Bogdan Alexandru Today: the start of a life without Coca-Cola, with Ciuperca Adelina :-D
Melissa Dixon got to see my baby tonight it was a good visit. Then went and seen a good friend,it was nice seeing her
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limited stock, jd yang pertama booked ida yg daept ya bun...harga sudah nett dan belum termasuk ongkir. Transfer HARUS HARI INI juga Ditunggu smp SORE nanti.
Jae Wonka I/m pretty stoked about this new trak. Give it a listen.... & THINK: if BASSNECTAR and NastyNasty had a baby it would be BOOMIN!!
Boomin 12 10 11 Wonka Dubstep
Muhamad Bin Sulong When we're having hard times to earn a few ringgit to put food on our tables, clothes for our children, shelter for our family, it breaks our heart to know that the very people we voted into power to take care of our welfare and the country's coffer keep betraying our trust and abusing their position to siphon millions from the treasury time and time again. Apparently their fat bellies are far more important than our welfare. They can say anything to justify their stinks and sins, but are these justifications change the fact? Do we just want to sit back and pretend that everything is just fine? They are teaching our children that stealing is part of their sacred values, apparently upheld since about a couple of decades ago, and perhaps will be upheld for only God knows how much longer. We must be really proud when others say that we are as stupid as a cow...
Latravion Minix Man sunday was a crazy day
Anthony Will Iam Poma Sr. be bac im goin for a ride.!
Bhathal Aman ਮੈਂ ਰੋਜ਼ ਉਹਨੂੰ ਚੰਨ ਦੇ ਬਹਾਨੇ ਵੇਖਦੀ ਆ
ਸ਼ਾਇਦ ਉਹ ਵੀ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਤੱਕਦਾ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ ......
Clint Bashho Smith Don't blame me, you were the one who voted for the puppet on a string, now he is dancing for the devil.
Tamara Hayes Feel like a bitch!!
Holuwarkemi Harehwa Olamyde Its new week my blessing is by my side d lord promise and fulfil so ask and it shall b given 2 u, morning 2 all my sweatheart & welwisher on fb. Av a wonderful day ahead.
Bushra Fawad They say that good friends can spend a long time
without speaking, without seeing, but will never
question their friendship. If you are lucky to have
such friends, copy this on your wall ... they will know
that it is for them !!!
Jd Jones "Shotgun is not for putting in your mouth babe -In a world as upside down as this one -Pretty patterns on the wall -Send your mother screaming down the hall babe" Shotgun
Jeanne Capps-Reitz Repost if your DAD is in heaven for Christmas.
If roses grow in heaven Lord, then pick a bunch for me, place them in my DAD'S arms and tell him they're from me. Tell him that I love him, and when he turns and smiles, place a kiss on his cheek and hold him for a while. ♥ ♥ ♥ I Love You DADDY ♥ ♥ ♥We all miss you sooo much...we will never forget you.
Kathleen Nuñez Overall today was a terrible day.
It just sucked.
but i'm feeling better.
Ntlhenyane Mahlatsi is back at work afta a very hectic weekend. Happy monday...
Rebecca Garcia Vivir no es para nosotros he descubierto durante la trayectoria de mi vida vivir es para servirle al senor una oracion padre santo en el nomre de jesus ayudame a ser responsable de mis actos y no vivir conforme a lo que veo a otros haciendo si no lo que dice tu palabra que yo soy en ti bendice a tus hijos con la sabiduria de tu justicia porque no es como me mira quien me mire es como me miras ti ayudanos a dijarnos cada dia en vivir conforme a tu proposito derrama favor y gracia sobre nuestras vidas sobre nuestras familias ten misericordia de cada uno de nosotros bendice a todos aquellos quienes se tomaron la oportunidad de leer este libro tocalos y cubrelos con tu sangre preciosa usame como baso para llevar la palabra de tu justicia a muchas vidas la gloria y la honra es para ti jesus amen y amen
Tolani Olabisi Folarin Xtianity is a way of life n not a religion as pple profess it to be. It is a life directed by Jesus himself n led by d holy spirit. Do u knw dat d pple dat crucified Jesus were religious pple? D best way 2 preach 2 ur neighbour is thru d kind of life u live. Xtians out there, try 2 distinguish urself 4rm d unbelievers by d kind of life u live n 1 day, ur neighbour wil ask: wot makes ur life so different? And ur reply wil b: only Jesus makes d difference. May God giv us grace.
Dwayne Bubba Howard Wow haters gonna hate but fuck it let em hate, and smiley u using ur girls ass for a mouse pad greatst shit ever....Cant get this girl out of my head, bout to have to steel a car and take a road trip...think Im playing Ill steel your shit!!!
Piyush Jain Aditya Saxena , so finally u gt A in nano !!!
Sfatul Parintilor Va asteptam pe cu urmatoarele stiri:
1. Cum sa te pregatesti psihic pentru stresul de Sarbatori
2. Sarbatori fericite: 5 pasi simpli pentru a-ti face Sarbatorile linistite
3. Cum sa slabesti: 4 sfaturi ca sa fii in forma iarna
4. Viata dupa adulter: 8 sfaturi sa iti repari casnicia
5. Despre femei: 8 semne ca nu-ti satisfaci sotia
6. Reteta zilei: Paste tricolore cu creveti si gorgonzola
7. Secom® lanseaza concursul special de sarbatori: Gatesti sanatos, deci esti sanatos!
Muriel Galloway Two years and the only memories I have are a handful (if that) of pics... Hmm
Daniela Carney TS ALMOST CHRISTMAS Type in the first letter into the search bar and type whoever comes up first :)
C - sets the Christmas tree on fire: Gregory Varney
H - kills Santa: Luke Twomlow
R - wraps the presents and writes cards: Sterre Duiker
I - Eats all the brussel sprouts: Alazar Angelo Barezzi Virtanen
S - kisses someone under the mistletoe: Heran Abiy
T - spreads joy to everyone: Yeelen Fomete
M - still believes in father Christmas: Samier Khaled
A - steals santa's sleigh: AlwaysAlia Barth
S - cooks the Christmas dinner: Melika Hota
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