Nina Hoppe I think this could be a hit....
On l'a rêvé!! Nutella l'a fait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Un fast food uniquement consacré aux plaisirs du Nut!!!!!!
Duruji Uche Joy Because He lives, Jesus i live, i have no fear of what tomorrow brings, because He lives, i live to praise His name. Thank God for today fresh manna conference, i pray tomorrow would be more interesting than today.
George Harper Highly recommended and Successfull Hyip
New Venture I have gone through Paying on time , got refferd and got paid
Going Great and looking forward.
Daily 3 % for 60days
Daily 3.5 % for 60days
Daily 4% for 60days and upto 10% refferal income .. so cool...
Raj Jain Hi, My Name is Dream.
Nw i want 2 Show U All the Sweet Collections
So Close UR Eyes & go to a Deep Sleep..
Don't Miss me..
Meet me in Dreams.
Good night:-
Antonio Ttg Mckoy i kno yall niggas at lunch know sombody say somthing
Sandra Dahlin Sitter i värtahamnen å dricker cider å väntar på resten av gänget som ska med på kryssning!
Lisa Austin-Bergenstock So I wake up a bit ago, roll over and there is the cutest new Steelers beanie layin on my pillow!!! I jus love my future daughter in law and my boys!! ♥ thank you!!!! Ill be wearin that to the game next week ; )
Vrnjačka Banja Hala sportova Vrnjacka Banja,mesto novogodisnje zurke,ocekuje Vas totalno dobar provod,luda atmosfera i jos mnogo toga...svo koji su bili na doceku 2011 znaju o cemu pricamo:))))
Budi i ti deo najbolje novogodisnje zabave ;)
Jeremias Tuck Good morning. I have a question for everyone today. Is it easy to date someone who is a single parent and what is the hardest part about dating a single parent? I just want to hear some thoughts on this topic...
Crystal Fonseca Up ; & bck to sleep i goooo <3
Rosemarie Siringo oooooohhhhh i just got some jewlery from an estate sale can't wait to do modeling for oh yes
KaKyCo- Elegant hats on web including Women's Church hat, Casual hat, Red hat, Satin hat, Brenda Bol
KaKyCo- Elegant hats on web including Women's Church hat, Casual hat, Red hat, Satin hat, Brenda Bolling hat ...
Sirett de la Cruz Tgif!!!! So happy and in love with live, so grateful for my family and my friends!! I love you all xoxo
Shaylin Corbett I play the part of the cynic at times, but the truth is I'm a hopeless romantic, believe that people are basically good, always look on the bright side and feel that everything will turn out for the best. I'd like to think of myself as a realistic optimist. I see the cup as half full, but also understand that it can be empty.
Laura Cisneros I don't understand some people complain about everything...why r u living here if u dislike the place so much.
Darrian Holmes so unfortunatly im awake... fml i got NO sleep colton was dieing all night poor hefalump well finna chow down on some coco puffs then do the fro...(yay!! :/ ) get at meh
Jordan C. Brun After 8 days of near-solo packing and cleaning (thanks Gare and Matt!), I have a "free day". After sitting down to veg with the television, I have come to the epiphany that if you cannot watch DVR'd programming, you might as well not watch tv. I sat through about 10 minutes of drek before getting off of my ass.
Travis Beerens Got an interview on a second job today at 3pm. It is the final interview so I am sure I got the job but I will keep you all posted
Jackson Helmers I <3 nayth
Margaret Dake PRICELESS
Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example,
the other day, Kate, my wife and I went into town and visited a shop.
When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and I said, 'Come on,
... man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?'
He ignored us and continued writing the ticket.
I called him an asshole. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn-out tires.
So Kate called him a shit head. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first.
Then he started writing more tickets. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him,
the more tickets he wrote.
Just then our bus arrived, and we got on it and went home.
We always look for cars with "OBAMA 2012 stickers.
We try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired. It's important at our age.
Sabrain Baer I cant wait 2 get off work and get my boys they wuz sn excited 2 go 2 parade 2 night and see santa i love my boys they make my world go round and keep me happy
Chris Vining Just got a little bit of validation that I actually know what I'm doing.
Kristen Jones The world is mine, when i wake up.....I don't need nobody telling me the Time
Olajide M Ademola All fans,join me @ parthfinder inn Ado-Ekiti,at 11am 2 celebrate my birthday,on jan 18th 2012 i wil be except al,take it.
Britney Hay So you know you have big boobs when you can get kicked in your boob from inside the womb lmao... this little girl was just going to town! I wonder if people thought I was making my boob bounce on purpose??? hahaha WOW!
Samuel Ingi Gudmundsson þá er það jólabollan í kvöld :) sem þýðir fyllerí í kefl með öllu uppáhalds liðinu mínu :)
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