Saturday, January 7, 2012

First let me start off by saying thank the Lord from above for all that he has done amen With that said and done this day I really enjoyed myself

Natasha Daniels
Natasha Daniels First let me start off by saying thank the Lord from above for all that he has done amen. With that said and done this day I really enjoyed myself with my mother and sis no fussing nothing but laughter YES the first time in years good night
Yvonne Crews
Yvonne Crews 2012 is not starting off up great... but I have faith it will get better
Trevor Wiley
Trevor Wiley If i wanted to listin to a asshole id fart!!!!
Myke Hudson
Myke Hudson Sleeping at da top nightmares of da bottom everybody wanna be fly til u spot em but whom am I to talk I aint shitn roses we n da same picture but all got different poses
Jesse Adams
Jesse Adams I dont know what it is, but i need that one thing, and you've got that one thing.
Rudy Olivarez Jr.
Rudy Olivarez Jr. Are you from heaven? Because I have an erection.
Kelly Danielle Olson
Kelly Danielle Olson Where's a friend when I need them?
Bruce Lawrence
Bruce Lawrence Emotional roller coaster today. Meeting with HOA insurance did not go well, after being told yesterday we were good to go. I got to have my say! By mid-afternoon Gary receives a call that an agreement had been reached & work will begin Monday. Tonight a surprise call from a friend giving us lower arena tics for UK games tomorrow! Now enjoying a glass of wine with Gary! Breath.........
Annetta Jones
Annetta Jones Did you know - the people who are usually the strongest are usually the most sensitive? Did You know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated? Did you know the ones who take care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it most? Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and help me. Put this as your status if you agree... not so easy huh ??..
Larayia Garay
Larayia Garay I want to give a thankss too my aunty alena for giving mii the best life ever and helpingg mii when noone was there for mii and buying mii clothess,she is everything to mii her and my uncle peedy!! I LOVE THEMM SOOOO MUCHHH!!!!<3 i love yaa!!
Lori Sarnie
Lori Sarnie I am going to France for 14 months.
Caelan Jye Flüdd
Caelan Jye Flüdd I loathe wasting my time... with anything.
Kelley Lanzarotta-Seigler
#84 Tiger: An adoptable cat in Ithaca, MI Large • Adult • Female Nice friendly female cat was brought in from the Ithaca area. She has various colored markings. She is available immediately for adoption More about #84 Pet ID: 1884 #84's Contact Info Gratiot County Animal Control, Ithaca, MI •989-875-2221 •See more pets from Gratiot County Animal Control •For more information, visit Gratiot County Animal Control's Web site.
I COULD BE USED IN PAINFUL RESEARCH EXPERIMENTS! :*( Plz DO NOT call and COMPLAIN at the SHELTERS as it is HURTING the animals. Mecosta and Gratiot counties are the two counties remaining in Michigan who practice pound seizure. Shelter pets are sold or given to class B dealers for use in experiments and research. The dealer often takes the most adoptable animals. These animals, once trusting family pets, are much easier for the researchers to handle. THESE DOGS COULD BE HEADED TO A RESEARCH LAB IF NOT ADOPTED OR RESCUED as Gratiot County Animal Control is one of two remaining counties in Michigan that still gives shelter pets to be used in research. THIS SHELTER SEND THEIR ANIMALS TO RESEARCH LABS IF NOT SAVED! PLEASE SHARE ******************************************************************************* IMPORTANT NOTE plz READ Patience MillerMichigan shelters that sell to the dealers. PLEASE do not call the shelters and complain or verbally abuse whoever answers the phone. This will only make matters worse for the dogs and prevent them from being rescued. You will only hurt the animals and do NO good at all by calling and complaining. You will prevent good rescues from helping these dogs and cats. Also be careful! Not all rescues are good rescues and sadly the bad rescues don't even know they are bad! If you want this to stop, write your representative in the Michigan Legislature and ask them to ban it! And to also ban killing dogs and cats using a gas chamber. Not all homes are good homes either....dogs can be tied outside or worse. Trying to save this dogs is good, but maybe helping the rescues that have been doing this for the past 8 years may be a good idea? You never know who will get this dogs by simply crossposting. I can give you contact information of the rescues who have been doing this and are good ones. The shelters may stop posting the dogs or allowing people in to take pictures if it causes a fuss. The way to stop this is to GET A LAW passed. Please tell people not to call the shelter unless they want to adopt! It may make the person feel better to yell at someone but it could cost dogs their lives! Patience Miller From MICHIGAN <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 BAN POUND SEIZURE Pound seizure is the sale or release of cats and dogs from a pound or shelter to a research, testing or educational facility. It is hard to imagine that dogs and cats are still being used as expendable tools in lethal experiments. It is a difficult fact that some of these animals were once accustomed to life in a human home and are now confined within a laboratory cage. Three states in the U.S.—Minnesota, Ohio, and Oklahoma—still legally require that publicly funded shelters and pounds provide dogs and/or cats to institutions for experimental or educational purposes, and other states allow it. Several states have no law either way. This horrible practice is a small, but troubling facet of the animal experimentation industry. DOES YOUR STATE PARTICIPATE? CK HERE TAKE ACTION!!!!! More info DYING to LEARN PETITION--> The Pet Safety and Protection Act, which would shut down Class B dealers, has been reintroduced in Congress. Please sign the petition below asking your representatives to support this act, which will help give pets a second chance and keep them out of labs. MORE INFO HERE ,MAYBE ,FACEBOOK GROUP Help Furry Friends (Gratiot County)LikeNon-Profit Organization · Ithaca, Michigan WE NEED ALL THE HELP HERE POSSIBLE Soooo PLZ "LIKE" and SHARE THIS! TY,dd Debra J. Wolstein I just started this cause, hoping to create enough public outcry to STOP this horrible practice in Michigan & elsewhere! Please join & share to help save animals like Chip from the horror of lab research. FACEBOOK GROUP WALL.plz JOIN.see link below Stop the Selling of Shelter Animals for Lab Research Folks, you need to know that the local rescue groups are committed to doing the very best they can and we need to be so careful not to damage their good relationship with these facilities or all hope is lost for these animals. Nobody is angrier about this than me, but PLEASE address your outrage with the city commissioners listed below, NOT the shelter staff! Harassing Ken & his staff, making rude... or threatening comments, can only serve to do more harm than good. I hope to use this cause as proof of public disgust at this practice, a form of leverage to get laws changed & contracts broken... it will never change fast enough for me, but I assure you that getting labeled kooks or terrorists will NOT help this cause, it will just guarantee that dogs like Chip will keep getting sold to labs. Thanks for your passion, your activism and your discretion!
Carol Glory Mary
Matt Machado
Matt Machado I told god to relive me from my enemies I was surprised when I lost some people who were friends to me.
Eyon YGz Vassell
Eyon YGz Vassell I need 3 blunts right now.
Payton Hamons
Payton Hamons Sierra's mom got me hello kitty duc-tape! ahh! i love you momma!
Kaia Chevy'Rider Cathcart
Playaz OnlyLive Once
Jacob Campos
Jacob Campos I don't like to call them "blackouts". I like to call them "cliffhangers". #tuneinnexttime
Jessica Bowlin
Jessica Bowlin Going to the movies with my cousin and some people she knows.....excited just dont know how to act..its been forever since i been out and enjoyed life lol missing my girls perty badly though...its very hard...gotta keep myself occupied though so i dont sit around n dwell on all of it. hopefully i will have a good time. also felt good to go visit ash n kim :)
KanDi Monet'
KanDi Monet' I feel sick >_< noooo its not fair
Judy Seajung Park
Judy Seajung Park thanks for making my last day at doolen the best day in my life. I wish I could stay there forever with you guys, but I can't. I'll love u forever and until the world ends. I love you!
Jessica WorthmorethanRubies Marie
Jessica WorthmorethanRubies Marie Waiting on a phone call...hope i dnt have to wait much longer!
Yvonne Gray
Yvonne Gray Why do I have a variety of friends who are all so different in character? How can I get along with them all? I think that each one helps to bring out a "different" part of me. With some of them I am polite. I joke with another. I sit down and talk about serious matters with one. With another I laugh a lot. I may have a drink with one. I listen to one friend's problems. Then I listen to another one's advice for me. My friends are all like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, they form a treasure box. A treasure of friends! They are my friends who understand me better than myself, who support me through good days and bad days. We all pray together and for each other. Doctors tell us that friends are good for our health. Dr. Oz calls them Vitamins F (for Friends) and counts the benefits of friends as essential to our well being. Research shows that people in strong social circles have less risk of depression and terminal strokes. If you enjoy Vitamins F constantly you can be up to 30 years younger than your real age. The warmth of friendship stops stress and even in your most intense moments it decreases the chance of a cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%. I'm so happy that I have a stock of Vitamins F! In summary, we should value our friends and keep in touch with them. We should try to see the funny side of things and laugh together, and pray for each other in the tough moments. Thank you for being one of my Vitamins!

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