Want Kace' 2 Go 2 College At !
78) What’ s your favorite food? _ Shrimp Alfredo , W/ Sides Of Bread Sticks & Salad :)
79) Do you believe in abortion? _ Depends on the situation .
80)Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? _ Yup, plenty of times .
Kenneth Horton i am also very proud of my son KEITH HORTON for being the best kid a dad could ever ask for and being so responsible and getting a good job he likes and getting involved with the fire department because we all no there are so many bad roads a teenage boy can go down.and thankfully he was to smart to go down those wrong roads . i love you son your the best !!!!!!!!!!
Eric Upton Ah, the life of an occupier. A little relaxation before pitching a tent...
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