Ba Glenwood Andrews Weneva yu txtn sumbody & dey ask yu wyd u replied goin to da mall frist thang dey txt bak "wat yu gettn me" lol
Reach Both I always thinking about u all the time . But It is not important for u.
Tia Conarty So 7 just bawld and told me he wana live wit me 4 ever sory jamie look like u and da kids gone have 2 move n ma one bd rm apartmdnt wit us wat ever 7 wants 7 gets lol
do u know d speciality of d pic..????
... .
.This pic is taken from world's tallest building 'Burj Dubai'
Look at the edge (uppermost right corner) of the picture, you can almost see the turn of the earth
The persons who are working on the upper most Girders can see the 'ROTATION OF EARTH'
So terrifying.. :) share it if u like it :)
Cathy Giles Well cookin olivias tea n wat she do fall asleep bless her mummy n daddys lil princess n lucas well he jst a fighter n mummy n daddy love u so much our lil prince i ave the perfect kids ever i got all i every wanted now all i gotta do is win the lottery xxx
Pierre Gardner hey mike tinsley what excuss do u have now bec u all suck
Tshepiso Shilabe Now I miss u so much!
Kate Austin Comment for My fav feature of u xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cj Uso Everything happens for a reason, live it, love it, learn from it! Make your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile ... :) ... Fuck you sultan alsusi i will be strong u can't hurt me ... God is with me .....
Sawmtea Hmar Whenever an evening star appears it reminds me of what we had and i smiled alittle..jus the way u smile....[)![]
Shereen Banda My phone luvs wen u sms it, its little
face lights up, bursts into beeps nd hs
ur name written all ova it, so i think u
shud sms more often. it lyks u!
Siddharth Sonker love me or hate me both r in my faver.......
if u love me so ur in my heart......
or if u hate me so ur in my mind.......
Hazel Darlerbe Titus Lord pls heal our baba we rushing him 2 hospital pls Lord don't let it b serious Lord I leave him in u healing hands u the only 1 that can heal him thank u Jeasus
Onofuevure Ovie Victor tanx God 4 d success of dis exam,now a certified international project management u Lord be al d glory.tanx to FUTO lecturers 4 unleashing d resources in them into our lives.
Suzanne Marie Harden just got back from my doctors appointment the baby doing good now waiting for my mom to get off work then goin to the hospital to see my pappy i love u pappy an i love my boys..
Zimbini Lira Hapi sabbath pepps lv u all
Krystle Coleman U gotta EARN, what u really want in life..
Kelli Mylifebelikee Rihm its quicker to count tha thnqz that aint wronq wit u den to count tha thinqz that are.
Wanjuki Vicky Muchemi Jnr Huyu bouncer maze ni fala ati nitoke nilook under 18 na mimi ndiye sponsor if you aint here cijui uko banana leaf drinks,musiq,beauties tokelezea u won't be dissapointed
Sbusiso Patrick Maseko Rspect a person in lv that do have,secreat,friends pearpressure,lie,nt trusted,nt gud communication,always fting n dnt hve eneogh time with u.
Bunty Bhatia It hurts to fall in luv with someone, who can't luv u back!
John Palumbo if u play games i am looking for tokens please the app games with casino and all that i have 5000 coins and im trying to get more coins so i can play more games if u can help me witht hat would be wonderfull ty
Andre Lukstar Kundah beta behave,u dealin wit a rich nigga!!!
Disheem Drizzy Wilson Lms if u cute"
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