Asia Shakira So i met this shawty the otha day
I got her number called her up like what you doin she said nothin
I said whats good
She said not much
I said guess what?
She said whats up
I said i think we should hook up
She said uhh
I said what?
She said but
I said but? why you stuck?
She said f**k
I said who?
She said not you
I said then who?
She said you know
I know what?
You know who
I said i do?
She said you do
I said i do but i really dont because its you that i really want and we can do what you really
Want girl we grown if he aint gone treat you right then i aint gone treat you wrong
And thats my word but she done heard so many lies she dont whats true or not, shawty like a
Valle service i swear she been through alot but i put her car in park and never let her cry alone
I listen to her heart beat because it plays my favorite song-Lil Wayne
My 07 jam <3
Allen Fulkerson Some people just...don't deserve a trial. You'd understand what happened if you one day glimpsed somebody walkin' around in a pair o' rusty shackles, right? I think I would. I'd know they fucked up, that's fer sure.
Eshwar Goud Had it not been for Rampaul's freaky 86 at No.10, this match would have been hopelessly one-sided. The crowd had a full game and certainly got their money's worth.
χιιαοβ ββ 死了。
Ricky Acosta Havent played guitar in a while :/
James Tek Am thinkin Donell Jones on 9th Dec will be a gud treat 4 myself for the xmas period . . .
Alonzo Hernandez Randy Rodgers Band in Lubbuck! roadtrip Finna have a fun weekend At Tech!
Marcus Joiner ºDey poppin cars takin bars out dey body my nigga, Yu look at 1 of dem niggas 2 long yu got a problem my nigga :º02ººSOUTHSIDE:º18º
Deanna Knipp Lmfss.!! ♥; ( I'll do some in the morning, or after noon.)
[] Probably kiss you :o
[] Cuddle with you & make hot chocolate:)
[] Give you a present with charcoal .
... [] Stay in & watch movies wit you :)
[] Have a snow ball fight (:
[] Play in the snow and make snow angels :P
[] Bestfriend.
[] Nothing .
[] Friend.
[] Acquaintance
[] Everything
[] Baby :)
[] Brother
[] Sister
[] Who the fuck are you?
[] Cute (;
[] Pretty.
[] Breathtaking.
[] Adorable.
[] You're ight.
[] Gorgeous.
[] Hideous.
[] Hit me up more(:
[] Inbox meee !
[] Text mee :)
[] Put this as your status so I can like it .
[] Do absolutely nothing! :PSee More
Nicki Perez Being a young mom means we met a little early... but I get to love you a little longer. Some people said my life ended when I had a baby... but my life went on. You didn't take away my future... you gave me a new one!! ♥ Repost if you're a proud mother and what age you became one ...♥ (18)
Thomas Clifton Elliott get my phone back today leave your number in my inbox have a great wekend peace out
Keda Kee Hired someone to hang my lights on my excited to see the outcome wen i get home! not in th tree kickin mood today but its still early! woooosaaaaaa! have a wonderful friday ya'll....deuces
Thabo Samuel Yoh..when she entered the store she looked at me my heart pumped why is that happening is it a sign that she is my soulmate? It never happened b4 am still wondering any1 plz tell me?
Rosa Ramos Hate when you get the "You're JUST a mom?" or "Do you ever work?" Uhh yes, I am a Mom! That makes me an alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor, chauffeur, event planner, personal assistant, ATM & I scare away the boogie man. I don't get holidays, sick pay ...or days off. I work through the DAY & NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life. And that's just my first job... BEING A MOM!! :) I may not be anything to you but I am everything to someone! Re-post if you are a PROUD MOM!!<----'
Ammar Al-samouale GirL: How Many Hours A Day
Do You Think Of Me ..?!!
Boy: 16 Hours .
Girl: What ?!! What About The
Remaining 8 Hours ..?!!
Boy: The Other 8 Is When I'm Dreaming Of You In My Sleep ♥♥
Heather Fox Smoke like i got caderacks...round of applause.... baby make that a** clap...drop it to the floor...make that a** clap...let me see ya bust it!!
Allison Aragon sometimes in life you just gotta let go of things that cause you pain and sorrow...Really wish you could be a part of her life! Sorry just doesn't cut it!
Jasmine Jordan Hmm any suggestions on a club to hit up tma
Naiomy Delarocha AGE : 18
Who did I like ? a couple people ;)
WHAT WAS I INTO? working and going to football games
DO I REGRET ANYTHING: Ya like always
LMS for an age(:
John Wagley Any place around the south side of Lafayette/north side of Brossard for a good homemade hamburger?
Jennifer L Lazarchick-Weaver very sad day fb family and friends my dearest friend brigetta lost her fight late last nite with the worst battle ever breast cancer. she left behind 2 wonderful boys. brigetta i love you and will be missed very much. you are in a good place where pain is not an option.... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Jacob Ashby i love big hairy penus in my mouth i need to find a good dream guy with red hair like mine and like long walks on the beach
Michael Derkah Martinez My babymomma want to act funny about me seeing my daughter but just talked to attorney general & dads theres a group called fathers rights who provides free attorney just for moms trippin & both places gave great news. Best of all it will hurt the most since from reviewing my history Ive been excellent with not only my payments and insurance. Bahahaa & I dont care if u read this cuz the ball has started rolling. Good job listening to your new boyfriend. Xmas is coming early. Bahahaa!!!
Audey Curtis Vodka and ice will ruin your kidneys. Rum and ice will ruin your liver. Whiskey and ice will ruin your heart. Gin and ice will ruin your brain. Pepsi and ice will ruin your teeth.. There u have it! ICE is frickin' lethal. Warn all your friends: Lay off the ice, just drink it straight!! Forward this immediately. You could save a life!!!
.......And don't forget what it did to the Titanic!!!
Do'Sean L Harvell M.O.E. Music Over Everything Concert
Friday, December 16, 9:00pm-12:00am
400 Bar
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