YoungMishy G-squard Fucken right... oryt oryt... I say hell yeah
Gwendolyn Farnell-Leeder Started Christmas baking!! Chocolate nut roll-check, 6 dozen tarts-check, Mars Bars-check, Almond Bark-check, Pecan Bark-check, marshmellow balls started, peanut butter balls started!! Still lots left to do on Sunday, Sheree!! Holy crap!! One of these years I will have to cut back!! Tis the season!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
Joyce Crook james was down the basement in what use to be jesse room and found a old dvd put it in the dvd player and is a tape of our old house front porch and the starts on my jesse comes walking down the stairs it just a few minutes but it broke my heart jesse looked so good i just wanted to reach out and grab hold of him and never let go oh my god he was so alive and smiling broke my heart hurt so bad, i was so glad to see him up and walking and smiling but then the flood of tears started and the realization that he is gone and i will never see him like that again came rush in . OH I MISS MY JESSE
Peggy Mahar What can I say? Two beautiful kids!
Me and my nephew Acen in San Antonio this weekend :-).
Mikaela Diamond I MISS CHERRY HILL :( MISSING ALL THE FUN :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janae Corder boring a.f was fina pull an allnighter w / carly but she went o sleep :I just sitten here listen n to gucci welp hmu
Tim Harris I am bored out my frickin mind!
Enrique Rodriguez Jesus: Santa.
Santa: Yes?
Jesus: I'm sad.
Santa: Why are you sad? It's Christmas right? It's your birthday!
Jesus: Yeah. That's the point
Santa: Why?
Jesus: Because whenever its Christmas the kids only wait for you and not me! They only celebrate Christmas because of you! Why Santa, why not Jesus? -Dec. 25 is for Jesus not for Santa. Copy & Repost if You Believe in Jesus ! P.S He Knows You Looked deny me in front your friends and I will deny you in front of my father. ♥
Nish Co-co Mckoy Tanya is a fat balled up ass bitch that talk a lot of shit but can't fight ....she is a fucked up mother ....if u don't like wat I put on my stat fuck u and her
Griselda Salinas I got "The letter S !" on the Who loves you ? ♥ quiz!
Ahmed Hamdy Allam The man of modern science mixes, with equal skill, an elixir of love and an explosive. He bears the responsibility for the death of Gebelawi or God - but also perishes himself. Still, there is a glimmer of hope at the end of the novel. Mahfouz is not a pessimist, even though he is occasionally referred to as one. "If I were a pessimist", he says, "I wouldn't write."يا تري إيه الأمل اللي بيقول عليه في القسوة لو كان هو م تشائم علي حد تعبيره مكنش كتبه هو مش أنا ،؟اقرأ الاجابة من كلامه
Joshua Russell im so sick of people who claim to b fam but really aint shit to me. just cuz i known u for years dont mean we been thru shit. im startin to c that i havent had anyone solid in my life for years.
Tara Montague Never been with a group of people and have been cut off at an applebees my defense I only had 2 glasses of wine & a beer.
Amy Katherine Bentz Cannot find anything good to keep my attention on Netflix grr... Any recommendations. No drug movies, just need something good that I haven't seen yet.
Tasha Huston I DNt fucc wit fake bitches!!!!
Swisher Sweet Jesus: Santa.
Santa: Yes?
Jesus: I'm sad.
Santa: Why are you sad?
Santa: It's Christmas right? It's your birthday! ... ...
Jesus: Yeah. That's the point Santa: Why?
Jesus: because whenever its Christmas, the kids only wait for you and not me! They only celebrate Christmas because of you! Why Santa, why not Jesus? Dec. 25 is for Jesus not for Santa. Re-post this if you love Jesus deny me in front your friends and I will deny you in front of my father
Rob Downton Early doors tomorrow number 15 I am coming to get you with an extremely loud gong and all day bass guitar feedback to make up for zero hours sleep for me and waking my little girl up 4 times!!!! You complete and utter shithead pricks
Faye has been sparko since 10pm, but I got told to shut up in her sleep as she thought next doors argument was me!
Wayne Tuesday Why are teenage girls now a days such stupid little whores. Its not just me being old when I can see it right in front of me sometimes.
Alishia Nessie Turner Everything i do i do it 4 my babies mama love u guys 2 death .
Kyle Miller I just pooped
Christopher Sinclair Yo i wanna go to club amnesia the raido always sayin it be poppin in that club
Music video by Colbie Caillat performing I Never Told You. (C) 2010 Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Poe Nu Didn't think FB layout customization was possible but I was wrong
~~~~~~~~~WARNING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONT SEE THIS IF YOU ARE A HEART PATIENT!!! Can you dare to see this?? this is the scariest thing ever!!!
Music Video by Chris Brown preforming I Love Her (C) 2011 Unreleased Song Link for FREE download:
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