A spasso nel tempo è un film comico italiano del 1996, diretto da Carlo Vanzina e interpretato dalla fantastica coppia Boldi-De Sica.
On November 21st, America, UK and Canada announced more sanctions against Iran. France also proposed to adopt new sanctions to force Tehran to stop it's nucl...
Merry Xmas! I hope you enjoy this entertaining version of a favourite yule tide ditty. All credit to Joshua Held :)
IusedtobeMiguelrotunno Resident Los manifestantes pedían a gritos que se fuera la 'troika' (inspectores del Fondo Monetario Internacional, la Comisión Europea y el Banco Central Europeo) que supervisan la aplicación de las severas medidas de austeridad.

Andy Amber Specht Nash County 4-H is having there Holiday Extravaganza today and tomorrow at the Agriculture Center in Nashville. This is a big fundraiser for the program with a lot of vendors. Come support these kids and get some Christmas shopping done.
Brebre Young Alwaysready i dont think i could ever love again because i was hurt before and that shit aint cool at all fuck that love shit#i dont wanna be loved i just want a quick fix lol
Booman Tha Gunman My bitch got a blow out Mi casa, su casa, my house is a ho house Only fuck with real niggas, Polo, fuck that Hilfiger Yeah I'm on a pill nigga, feed you to my little niggas Shout out to my big homies; FATTE and YOSHI,WILLIO,WILLIS,TK,POOH,NAT,KP,KEYBOW,OLD SCHOOL,JOC...
Katelyn Hedrick "No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up christmas wish." <3
Allauddin Khan Just shared a video with http://realplayer.com/
Web TV Channels on babies, parenting, children, and schooling.
Derrick Ball Please don't forget about my Business Eoversupply !! I have great personalized gifts for Him and Her at very reasonable prices. Just go to my website Eoversupply.com and take a look
Jacob Wesley work today and a nice pay laterzzzzzzz
Jeffrey McFadden Reminder : Packers won the super bowl and are 11-0. Cardinals won the world series. Have a good day!
Chico Mochalat Chino OMG...IJS....J/T....LOL...SMDH..., people have gotten to the point where even the mentally challeged can have a stimulating conversation..ROTFL...have you been added to a group or have a friend who's post seem to make you feel like it's making you dumber trying to read it....LMAO
Shannon Murphy going to see flight of the conchords house today, slept on some guys floor last night, he was in his forties with a huge beard....first night in new york was a classic....from what we remember...
Nadine Turner God is like a computer. He enters your life, scans your problems, downloads your solutions, deletes your worries and saves you. Pass it on if you Love God.
Kristen Huebert things are looking up for our household,the boys have solid work till March,which for a siding company this time of year is awesome....Do It Once,Do It Right,Sound Custom Siding.....
Sheila Addison Edwards Out in town with my mom,kelly and braisyn. Hoping to make this a good day!
Chrissy Widner Zoey's school is doing a thirty one fundraiser on the lunch totes and new cinch thermal totes. If u r interested let me know. It will be sent in 12/13, so not a guarantee for Christmas delivery!
Cynthia Lewis
A musical ensemble from the 70’s.
Love music dominated the 70’s and Disco music was on the move, but it was still room for bands, and the Soul Musicians were working hard, practice and repetition made them a good band. After seeing the band perform, I went over Johnny William’s house. He and Tommy were practicing in a room upstairs. Tommy was playing lead guitar and Johnny was playing bass. These two were like” hand and glove” just watching those two, you would learn the tremendous sacrifice it takes to be successful. To have a successful band take hard work and you have to want to do it. Bob was demanding, but everybody wanted to be great and were willing to put the time in. A band is a difficult way to go in the music industry. There is so much work and If someone quit, it could be the end of the band. You practically have to eat, sleep and live together. On the road, this how we lived. We were on the road a lot, I don’t know how we managed school and the band, but we did. Bob kept the band busy, we slept in nice hotels and performed in some very classy places. Although we were young teenagers, we stayed out of trouble, we didn’t drink even though there was alcohol in some places we performed. The band was big, we had a lot of equipment to halt and we didn’t own a van so we had transportation problems, eventually Bob got the Sunrise Cultural Arts Center for practices, but there was one problem, girls, girls girls. Practice became more of a show than practice. The girls were in the men’s bathroom, following us everywhere, we were celebrities, but although there was distractions, there was never any trouble or an incident with girls. They like us, and we liked them and we kept peace. Bob was the manager, and he took the risk, and we didn’t want to do anything to fail him.
In 1972, The Battle of the Bands competition at Brain Mcmahon High School, Norwalk, Connecticut. The competition was stiff, there were many good bands, but I couldn’t wait for the Soul Musicians to take the stage. I knew they were going to blow the competition away. I knew they would take first place. They were ready for the Apollo N.Y., they were ready for the recording studio, and they were ready for music industry. The Soul Musicians had already perform with Kool & and the Gang, Black Ivory and many other professional acts. This was the ultimate test. It was a packed arena with many young teenagers, sitting and waiting for a good show. I didn’t perform with them, but I knew from practice they were ready to take first place. The D.J. announced, The Soul Musicians, and these two large red curtains opened slowly. The Soul Musician were the youngest band on stage. From where I was sitting , they looked like kids on stage. Bob, Raymond, and Tommy performed the vocals on “Fall in love, lady love” Dramatics, “I’m so proud” The Main Ingredients,” Goin in Circles” The Friends of Distinction and the last song ” I want to take you higher” Sly and the Family Stone. Their performance was excellent, standing ovation, the place went wild, teenager were clapping long after the song was over. The D.J. came back on stage to announce the winner, ” The Soul Musicians won the competition” and Bob walked on stage to receive the trophy, and the place went wild again. It was an amazing night, one that none of us will ever forget. That night opened many doors for the band, it was a night to tell our children about. It was one of many great nights we had as a band. If you work hard enough, pursue your dreams, and never give up, you can accomplish anything, anything is possible. A bunch of Kids from Southfield Village go into Brain Mcmahon High School and take first place in a battle of the bands competition is an amazing accomplishment. Eventually the Soul Musicians would win all battle of the band competitions, and started to build their name around the City of Stamford. Performing at the Rippowam High School Prom, and many other performances for the City of Stamford got the band publicity and contracts all over the city.
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A musical ensemble from the 70's.
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Southgate House HICKORY ROBOT plays a free show tonight, all night long in Juney's Lounge!
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