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Human Perspectives for developing 【2355 AD】 : Me, and You
【2355 AD】之人生感觸‧探討人性元素: 我, 和你
God only knows it’s not what we would choose to do.
(Phrase from “Us and Them” in “Dark Side of the Moon”, Pink Floyd)
Dear Friends,
First of all, thank you all for liking this Page on Facebook. Just in 5 months, I have friends over 100,000 around the world. Many of you must be quite curious about who I am.
Currently, I am a Scientist and Entrepreneur for developing “Artificial Intelligence” (like Skynet, Terminators in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Movie, :). You can call me Jenher as regarding me as a friend, or “Dr Jeng” as regarding me as a scientist.
Well, after all, I am just an ordinary person like most of you.
But, I believe that I am a person full of “Passion, Vision and Courage” which I’ve accumulated from many serious lessons from my “bold” moves in my life. Each time, I had to turn really bad “Luck” into “Opportunity” for my life.
The only thing I differ quite much from most people is my mentality (“guts”) to take “big” challenges and try very hard to learn the lessons. This has made me have some extraordinary experiences through my life, for examples:
*) I finished nearly 200 credits for my Bachelor Degree with Double-Major in Mathematics and Physics – learning from Topology, Differential Geometry to Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. Furthermore, I got my PhD Degree in Statistics from U.C. Berkeley, USA.
*) I got trained for dealing with very dangerous military weapons running from bullets, bombs to sea-mines with guys from trainings of special forces (so, I got to need both brain and physical strength to nail things down) during my military services.
*) I founded a couple of startup companies – man, it’s the most difficult part I’ve done so far (dealing with Investors, Employees, Partners, Innovations, Cashflows, Business Cycles, …). That’s why I really admire Steve Jobs’ mindset for being a tough “Entrepreneur”.
*) I am currently developing my artificial intelligence system SEMA to help people understand and manage the Systemic Risk of Capital Markets, the Complexity of Social-Networks, and the Interaction of our Immune System and Virus).
Actually my dream, please don’t laugh, is to live on the Moon and watch the Earth rising before I die. So, I want the world to be changed in some ways and make it much better, but it’s impossible without the help from all of you. That’s exactly why I build this Page to inspire you and see if we can do something “big” together through “Cybernetic Power” in the future. I believe you all have same or bigger potential than me, but might lack of a “determined” mentality to success. Hope you enjoy the images on this page – each image will try to tell you something for inspiring you down to the subconscious level.
My next Post will be about why and how I will co-op with you to write a “Novel Story” 【2355 AD】about the future of the human kind.
【2355 AD】之人生感觸‧探討人性元素: 我, 和你
(來自Pink Floyd的“Dark Side of the Moon”專輯“Us and Them”這首歌的詞句)
唯一一個我覺得我跟多數人不同之處,在於我很願意接受"極大"的挑戰且努力去學取教訓的心志("膽識")。這使得我擁有了一些很不平凡的人生經驗, 例如:
*) 我大學數學與物理雙主修時修了幾乎200個學分,從拓樸學、幾何微分到量子力學、廣義相對論。後來,我在美國加州柏克萊大學拿到統計博士學位。
*) 在服兵役期間,我被訓練要去處理非常危險的從子彈、火藥到魚雷等軍事武器,以及帶領一些受過特種部隊訓練的士兵(所以必須要兼備智力與體力才能把任務搞定)。
*) 我成立了幾家新創公司 – 這是我經歷過最困難的事情了(要處理投資者, 員工, 合作夥伴, 研發創新, 現金流, 景氣循環,…)。這就是為什麼我很欽佩賈伯斯,因為他的心智讓他成為一名堅韌不拔的"創業家"。
*) 我目前正在發展我的人工智慧系統SEMA,去幫助人們了解與應對資本市場的系統性風險、社群網絡的複雜性、以及免疫系統與病毒的互動機制。
其實我的夢想,請不要笑,是在我辭世之前可以住在月球上觀賞地球的升起。所以,我希望世界上一些方面能被有所改變並且變得更好,但如果沒有你們的協助,這是不可能的。這就是為什麼我建立這個專頁的原因,希冀能對你們有所啟發並且看我們未來是否可以透過“人與科技之間智慧互動網絡的力量”聯手做些什麼"大"事。我相信所有人都擁有跟我一樣或是比我多的潛力,只是有可能欠缺了成功必需的"堅定"心志。希望你們喜歡這個頁面的圖片們 – 每一張都是試著要對觀者深及潛意識層面傳遞啟發性的訊息。
我的下一篇文章將會是關於我為何以及如何與你們合作以共同撰寫一部有關我們人類共同未來的小說故事【2355 AD】。
(中文翻譯感謝Bunny Chang執筆)
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