Liam Daniel Stockenstroom The days of trying to find a natural groove and trying to dodge grapes at the same time... listening to the nightwatchmen made us fall safely in love with music and ourselfs and so we thank you for taking time out of your day to change our evening in a way that is unexplainably Fucking awsome..Step back and just keep watching...Its you we looking for....Me Liam D
Released June 2005- Nightwatchmen Vol.1- David Gresham, his third compilation feat. only SA House, his third compilation
May Rizzardi "A distância entre o sonho e a conquista chama-se ATITUDE"
Trent Hood If your girl's a dime, then mines a half ounce ;)
Courtney Heisler Being a younger mom means we met a little ealier but I get to love you a little longer. People said my life would end when I had a baby, but my life had just begun. You didn't take my future you gave me a new one. Repost if your a proud mom and what age you became one... I was 20 with james and ill be 21 with my next baby due in march... i would change anything for the world both my babies are blessings.
Lara Davidson James Horrax JH: if I were UEFA / FIFA I'd cut the 'events' budget. As things go this has been a shocker...get on with the draw already!
Carl Sandin Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.— Thomas Sowell
Andrew K Arnesen Am having a fabulous time in the Park... Seen all sorts of wonderful beasties and couldn't be with a nicer person- my wife to be!! Guts problems seems to have died, early this morning in fact, around 4 before we left for the drive of the year!
Simphiwe Mtshengu I figure out that human kind always wanna point a finger against development. Human interaction is developing to a certain stage forward from the forebears and human kind is manifistation of eternal development, regardless of race, colour, creed and region. Can't the West be used for the good of human kind?
Christy Anderson Love hanging out in Amelia Airstream, working on a new project, listening to Pandora and feeling the sun shining in! All is good!
Emily Leivas Re-Post: If any1 has any new or used jackets (ages 6-17) that U would like 2 donate 2 a childrens Orphanage please contact Sujey Tallon-Sanchez - If Ur at home take 10minutes & look thru Ur closets- Be a Blessing 2 a child & help keep them warm- (Coachella Valley Area) - God is Love ♥
Doctor Miracle In a 311 kind of mood.
Belinda Galloway God arrived this morning at my house. We spent some time talking and He held me because I was having a bad morning. I told Him that you needed Him too so He left coming to your place. When He gets to your wall escort Him to the next stop. Please don't leave Him to "sleep" on your wall.The message He's carrying is very important & it needs to go around. Say a prayer & pass Him on to bless others !!
Aditya Sharma YES it is in ma blood;m a philanthrope :) :)
Jemone Singleton TGIF!!!!!!!!! Everyone have a wonderful and safe weekend
Gladys Garcia-Hernandez The only reason I'm fat is because a tiny body couldn't store all this personality<3
Shanaas Millicent Shiela Visser what a nice friday,chilling with my sister-in-law
Donna Boone Galmore why folks so full of it, whatever it is, and when they are full of it , we all know it, get sick of it and learn to move on before it is too late, then all of a sudden before we realize it here come some more folks with some more bs and the cycle repeats itself, at least in most cases.....
Clifton Chapman I should put a sail on my car today. Save some gas lol
Desiree Kanoeonalani Ki'eki'e Aipolani-Kaaihue Good Morning, Its Friday TYJ. Hope The Day Flys On By. Have A Good Day All
Timmy Singh tthnku so so so muchhh.. to all my near n dear frndzzz .. thnxxx a lot .. u all made ma bday very special ..,... thnku thnku thnku <3 luv u allll thnxxx lotzz
Sis E B Bonebrake tis a tough day today :/ but ima tryn keep muh spirits up <3
Tumie Sellwe Q does ur guy satisfy u in bed
A aheem yes h does n excellent job
Jørn Lysvoll A ‘scientific’ report claims relaxing the ban would also see more Saudis - both men and women - turn to homosexuality and pornography.
A ‘scientific’ report claims relaxing the ban would also see more Saudis - both men and women - turn to homosexuality and pornography.
Glenroy Cole Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.
Marcus Siewert Nu blir det After-Work med bl a Staffan Fri, Madeleine Lövgren och Emma Öhrn
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