Dương Hạnh Nga Ừ, thì cho là già rồi cũng được... Ừ thì biết là vui chơi đó, sôi động đó... Nhưng sau 1 thời gian được "nuông chiều" bởi sự luyện tập, bởi thói quen thưởng thức nghiêm túc thì... Có lẽ sẽ ko muốn bước chân vào kara mà có rượu, có những lời cợt nhã - chưa kể có 1 vài lời vô hại với người khác nhưng xúc phạm tới mình :)) thật sự lúc đó ko nói câu nào nhưng trong lòng đang muốn đập phá =)) công chúa mượn rượu hả - ờ thì rượu nói... mà nói lên bản chất thoai
Paul Kwiatkowski Kasper U.S. Says Americans Are MILITARY Targets in the War on Terror … And Says that Only the White House – and Not the Courts – Gets to Decide Who Is a Legitimate Target http://www.prisonplanet.com/u-s-says-americans-are-military-targets-in-the-war-on-terror-%E2%80%A6-and-says-that-only-the-white-house-%E2%80%93-and-not-the-courts-%E2%80%93-gets-to-decide-who-is-a-legitimate-target.html
The debate also has left many Americans scratching their heads as to whether Congress is actually attempting to authorize the indefinite detention of Americans by the military without charges. But proponents — led by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) and Carl Levin (D-Mich.), chai...
Bruno Henrique Tu és Senhor, meu Deus meu criador
Quão grande és Tu, criaste o universo
Quero dizer, com os lábios que criaste em mim
Te conhecer foi tudo em minha vida.
Ainda Deus, que queiram me tirar de Ti
Sou filho Teu, te peço Pai abraça-me
Cuida de mim, pois sempre quero repetir
Espírito de Deus
Apossa-te de mim
Que eu seja servo Teu
Pra sempre Te servir
Sem Ti eu nada posso
Sem Ti não sei viver
Por toda a minha vida
Foi bom Te conhecer.
Oduntan Babalola Oluwagbenga I wil extol thee,my God,o king,& i wil bless d name 4ever n ever.everydy wil i bless thee,& i wil praise thy name 4ever n ever
Nathanael David Kontur Woodville tonight, stoked! :O
Schanda Green good morning....gotta start hanging x-mas lights outside today..and its cold today..lol..o well its worth it..donavyn will be here tommorrow..so ive gotta get it done today..miss allie will be here too..cant wait till they see everything lite up!!!
Ma Correa Esse ano eu:
01. ( ) Matei aula
02. (x) Perdi alguém muito especial pra mim.
03. ( ) Mudei pra pior
04. ( ) fui jogado na piscina.
05. (x) Bebi alguma bebida alcoólica.
06. (x) Ri até chorar.
07. ( ) Cai andando de bicicleta.
08. (x) Colei na prova.
09. (x) escutei música no banho.
10. ( x) Fiquei de recuperação
11. (x) Fiquei um dia inteiro de pijama.
12. (x) me queimei
13. (x) Dancei muito em uma festa
14. (x) Fui pra praia
15. ( ) Consegui andar de skate (mais caí logo em seguida)
16. ( ) Andei muito de skate
17. ( ) Gravei cover de alguma música.
18. ( ) Dormi no trabalho (Horário de almoço)
19. (x) Fiz uma operação
20. (x) Me cortei
21. (x) Sonhei com alguma coisa e depois ela aconteceu
22. (x) Me apaixonei
23. (x) Conversei muito
24. (x) me arrependi de alguma coisa que fiz
25. (x) me arrependi de não ter feito algo
26. (x) Conheci o amor da minha vida "será?"
27. ( ) Me apaixonei e me lasquei
28. Escolha 5 amigos para fazer o mesmo: Aline Rocha Thais Rocha Vinicius Mesquita Victoria Bailoni Mayara Delasta
Akinbanjo Gbenga Ninu gbogbo ödun to nbe laye,odun keresi loyato to je odun alarinrin..ODUN TITUN TO MBØ LØNA BABA JE O SOJUN EMI WA..
Xavier Sala Martin Als experts en FB del mur, heu vist la peticio d'auxili que fa l'Ernesto Ernesto Jimeno Frattini?
Ernesto Jimeno · Friends with Pepe Basauri
Esto es un S.O.S dirigido a quienes entiendan algo del asunto.
Hace dos días, al intentar entrar, me apareció un anuncio de que debía cambiar la contraseña; a partir de ahí, un calvario: cada vez que intento cambiar la contraseña, suiguiendo el preocedimiento indicado, entro en un "loop" que me lleva siempre al punto de partida.
En otro de los disparates de Facebook, puedo escribir en el Muro de Xavier sin ser amigo. Como ya tiene cubierto el cupo de 5.000, pasas directamente a ser suscriptor, lo que te permite leer y comentar todos sus post leer y los post de sus amigos, pero no comentarlos.
Vamos, dos disparates, no puedo acceder a mi cuenta y cualquiera , aunque no sea amigi, puede leer y comentar en tu muro.
Ya me parecía que un tío que iba con albornoz y chanclas a una reunión de negocios era algo más que "excéntrico" y que podía cometer grandes cagadas: Zuckergerg, me c... en tus muertos.
A ver si Gustav Grau o Nuria Palahí pueden intervenir. Ah, como ahora no son mis amigos, no les aparece ninguna señal.
Algu sap com arreglar aixo?
Geanyna Gp In ce hal ne certam..sincer.. ai zice ca e arta, Da’ cat de dulce ne impacam, parca ne'am mai dori o cearta, Oricat ar suna de siropos, n'o dau la intors, Pentru ca vad oriunde'i EL, aproape toate prind un rost! :) ♥
Arnold Khalaili O pen wider
There was a couple going at it for the first time,
and after a while, the guy asks the woman to
open her legs a little wider.
She does and they continue.
A few minutes go by and he tells her again,
"Open your legs a little wider."
She does, then he says again, "A little wider,
The woman starts getting pissed off but she
does it.
This continues until he asks again, "Can you
open them just a little wider?"
So she finally yells, "What are you trying to do;
get your balls in too?"
He says "No, I'm trying to get them out.
Milky Way Minh dang o doan giua rui sao ta?! ho`ho`
20 tuổi, khi thấy chàng trai đẹp thầm nghĩ giá như có anh bồ như thế thì hay biết mấy cho đám bạn lác mắt chơi... 30 thấy anh đẹp trai nhếch mép cười, bụng nghĩ ''nhìn thì hay đó, đi cine, dạo phố thì được, yêu thì không''
Eduardo Magueta "Neste momento, estou mais perto de defender a independência da Madeira. O meu grande sonho é ver a minha terra tornar-se num país enquanto for vivo. E, se possível, mudar de língua"
Rui Alves, se for preciso ajuda, eu crio uma lingua nova para a Madeira. assim como assim também não tenho nada melhor p'ra fazer.
Como eu adoro esta gente
Verlin Balsiger III What would you do-o-o for a Klondike bar?
Peter Walcott oh a hunting i will go, a hunting i will go, high hoe the dairy-o a hunting i will go (wen it gets a wee bit brighter)
Swaggergirl Nguyen Vazquez Ima do it easy way cuz I did it like 2 times didn't go on the stupid status
A: yes
B: feb/5
C: josaph A idk him but he cute
D: fanta
E:jay jay
F: best love song/ without you
I:just broke up with someone:'(
J:aunts dog bahhahahaha
L:since kindergarten name: choetso
O:to find a guy that will love me for who I am:)
P:umm sat txt is adair
Q: r u single xD haha lol
R:when j see guys/friends/fAmily
S:without u. .... Crying
T:9 something
U:white with purple
V:when mr an ma friend got chased by 2 fat ass cops
W: when somehing bad happens I dk stupid ass stuffs
Y:last night:'(
Z: idk
Savannah Lindell So its the parade of lights 2 nite, n its another year i gotta wrk n don gt to c them : ( o well mayb next year.
Platinum'Beenda Houston - smh . A whole half hr late to my dentist appointment o,O i hope they see mee today !
Angie Eninew good morn to everyone out and about,l thank god once again o live and enjoy another day with loved ones and friends .have yourself a good day -remenber stay posative and happy because. LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR BULLSHIT.
Nthabiseng Mathlare O se bone thola boreledi teng ga yona go a baba
Marcel Henrique Scandolara Sonolencia ou sei la o que ...
Marlon Daveryhandsomestranger Thomas (CBDub Muzic Video Newz) we got 4 new videos droppin in da next few weeks,,peep out the two new vids "Put Dat On Da O"&"Get Money" at www.youtube.com/cbdub88
The Carolinian Newspaper (Raleigh) THE CAROLINA CALL, 20 YEARS AND COUNTING!
For the Carolina Call
By H. E. Wesley Jr.
Rev. Evelyn Harrison-Jervay is the Founder and Publisher of the Carolina Call, the first FREE African-American Newspaper in North Carolina. She proudly placed on her masthead—“An Open Ending Linking A New Beginning.’’ What does that mean? She answered that question this way—In this postcolonial era, the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, Black People all over the globe are searching for Fellowship and a Higher Reality. The problem was from the perspective of the staff was—where do we start the understand process? Rev. Evelyn answered that question by explaining—the Call will require a major departure in the area of family/male & female relationships as well racial investigation. She explained that her vision of the Carolina Call as an open journey showcasing the African-American experience in terms of the feminine and masculine principles; something that has for the most part been obscured, due to the denaturing effects of slavery and colonialism. As such, feminine and masculine principles raise basic questions about the nature of our racial existence, perception, and reality. The feminine and masculine are psychological and cosmic energies inherent in each of us. But given to the mentally degrading effects of our recent history, the mission of the Carolina Call is to offer the Black Community a different slant on flesh-and-blood African issues. Over the 20 years of the Call’s existence, this staff writer learned a great deal. From the outset, Madam Publisher made her views clear—improvement of the Black Race has to start with the family. Over the years I have come to appreciate the fact that—“Feminine and masculine portray the basic dynamics of how we function in and relate to the world, as well as the ongoing process of the universe.’’ Thanks to Madam Publisher, I have come to accept the fact that the essence of feminine and masculine energy is a reflection of the dynamics of one’s own intelligence and one’s capacity for emotional response and communication. There is no denying that many of the descriptions and qualities that we attribute to the Black Family globally are derived from sexual differentiation and social roles. To explore feminine and masculine qualities without touching upon some of our most fundamental life experiences would be self-deceptive. The personal experiences of every individual are characterized by innumerable differences, points of uniqueness that are there to be appreciated and respected. Yet if feminine and masculine refer only to our social and biological distinctions, this would mean that Black women and Black men represent two opposites. That Black women and Black men are the manifestations of two fixed poles of experience. Could this be the basis or the root-cause of chauvinism? A basic aspect of chauvinism is the value and emphasis that have been placed upon the sexual distinctions derived from childbearing. The belief that these distinctions represent the crowning difference in the Black experience has been institutionalized in many ways and has provided or supported many taboos and social prejudices that has led to the breakdown of the Black Family. Madam Publisher laid down the law—The Carolina Call will transcend the psychological and social views that are normally voiced. She said, here, the feminine is not applicable to women alone, but is relevant to both Black men and Black women in our search for spiritual understanding, self-understanding and racial understanding. She stressed the idea that the feminine draws on a number of spiritual and cultural traditions, and she wanted the Carolina Call to re-evaluate insights, to produce a synthesis that sheds new light on the meaning of the role of Black Womanhood and how it penetrates everyday Black-racial experiences. Of course that opened the door to a historical analyses of the Black father/masculine principle, as it relates to the mother/feminine principle. This pushed me as a writer to investigate and showcase the interplay between the feminine and the masculine as a dance illuminating the spiritual and cultural development of the Black Race. In this day and age, materialism is advanced as all-important; the case is presented as if humans are bodies with a soul. Yet in actuality, we are souls with bodies. A point made clear by the feminine principle. Note the feminine principle reveals the “unborn, unceasing, and spacious as the sky. As staff writer for the Carolina Call, I like to think that my ability to write has been christened the Reverend’s “Carolina Call type sermons.’’ Several years ago I stumbled upon the following proverb. I copied it and placed it over my desk as a constant reminder of the feminine principle. Doth not wisdom cry? And understanding put forth her voice? She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths. She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors. Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of men. O ye simple, understand wisdom: and ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be of right things.
For my mouth shall speak the truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips....The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting time from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, 1 was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth: While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world. When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the deep: When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep: When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his command-ment: When he appointed the foundations of the earth: Then I was by him, as one brought up with him : and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth: and my delights were with the sons of men. Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For who so findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favor of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. Over the years, chauvinism was the word of choice many used to describe my attitude about life and living. And yet, given the opportunity, nay the privilege to write for the Carolina Call, with every new article I attempted to explore, at the root of every article, regardless of the subject, I subconsciously reflect on my duty. That is to try to get those who wear a black skin to THINK. On the masthead of your Carolina Call we read—“An Open Ending Linking A New Beginning,’’ and that new beginning has to start with the family. As Black men and Black women, we are all the same and we are all different. We all have to face the reality of our birth and death, and of our having to grow up and actualize ourselves while still coping with the world of impermanence. Yet within this shared universal situation we as male and female are unquestionably unique. The different approaches and experiences of the world that each one of us has are not dependent solely upon sexual distinction. To feel that one characteristic, whether it is sexual, intellectual, or physical, defines who one is, will always induce defensiveness and self-protectiveness. To derive a permanent sense of identity from any of the qualities or energies of experience, whether sexual, emotional, physical, or intellectual, prevents one from seeing the subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude of the moment, and mutes appreciation of observable fact. To appreciate, to be able to taste and savor a particular experi-ence, a conversation, or a glass of wine, requires an openness and emptiness of preconceptions. The inseparability of emptiness and appreciative warmth returns us to the immediate and transcendent play of feminine and masculine. Rev. Jervay made it clear to me that she was looking for a Black writer, not a Black ventriloquist. She inferred that Carolina Call did not need a writer who projects the voice of white America as if the readers were wooden dummy. As such, I am obligated from time to time to review my writings and acknowledge as a Black Man, as a Black writer, I am in the service of Black People and thank Reverend Evelyn Harrison-Jervay and her husband Paul. And grounded in my articles will be the following message to my readers.
As Black men and Black women, each one of us may wish to actualize and refine our feminine and masculine qualities with the awareness that one should not be impressed to the detriment of the other. In the healthy interplay of these inseparable energies neither can dilute nor repress the other. As complementary aspects of a whole, feminine and masculine maintain their integrity by each allowing the other its complete expression. The fullness of the one depends upon the openness of the other. Health or sanity is not a half and half proposition but a fearlessness that allows either one of these energies its full manifestation.
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