The picture shows a tiger. Your challenge is to spot the hidden tiger.
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Andrea Bakesova A bit of innocent sparkle..enjoy girls.. :-)
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Karla Pettway Whats wrong with some of these kids today thinking school is a JOKE!
Rochelle Morgan ...Layin in da bed got alot of ish on my mine bud its good oan i like to wish my nafew a happy bday 3 goin on 30 ily bryan jr.
Joshua Ortiz ”Flip a coin for any amount of time. Once done you would've effectively traveled that far into the future.” - The Super Ego from Common Sense on Time Travel and Other Easy Things We Complicate
Angelica Marquez It's not my fault you didn't read the fine print. I came with a warning label.......
Emily Rose Gray In serious need of a confidence boost.
Terri Thompson Starkey I am proud of my dad-he got a 14 point buck!! His name is Grant Thompson, check out the picture on his fb page. He has some breathing problems, this will most likely be his last season. When mom saw it she said a deer like that deserved to be mounted, so it's already at the taxidermist. :)
"Put Stoops in a corner, and he comes out swinging. No matter rough seas, at regular season's end, Stoops' Sooners produce. Big 12 title games? 7-1. Bedlam finales against Mike Gundy? 6-0. That's a warning for the Cowboys..."
Joash Jaheim Otundo ma palz 've a rainy wkend kama kawaida en afabulouz sabbath.....gudnyt!
Jamel JenkinsJones takee a shott forr mee...
Collin Taylor Why is it when your in a hurry all of the green lights turn red, but when you want to stop and read a text it turns green?? Gahh that's the worst.
Wisdom Ovf Oz As I wandered round Blackpool town centre today, last minute Chrimbo and holiday shopping with Fiona. I noticed that my zombiefied ant-like nature due to my service in Graftganistan didnt look too out of place. This chameleonic altered state followed me into the gents of the Hounds Hill. Why? Because when I positioned myself at the urinal I suddenly became obsessed with the mundane. No, not my Uncle Chop-Chop. But the thickest, blackest, longest pubic hair - I have EVER clapped me sleep reapers on. So, I took a piece of gift tape. Stuck the cable-like sample to the back like Grissom from CSI. And now, Im going to strategically place into a friend/family members bed, without them knowing. Causing no-end of devious delights to view with splendor. Marital break-up. Domestic violence. Or wishful thinking!(laughs like Dr Evil)
Sabelo Hlatshwayo A beautiful,sexy woman ws siting next to a man in a plane. The woman turned 2 hm nd said: "cn u help me remuv somethng 4rm my breasts,please?"
The excited young man replied: "it wil b my pleasure! So wht is it?"
she said: "your eyes idiot!"
Terence Williamson I love the Ultimate Poker PRO, it gives a novice like me, lots of chips, to try and turn them into a billion chips etc, this in turn allows me plenty of play time to hone my skills, bring it on.
Jaime M. Foster Its a great day to be alive!!! I love my job!!! Sooo fortunate to have a Monday -Friday job with great people!!!
Toria Ruby Red Hill boreddd and missin a betta halff so readyy forr mi wkend to start hangin wit mi sistahh toworroww i hopee with dhat bein saidd hoppin i chill with da bhuu todayy hit me uhpp either uhp heree orr if yu got mi otha numberr call mehh
Sandeep Kapoor If it's important, you'll find a way. If it isn't, you'll find an excuse.
Kyle Barrett well i have another job interview today! @ Wetzel's Pretzels in South Shore Plaza I applied yesterday and got a call this morning, that was fast. maybe this is the one!
Anulee Pawar "Expectation is a gift not a curse"
"When people expect something decent from U...
it means U have given them reasons to belive in U..
Mirek Badyoczek I OFFICIALLY HATE THE RAGE BUILDER... the first time making one of my masterpieces i accidentally pressed the wrong button and went back a page... so i had to start over... and it took me over an hour to do it... then the second time... THE SON OF A B!TCH JUST STOPPED WORKING... i give up... i am never making that one rage comic ever again... @#$%^&*&^%$#$%^%$%^&%$#!
Ninely Ninel Petrache "LUCA: Ajunge! E ridicol ceea ce spui… A vorbi despre un copac sau despre iubire mi se pare o idiotenie! Omului trebuie sa-I arati mizeria in care traieste ca sa constientizeze si sa ia atitudine. Omul e o mizerie!"(Printesa Ondinne)
Brian Greenaway Still waiting for my Trike to be fixed (again) it's down near Bournemouth now, at least it seems this guys knows what he is doing and should be ready in a shoert while now, then watch out locals, it's me making all the row.
Charles Bray Ah well that one function out of the way, Christmas lunch a bit early good for me , half of my Christmas do's are out of the way. It has to be early as many of the residents go home for an extended home visit again good for me. I Love this job.
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