Quer ganhar uma HAVAHIANAS dessa ? Basta curtir nossa página, compartilhar e colocar o número do seu pé no Mural da nossa página. Serão 50 peças sorteadas no mesmo dia. Então vamos curtir e compartilhar, Boa Sorte a todos.
Nina Hoppe I think this could be a hit....
On l'a rêvé!! Nutella l'a fait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Un fast food uniquement consacré aux plaisirs du Nut!!!!!!
The picture shows a tiger. Your challenge is to spot the hidden tiger.
Do Not Say But When You Find the HIDDEN TIGER In this Pic Hit SHARE
Brandon Howard going to go to the smokey n get a sandwich
Boikhutso Mpatle Ko TonorongSeemela 19 hours on duty ga se a childs play
Tony Barajas I think it sounds fair... After all it was our taxes whom bailed the freaking banks out of the whole... You would think the moral thing to do is to at least keep folks in their homes as a thank you token right?!?...
Luke Stoltenberg my Hotmail inbox just reached 3000 unread messages. Can I have a prize?
Jeff Roush I'm glad it's finally Friday - but it's a bitter-sweet kind of day
Melissa Feliciano work in a few hrs..
Today really sucks and no not because of work. I guess I just dont understand and never will! This is bull shit! I just dont know what to say. :/
Jawed Momin Short question with a cute answer:-
Someone asked a boy..
"How is your life..??"
He smiled and answered..
She's fine"..JR
Rahul Batra No time to think about A status!! B-)
Amanda Key Who has two thumbs and a job interview on Tuesday?!? This girl!!!! Everyone, please keep me in your prayers, I really need a job, and thank you Katrina, you just might be my life-saver!
Dina Paredes My shirt might be a little inappropriate for work.. Oppsy! Maybe I should get sent home as punishment...
Mariahsmommy Shantera Im living a movie cut the cameras on
Beth Polash Dear apartment:
It's time to fear and meet your match ! Oxy-powered machinery ... The rug doctor.. Dun dun duhhhhh ..... Is on its way home. Tis the season for a mighty battle. But who will win?????!
Then off to the park with Jj. Rocco McLovin :)
Todd Allan Good luck to my wife and her staff today. Party In A Box Catering will be doing the Broadcom event at the Ocean Institute. Over 500 guests are expected!! Its a biggie.....congratulations to my wife!!
Sebastian Herrera It's been three months and now I finally get to say I'm a Marine!!! Along with my brother sponagle
Irene Hawley Anda Caden refused to smile for a lady at the library who. Admired his red hair. When we got to the bank drive in window, where they give suckers, he whipped off his hat, big smile and asked the teller of she liked his hair.
Kimberly Williams I want a corned beef omelette with some crispy hashbrowns, two cheeses and extra onions please- no toast! Oh and a grape juice, thanks!!!
MzKita Toyou Jones I think after the baby's doc appt me and June will go pick out a baby book for our lil mans... I need to fill out the pregnancy part asap cuz it's almost OVER! Yay me
Laura Lynn Curran having a wonderful 26th birthday-amazing, getting another 4 day weekend with G filled with ridiculousness-can't wait, eating the delicious almond cake I got for my birthday for breakfast/lunch (apparentlytodayismycheatday)... Priceless.
Sara Rubio Q lindo es papa Dios cuando ha tenido tanta confianza conmigo y cada persona y es papa o mama , es la bendicion mas grande dada por El , papa Dios te doy infinitas gracias por confiar en mi y haberme bendecido con las dos mas lindas princesas , y hoy una de ellas cumple un ano mas , llenala de tu sabiduria y amor para seguirte y ser un ejemplo para muchad otras ninas q de solo de tu mano se llega lejos y seremos mejores dia a dia , y a mi tambien llename de tu sabiduria y del fruto del Espiritu Santo para poder guiarla y seguir ensenandole tu camino , vale I love u , and Happy Birthday :)
Monique Bourgeois 3 days before his 3rd Birthday...and he now officially 98% potty trained during the day!! 2 dry nights in a row,.....I'm so close to being diaper free!!!!!
Sael Deniz Ochoa Otra noche para el bar hemos salido a ver que pasaaaaa...
Patricia Keesickquayash wishing everyone a great weekend...keep it real and play it safe :) enjoy!!!
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