Devon Rey General no will make a lock without a key........
similarly, God would not give a problem without a solution.....
"i agree..."
Trace LikeAboss Milne likee and ill rate * ;)
[] 10% ewww
[] 20% Gross
[] 30% Errr
[] 40% Okay
[] 50% Not bad
[] 60% Your Alright
[] 70% You're pretty/cute
[] 80% You're hot
[] 90% Its like damn
[] 100% Perfect
You + Me + Room=
[] Movies
[] Cuddle
[] Hang out
[] Kill you
[] Eat
[] Sex
[] Everything
[] Never gonna Happen!
[] Anything you want
If you'd kiss me:
[] Kiss you back on the cheek
[] Be suprised
[] Kiss back
[] Hit you
[] Smile and Blush
[] Eww
If we walked home together I'd
[] Hold your hand
[] Push you in a bush
[] Hop on your back
[] I'll give you a piggy bank
[] Talk
[] Take pictures
[] Kick your ass
You should
[] Be mine
[] Not have liked my status
[] Die
[] Make this your status so I can like it
[] Chill with me
Beth Salmon Pye INCREDIBLE!!!! A must watch!!
A lady interrupts a Michael Buble concert and talks him into letting her fifteen year old sing up on stage. I was all ready for a disaster then got blown away.
Cindy Lilly Booth Hubby took me to the Chop House for my birthday. Loved the food and the service was great. Had a great time!
Ninah Lawson tearing up a little bit promise u i feel like the worlds coming to a end everybody's dieing on me , jizzel, Selena was already dead but its the purpose, brandy that 3 people im now realize that life ant no joke im just scared that somebody to close to me might come to there day a little earlier and im just sad its been like 6-7 years seance somebody important to me died to remember that feeling killes me inside R.I.P to all the young kids not liveing they life as long as they wants imma miss you jizzel so much:'(
Kool Brezz Wells Here Take This For Depression Even Tho It Might Make U More Depress... Weak White Blood Cells... Give You A Heart attack... Thoughts Of Suicide... And Uncontrollable Muscle Movement... Really.... Just Make Weed Legal
Megan Ashley I love it havin a blast:)
Razzle Dazzle Cleaners We have openings to get your home clean before the Christmas holiday or after. Start the new year right in a clean home.
Adam Fox Red Solo Cup
Your not just a cup
Your my friend
Like if you love your red solo cup
Brittany Ferguson Yur fuckn with a nigga tht dnt give a fuk. LIL WAYNE
Natalie Ibarra #3 Thing I HATE:
When i'm at a little corner store & the cashier just keeps staring at me like if i'm going to steal something .
It's like nigga if you keep staring maby I just might steal something todaaaaay . (;
Giri Rajan evlo periya ttttttrrrrrraaaaiiiiiiinnnnnn.....:-)!!...
its not a train .....its traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Swift Ford niggah said we the unsigned version of YMCMB... Is that a compliment?
Kellon 'Melmin' Daniel life sucks in so many different ways. . .. that u may never understand
it may start off as a sweet orange. . .that u dont need anything ti add to. . ..and may change to a lovely pink Grapefruit. . .. and u may grow accostommed to it. . . until u get tot the real grapefruit. . . buh now u want bak the orange. .. buh u cant have it.. . .so u shop around. . . .looking for new stuff. . .and stumble upon a lemon. . that just takes u down. . . .and lookin to get out u find a lime. . .. and wonder y. .. and thats all u get. . . .lime... . .nuh even salt. .. cuz u wish u cud geh salt. . .. salt wud be like heaven to u. . .buh u jus gettin plain lime. . . . and if u think that lime is bad.. . . just say thank God u havent been properly introduced into my life as it is presently
Irene Alba Sono entrato in FRAGOLINA VIDEOCHAT, bellissima vieni a trovarmi, clicca su questo link
Jacque Stevenson Fields What a good day! Just kinda hung out and Ryan was actually half way decent today. He came over to me and said "Lips need you!!" Then he puckered up! I love my boys! One more full week + 2 days of school and then it will be vacation time! YEAH! Have a blessed nite!!
Keyana Faison Wish many would learn and understand the effects they have on a woman especially good woman.Somethings should never be taken for granted..Loving you forever but letting go.. SN: Great convo with actual talk time.. GDNITE
Sameer Sahu band aankh se dekh tamasha duniya ka
Those days.
Parents wanted their GIRL to get married to a
Gud BOY :-))
... ... Now-a-days
Parents wants their BOY to get married to a Gud GIRL..... :)
`·.¸.·´ ♥
¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨) ♥
...(¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥`*•.¸♥ •●۰ тαяυη ۰●• ♥¸.•*´¯♥
Shekhar Miniyar Solve ur simple mistakes early before it leads 2 big problem.bcz we always slip frm small stones and not frm a mountain.
Footage from the '08 Sydney test probably not seen by the Australian audience
Michelle Timberlake Gayhart Type in the first letter of CHRISTMAS and see who's name pops up :)
C-Sets the tree on fire: Christal Crady
H-Eats all the cookies that are left out for Santa: Doris Hines
R-Tells every little kid that they see that Santa isn't real: Roxanne Wheeler Phillips
I- Kisses all the men under the mistle toe: Angela Ireland-Caulk
S - Tries to kill Santa: Steven Lynch
T - Leaves the fireplace lit: Theresa Coakley
M - Still believes in Santa: Melissa Lyninger Cain
A - Kills Santa's reindeer: Amber Lynn
S - Ruins Christmas dinner: Sherrie Middleton
Erik Gonzalez Like if u had a cool day
Jose Rdz Esta bien aburrido quisiera ir a dal la buelta hahahãhahaha
Megan Jean Smith Today was a long day. About to go to bed. Goodnight FB.
Amit Maney guud morning all of u have a nice day...
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